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RE: A New Use Case for HBD! | Introducing LEO Premium

in LeoFinance7 months ago

The farm produces CUB but remember that you have to stake to earn it

I suppose we could put this into the farm and it would effectively burn the CUB it earns. I’ll put a poll for the community to vote on this

Yes, you should attend more AMAs where we always talk about things like this.

Remember that bHIVE and bLEO earn wrap/unwrap fees. What happens to those fees? They buy/burn CUB as they accumulate. Building liquidity for the bHIVE-bLEO pool will not only positively impact HIVE and LEO because of increased trading volume and liquidity but it will also benefit CUB because of trading volume.

As this model is successful, CUB will outperform. Then we’ll push the model to POLYCUB as well.

Everything in this economy is made to build layered and circular value. Patience is required.


Also wondering if the hive/leo wrapping fees are still going to buy and burn CUB from the market??
With hopefully at least $1000 a month starting off in crosschain swaps there should be some fees generated.