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I found it very interesting that this last LPUD of the year had the small event related to staking 15% of what you already had in stake to get a delegation of 5k LEO for 1 month, it was an incredible marketing idea which led us to break records. I'm happy to have participated in so many improvements this year for the inleo community, I hope that in 2024 we can do much more!

The only downside on it, imo were the big difference between someone that had low lp (my case) to someone with the 1.5k leo. I would need to power up too much leo at one single time, that was the reason I didn't do it, and just powered up the 150 leo, which were already nice, because it was my first 150 power up :D

wow 261 lions powered up.that is indeed massive and this makes the community grow and show the serious engagement inthe community

It was a nice turnout evidently.


What is your take on powering up 15 percent of ones total Leo stakes?, do you think this awesome twist was a catalyst that pushed the lpud turn ups, if yes, will you be doing it more often?

The new threadcast feature is really fantastic. Finding & identifying users who are making live threadcasts is now more convenient and simple to find; This feature is among the greatest, in my opinion.

It is cool to see that INLEO is setting a standard of sustainability in the #web3 layer 2 category. It takes visionary leadership and a lot of courage to attempt the feat that has defined this new face of Hive.

Question: have you ever checked out Torum? It's another micro-blogging platform. Lots of gamification there, you guys might get some ideas with NFTs, etc.

I do hope the Leo NFT collection comes to fruition. I would like to see a cross change NFT collections with proper usecase. I don't like NFTs but I think it can be something used to attract new people to the InLeo community.

When LeoNode??????

Gains This is the the same question I'm asking but you thought you are in the right position to give us an answer #

It's really impressive to see how engaged the INLEO community is. The high level of user activity is a testament to how much people care about INLEO’s success. I'm glad to be a part of this community.

I just joined the community recently, but I can say my time here has been an amazing one. Apart from just been a dapp under the hive blockchain, there are many other amazing projects going on right here. And shoukd be interesting to explore

it is extraordinary all the new things that have prepared the people of Inleo, it is good to be with people committed to a single goal, and the new function of the threadcast seems very useful to identify a user, keep working to improve.


Would you consider supporting moving rewards from Layer 1 to change Hive from a social blog site to an actual chain supporting its several outposts like Inleo via proposals grabbing some HBD per MAU & Onboarding

I don't think that Will be possible but anything is possible on hive

Wow!!! The Inleo team is cooking up so many interesting updates. Inleo at this point is more than just a community, it is an ecosystem of its own and the visions of Inleo cannot be fit in a box.Cheers to more updates in 2024

that’s one thing I love about INLEO it’s keeps on getting better with amazing ui, I can see imagine what the team will achieve years to come

inleo to the world it's said it's vision is simply unimaginable never know what to expect. Definitely sure there is more in store in 2024


In a recent community call (I don't remember if Town Hall or something else) it was discussed how we need a new reputation system that doesn't rely solely on upvotes. I know some L2 tribes are working on their own reputation system. What about InLeo? Is that on the radar?

It is a very good question, it is true that historically in Hive have always had a higher reputation to the positive votes received, although there are communities that have their own rules but it be a good way to encourage quality content

@jongolson is happy. The real LP of 100K :P #ama

Wish there was a way to know when a threadcast is over. Got confused for a second.

it ends after a few hours. We’ll add a way for hosts to manually end when they stop too

threadLo lol 🤣 it was difficult to know exactly time it will be over

first time I'm checking out a live threadcast. We've come a long way since day 1 of Leo

haha right? And you’re coming during a rough patch

Usually we’re pretty smooth. This past 2 weeks have had shit node issues

We’re deploying LeoNode this week and should be back to stability

yeah, I'm not totally sure how to follow along with the live stuff but I'll get the hang of it. Very cool stuff. And btw, I remember the real rough times here. This is nothing. You've doing great.

fr This shows the level of creativity in #inleo community


We are about to end 2023, I would like to know what has been your greatest achievement so far since the rebranding and what are your expectations for 2024?

onIt's impressive to see the significant participation of 261 lions in the last LPUD, reflecting the strength and engagement of the Leo community. Crossing milestones and continuing to grow is a testament to the platform's vitality.

what an exciting project!!

With this type of development, many new Users can now see excellent reasons to join inleo community. Keep up the good work. Am here to give my own support. Kudos

I think the best thing is that we can now use InLeo to simultaneously earn revenue from Hive, HBD, Leo tokens as well as Ads. All this together is only possible in InLeo. This is the true beauty of Web3.

