
How, did, you, do, that?

Premium baby, welcome to the fam 🦁

You can find a few different theme packs in the settings page. Many more on the way and they will include other features like Animations in the sooniverse

How can I turn on this blue theme?

with Leo #premium

You can unlock this and other perks like checkmark and more.

How to become a Premium Member?

it will cost you 10 $HBD

Visit here:

It took me to same #threads page with a login screen.

use hivekeychain inbuilt browser

hehe, orange is my favorite one..

Tho, blue looking classic in dark mode.

Using orange on light mode.

woke up feeling green today

Promoting "premium" :P

Blue is cool and lovely

Yeah, I'm on the blue too!

How do we add names or links to lists?

I kinda hate you right now, I would pay Premium only to have that blue, it is a million times more friendly to my eyes, I like red, I love yellow, both hurt me, that blue... I love it, it's a fresh look in some ways. I love it.

Blue is the colour