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RE: LeoAds Payout Criteria

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Implementing tiers for LeoAds is a really interesting idea. We have it right now for @leo.voter HIVE POWER delegators (it was just released about 2 weeks ago, and we've been refining the backend for it)

I think a Tier system for LeoAds could be in the cards for the future. For now, there is just a minimum bar of required activity. We could add more bars and that would give us the tiers - like you said here in your comment. A system like that can be built off the back of what we did for @leo.voter.

I'll have to think on it more, but I generally like the idea. More activity + more LEO POWER = more LeoAds Payouts


The thing would be to keep people aware of the rules so everybody finds it fair. I understand the exact numbers are random, and that may make it a bit tricky when there would be 3-5 different triers. Also, I assume you would have to surpass all three thresholds to reach a higher trier - spreding thrice as much upvotes as required and posting a single article would not get you to the top one.

The rules are transparent but they are variable.

What people find unfair is that there is no exact number. People want to know that it is 3 threads per month that they have to make so they can do the bare minimum effort

This is not how LeoAds works. You are in competition against other users. If other users are more active in the month, then you need to be more active

By adding these variables we are being transparent that you must be active and reach a certain bar but we grade on a curve to prevent the lazy people who will game the system from simply doing the bare minimum

This is essential. Otherwise we just throw away money to people who don't care about the ecosystem. I want the people who care and show up daily to get paid