How LeoFinance Ranks Hive-Based Content

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak is a unique UI that we developed from the ground up in 2021. The funny thing is that we are actually moving so fast on LeoMobile development that's days are numbered.

If you've been keeping up with LeoMobile development and the weekly AMAs, you'll know that the LeoMobile framework is being adapted for desktop. In fact, the current dekstop UI will be competely replaced by the mobile framework.

This changes the way we develop LeoFinance. Instead of building for desktop first and mobile second, we'll build for mobile first (LeoMobile) and desktop second.

The desktop experience will be similar to what you have today. Great for rapidly consuming content and upvoting and most importantly: being an author of content. But the UI and UX will be drastically improved.

In this clip from this week's AMA, we talk about the curation feeds and current algorithms for displaying content ranked on LeoFinance. This is a fun precursor to the amazing features that you'll seen in LeoFinance's new desktop UI in 2022.



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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▶️ 3Speak


Leo Finance curation surpassed all the other communities on Hive blockchain and they lead to changes in many cases. Wouldn't be a surprise for that to continue also in 2022 and to see some next-level features added to the UI and more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There have indeed been great improvement in the platform. So much love the leomobile. Nice to see priority placed on the mobile app and user experience. I believe the best is yet to come in the space

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Looking forward to the new UI. I still have issues with Leomobile app on Android. I am not sure If I need to reinstall the app to get the updates but there are issues that need to be fixed. As always, I will be happy to try any new feature upgrades :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This a great improvement in this community,good to see more focus on the Leo mobile app much love to that which I believe more developments and improvements are coming. Looking forward for more updates. Thanks

Keep building guys! It's gonna be a spectacular 2022 for the community.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This changes the way we develop LeoFinance. Instead of building for desktop first and mobile second, we'll build for mobile first (LeoMobile) and desktop second.

Which ever way the leo team want to take to enhance the blockchain the users in the platform are really ok by it since it's definitely a progress in another level

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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The only issue I see while using leofinance mobile is that if you copy the link, it will pick your first sentence of the post rather than the heading that we put in. ... else it simply make live so easy for user to remain active under the fingertip and on the go. Thanks for making it easy for all

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everything seems good right now and all eye is on the Leo Mobile app too.

To me I will say it can only get better

I didn't know that it worked like that. Pretty smart to switch it weekly as each curator probably has their own authors to vote on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta