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RE: December / January LeoAds Report | Tokenized Attention and Platform Ownership

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Good to see the stats and coming uodates.
I got a question as we are currently buying and burning leo with ad revenue. And if ad revenue gooes to bigger figures, burning that much of leo will be making it very hard to look for liquidity. Price of leo would be obviously high but liquidity also matters. Are there any other plans of using that revenue? May be buying leo and power up or add in liquepools or use it to promote leo in outside world or any otger usecase.



This is a good question and one that many in the community have brought up. In the beginning, our ad revenue was only about $100 per month. It has obviously grown exponentially since then and will continue to grow with time.

As our ad revenue starts to reach the thousands and even tens of thousands +, I think it will be important to explore a multi-faceted approach to utilizing ad revenue. LEO liquidity is already extremely thin (less than 175,000 liquid LEO currently - the rest are either powered up or in the Uniswap pool).

Using ad revenue to grow LeoFinance - gain more users, readers, token holders, etc. - would be a better use of the revenue. I think this is something we'll start to experiment with in the near future as our ad revenue breaks $1000. We may decide for a 50/50 split or something along these lines. Before any change happens, we'll open it up for a community discussion 🦁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta