
Is there a way to this more clean? That´s a lot of open tabs😂

You close the tab right after you respond! If you do it right, you have 0 tabs open by the end and are back to the notifications tab!

Wow, I may have to try this. For real.

It's a game changer

I found a neat trick to respond quickly and efficiently to all your notifications:

  1. Go to notifications tab
  2. Filter for replies/mentions
  3. middle-mouse / ctrl click to open in new tab on all notis to reply to
  4. Click "mark as read"

If you do it right, your tabs will look like the following screenshot. You'll be able to hit each tab, reply and close the window and then move to the next one

Then (since you hit mark read), you'll be able to restart the process l8r

I will go give a try. Makes response easier

That is interesting. I will have to try. I do each one separately. See what I can do.

It's 900x faster. I wonder how many more threads you can make in a day if you apply this method

I would be able to have a lot of convos. Sadly, no mouse. I use what is on the laptop.

Oh well.

Oh wow Task, catch up

I used to do that too but mouse is 900x faster. It's a learning curve to re-teach your brain to use a mouse instead of the laptop one, but it's worth it

I dont understand middle mouse/ctrl.

I dont have a separate mouse. ctrl what to open all notis in a new tab?

Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? If you do, then clicking the scroll wheel while hovering over something should open the link in a new tab

Ooh, I've forgotten the scroll is clickable, mine isn't doing the trick though, just the usual auto slow-mo scroll

Interesting, mine has always done it. Maybe it's a setting somewhere?

I will have to use the old fashioned right click. It is okay I can manage.

If you're on windows, I bet there's a way to do it

It makes it a lot faster. Removes a click from the process

Try ctrl + shift + click

It is a new experience entirely. But sweeter on the computer screen than the phone.

Definitely better on computer. We'll try to improve mobile soon!