LEO Roundtable #17: Bail-Out Mania, Trading DeFi, Crypto Portfolio Strategies and Silver

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

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This is one of the longer LEO Roundtables that we’ve ever done, but more importantly: it’s the first Live podcast that we’ve done as well. Threespeak recently updated their live-streaming platform and it worked like a charm. We had a few people join us in chat and there were no delays, no dropped frames and no lag.

Streaming was a great experience and we’ll definitely continue to stream the roundtables each week on threespeak. We’ll also look to multi-stream it on Twitter and possibly Facebook/YouTube to try and bring in a wider audience to Hive and LeoFinance.

We covered an incredibly wide range of topics during this show but we had a heavy focus on crypto and DeFi.

In This Episode:

  • 0:00 Bail-Out Mania: The Global Markets Will Rally On Anything
  • 3:45 AAPL and TSLA Stock Splits
  • 8:55 Real Estate - Small Towns, Lumber Prices and Rental Properties
  • 15:20 If You Had $1000, Would You Buy BAT or HIVE?
  • 16:30 Earning BAT and Brave Browser Adoption
  • 25:00 Brave Built-in Wallet
  • 31:49 BAT: The Biggest Token in DeFi
  • 37:15 RUNE and DeFi Pump Cycle
  • 43:40 Why is ETH a Good Investment?
  • 45:49 BTC Price Analysis
  • 52:08 MicroStrategy Adds Bitcoin to Their Balance Sheet
  • 54:00 Crypto Portfolio Strategy: Just Buy Bitcoin or Speculate on Alts?
  • 1:04:25 MakerDAO CDP Vaults with BAT
  • 1:10:45 Apple and Credit Spreads
  • 1:20:00 SPY and Equities V-Bottom: Will We Spike Through Highs and then Reverse?
  • 1:32:35 Lemonade (LMND): The Robinhood of Insurance
  • 1:40:30 Silver and Silver Miners (AG)
  • 1:48:20 Evolution and Results of Neal’s SPY Strategy
  • 1:54:38 LeoDex V5 Update
  • 1:58:00 Instant Swaps - Swap-app.app Review
  • 2:02:00 Oasis.app
  • 2:21:00 LEO Token Supply and Ad Revenue

steemleo black token divider.png

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Posted Using LeoFinance


Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and say that I really love these round tables! Do you do them at a scheduled time every so often? Would love to try to catch one live at some point if possible. Anyway, keep it up, and already looking forward to the next one!

Hey Matt! Glad to hear you enjoy them :)

We try to do them once a week. Usually around 11am est on Saturday or Sunday. This was the first live one we did, so hopefully the next ones will be predictable so you can hop in some weekend when you get the chance 💪🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance

This one was a good one, always enjoy the conversations, but now I have cognitive dissonance as I don't know what coin/tokens to invest in now :)

Posted Using LeoFinance

Haha so many options. Can’t blame you on that front.

I’m just focused on my main 4 (hive BTC ETH bat) and then trading in and out of these FOMO coins

Posted Using LeoFinance

Not financial advice, but I recommend investing in kitty litter.

Sounds legit

Posted Using LeoFinance

Can you explain that vote multiplier part from the end? Sounded interesting!

who is filling the other side of the order? When I sell me LEO for ETH, who's buying my LEO with their ETH? Where is the ETH coming from?

Can we delegate our leo power?