The threadscast is just so beautiful, I like the rings that shows on users who are participating in the threadscast.

the update on the threadcast is really amazing, it really shows that #inleo listens to our feedbacks and complain, it shows and prove that #inleo has alot instore for us in the future

wow, there's going to be NFt's? The leo team are working hard on so many projects. It'll be interesting to see how the nfts will be implented. I'm sure it'll be better than some of the washed up Nft's where its just hold and flip

Leo power ups and the ads revenue distribution is a shining example for other ecosystems to learn from.Its like everything that is done is with the interest of the community.I hope new users will also benefit.

I've become so used to the way we run things here where people earn Curation & Author reward. However, this new approach by INLEO to bring in ads revenue distribution is a game changer.

I'm looking forward to how everything will unfold.

Definitely, I agree with you, threadcast has indeed changed the face of the community and if their is one development that has got my attention recently, it's definitely the threadscast, with this no one will miss any threadcast and it's a good way to get people involved too.

Did Eric say 261 lions powered up?
That is fluffing mental.
It is a great way for everyone to be bullish and show how much they are bullish on the InLeo platform.
I am proud to have been a partiipant in every lpud! Well done everyone.

I powered up too :P

Cool, you have some bag now I know!

Let's hope it reaches $1

Aye one day, I am sure it will!

I had already decided to refocus on LPUD to be able to increase my participation and influence in the inleo community, now this last LPUD was sensational, with the incentive of increasing 15% of your current stake to win a 5k delegation for a month, for sure It was a great marketing move that resulted in this record!

The 15% was genius and if I had know I would have tried to save up, although that was 1k of LEO for me

The lions become more aggressive day by day.

InLeo remains the best frontends on Hive. Apart from encouraging micro-blogging and contents creations. It's very rewarding to be active and consistent on the UI. LeoAds can reward those active ones with leo tokens too

I need to double my engagement on Leofinance thread, this coming year will be lit on inleo

That's true, I doff my hat for the innovation and creativity of the Inleo team. They are doing g a great job.

It was so delighted because I was one of the lucky winner for the last LPUD

Benefits of hodling and having a huge leo staked are clearly implemented. The more, Leo power, one posses will decide the amount of Leo to be earned. We should power up more to earn more during the distribution

This is a very great way to make lions more interested in acquiring $LEO and staking them. This update motivates me and comes at the right time since I made my first lpud this month. I hope to buy more so I can be eligible

Although the last LPUD was a great success, I am even more thrilled to have been involved and to see that more lions are supporting the expansion of the Inleo community and everything it stands for.

yooooo took me 15 minutes to get onto threads. Not working well on brave right now. Hoped on hivesigner browser in labs

looking forward to witnessing the distribution..

It is great to see all the work that the leo team is putting into this platform. Nice to see the new leoads go live, and i like the new threadcast that's showing at the top.

Right now, content discovery is the greatest update. I truly value the easy-to-discover live threadcast on the top bar. Because so many people can now locate it easily and connect with it, compared to previously, the engagement

I was glad we could use #Inleo frontend to write articles aside from financial-related contents and still get curated by Inleo.

A big kudos to the INLEO team for their hard work and dedication. They're always developing new updates to make the user experience better, like the INLEO live threacast. It's amazing to see how they're constantly improving and innovating.

I can't help but appreciate the live threadcast as we no longer have to search endlessly for the threadcast, it's one of my best features so far. Thanks to the team for this innovation.

The truth is that this project and community has always been characterized by their hard work, always looking to improve and offer the best for the community, that's what I like about Inleo and his team, they are the best.

To move far in everything we are doing then engagement is necessary. When I got to web3. My mentor keeps telling to engage well and that's what makes me go far.The more you engagement the more you know people gain more recognition on the platform.

Long form twitter post mentioning some of todays topics, and discussing Hive and $LEO in general.


What about accounts that delegate LP to other accounts and "being active"?


2023 was a big year for InLeo with threads evolution, rebranding, the marketing push and everything we saw throughout the year. That will be hard to beat! So, what is the plan for 2024? What will be the primary focus for the team?


Do you already have plans for the implementation of nfts mentioned a while ago?

Glad to be here.

Lets get this to the level to get it on the front page.

Okay, this time I'm actually ready for this, and will be taking screenshots of my comments!!!


why screenshots?

For the Zealy Campagins!

I am glad that I am here to listen it live. #work #meeting and #ama

If we had more advanced notice of the end of the year LPUD challenge I could have done the 15%, but we were given little quite a short notice


The cooking community will be happy that you mentioned them.

Let's get it. Good to see that ads are rolling smoothly now!

Hello everyone.

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