The First 1000 INLEO Super Fans: Kick-starting the Network Effect

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Hello, Lions! We're at a crucial stage in our growth journey: building our first 1000 Super Fans. Join us on this exciting adventure and become one of them!

In this clip:

  • We are in the growth stage of building our first 1000 Super Fans

  • A Super Fan uses the platform every day, creates threads, posts, initiatives, puts effort into providing value, and understands that the value provided will return to them

  • Our goal of 1000 Super Fans aligns with our goal of 1000 Premium users as they understand the value proposition of Premium

  • Having 1000 Super Fans will reshape how the UI looks

  • The network effect occurs rapidly after those first 1000 Super Fans

What exactly is a Super Fan, you ask? Well, picture someone who not only uses our platform every single day but also dives headfirst into creating engaging threads, sharing insightful posts, spearheading innovative initiatives, and consistently providing value to our community. These Super Fans understand that the more they give, the more they receive in return. It's a win-win situation!

Our goal of reaching 1000 Super Fans perfectly aligns with our aim of having 1000 Premium users onboard. Why? Because even though you don’t need to be paying to be one, these Super Fans grasp the incredible value proposition that Premium offers.

When we hit that magic number of 1000 Super Fans, the platform will look different: there will be a lot of activity, conversations will keep going, more articles will be shared. Once we reach that milestone, the network effect kicks in at lightning speed! That means more connections, more collaborations, and an even stronger sense of community.

So, buckle up, because we're already a quarter of the way towards our goal, and we can't wait to take you on this incredible journey with us.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That's great. I can't wait for the goal to be achieved and I am proud to be among the super fan of Inleo. Good luck and I hope more people come to embrace this opportunity.

It's important for us to have these sprints. I push the team hard to focus in a certain direction, and big goals like this are how we do it

That's really great idea sir :) I am glad I am one 1000 super fans of Leo 🦁

Thank you for being a super fan, you make building worth it :)

It's my pleasure bro :) I feel blessed to choose right platform. Thank you for making this platform so marvelous 💞

Such a nice initiative. I'm really doing my best to be part of this team.

Let's go, lions!

Let's go! Happy to have you🦁

I am trying to become number one amoung those 1000 let's see

Become one! Would love to have you

This is great. We will keep building and creating engaging contents.

This idea will make the platform even more engaging and interesting. Thanks for the update

This is a great one that will create a a daily activity and allow more valuable contents. I believe this goal can be achievable. Greate work from the team.

Well, good luck with that, if you make a promise and don't keep it, it won't work.

Then these superfans will be gone faster than they arrived.

Thanks so much lol

So the promised 10 HBD won't be returned? lol

Can you link or screenshot what you're talking about? I actually have no idea because there's no context provided


I can’t tell what you’re asking me. Open a support ticket if you need help

Its only the second Part "Evaluation InLeo Premium" and you are mentioned there and the link to your offer

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