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RE: Splinterlands | Reason I Will Vote NO On The DEC For Riftwatchers Proposal (Again)

in LeoFinancelast year

Sorry, but why is it good for players, that the DEC Price is below PEG? Dont understand.

For buying fixed price assets like GP, Potions ok, but for the rest. Buying cards in DEC will cost more or less DEC depending on its price. So higher DEC price would be good.

And I dont understand this Floorprice discussion for SPS and Ruftwatchers either. Noone will buy RW at this SPS price. They will just lie there. At the same time some cards are very costly on the market. Overall it is still not woth to buy packs, even in big charges.

Pricing RW in DEC will give new people the chance to get access to this card set.


Players aren't earning DEC, Cards are priced in dollars (the same goes with Riftwatchers) so it doesn't really make a big difference. It's mainly in the interest of the company for DEC to restore to peg since they otherwise only earn DEC instead of players buying credits with $$$. They need DEC to restore as they hold a lot of it which the consider as company revenue.

The reason nobody wants to buy riftwatchers I would say is mainly because ther card market has been flooded already like crazy and they don't end up keeping their value because of this. it's 5$ a pack and it doesn't make a huge difference for buyers. If prices in DEC that will in the short run tank SPS even more.

New players have equal access to the packs no matter if they are priced in DEC or SPS.