When you are Up, Take Profit and buy Runway for the Next Bear Market

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Hi, everyone! In the heat of the market, it’s good to hear advice from people who approach it with a level head. Greed can work in your favor to get a lucky break, but more often than not, it can cause you to lose money unnecessarily. In the last Chain Chatter, we learned about Edicted’s experience on how to make the most of the Bull Run.

In this clip:

  • The four-year cycle has been consistent
  • The market always goes up and then crashes; there is no reason to think it will be different this time
  • When you get to a good position, take profit
  • Buy runway to keep you going for a set time and prepare for the next Bear
  • Don’t overspend; don’t put yourself in a greedy situation

The market's rhythm has been consistent over the years, with its ebbs and flows forming a predictable cycle every four years. Don't expect this time to be any different. When you're riding high in a good position, the smart move is to take profits. If it turns out differently, then you will have more opportunities to increase your profit. Put yourself in a good position no matter if the market goes up or down.

But it's not just about taking profits; it's also about strategic buying. Invest in runaway assets that can sustain you during the inevitable bear markets, and allow you to buy in the next dip. This proactive approach ensures you're always prepared for market fluctuations, no matter which way the winds blow.

Remember, greed has no place in a sound investment strategy. Avoid overspending and risky situations that can jeopardize your financial health.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You know greed has always taken hold of investors during bull season. 'A little more' is always the say and befoe you know it, bang! No more (loss overtakes). Only hope we learn. Thanks for the tips

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I could probably learn a thing or two from your post. I always end up miscalculating things.

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is it just me getting the bull run might be over vibes?

Nice reminder cum advice. Avoid greed