
Only been using for a couple of days, but noticeably better with almost each use! Keep up the pace!

Love to hear that! Thank you for the feedback, we’ll keep improving 🦁

I noticed a little lag in the afternoon and something up with images not loading but so far looking awesome. Great work team 💪

Thank you 🦁

Thank you for the constant improvement of things around. Salute!

We’ll keep doing it! Thank you for the support 🦁

You're welcome, cheers and thank you lots!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely, the level of update that keeps on coming is something to really talk about about

I still can't wait to see what #leotok will look like, when it is eventually added

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's right, exciting things keep coming and #leotok would be another game changer

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let the devs sleep for just 1 hour ser

Definitely, the best is just happening here over and over again

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta