
2/ 🧵 Our parents taught us certain principles, such that we were expected to find a solution to any conflict.

When we were unhappy, our parents told us we were brothers. Therefore, we could not remain sad. As we lounged in an armchair, we spoke about the value of a brother and a spouse who would be there for you no matter what. Tomorrow, our dad won't be here; instead, we'll be helping out that sibling.

3/ 🧵 There is no such thing as a bought life; in fact, we could all die at any second. Now picture this: we're fighting with our brothers, and the one still here feels terrible about wasting his time on a meaningless quarrel instead of spending it with us, celebrating life's milestones, or maybe keeping a secret from his brother about his illness. This is why it's crucial to avoid rivalries at all costs.

4/ 🧵 Suppose a brawl breaks out at some point. In such a scenario, I can only suggest taking a long breath—not after you discover the answer, but before the day ends. Consider the issue and determine if it's worthwhile to spend time arguing or feeling proud or whether you'd rather maintain that excellent relationship or childhood experience.