Wanchain: The first fully decentralized BTC-ETH live bridge is now out!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Wanchain is one of the infrastructures that can connect the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), a cross-blockchain solution based on EVM, including private transactions, and provides a decentralized approach without the need for permission, and is safe for interoperability. Wanchain also has teams based in China, As, and other team members that are spread globally, in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The Era Of DeFi Began Now

After much anticipation, the Wanchai 4th Storeman group has started their invaluable work, debuting as a Universal Wanchain Multi-chain bridge with joint ownership assets, with a cross-chain mechanism that has two main advantages:

1. The direct bridge between Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Bitcoin (BTC) can be transferred directly to the Ethereum (ETH) network without requiring Wanchain as a router.

2. Share the assets at stake. All wanBridges assets at stake now employ the same collateral pool.

Naturally, to connect between Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) directly requires an upgrade to the cross contract between Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), thus existing wanBTC holders must first convert their tokens before they can have access to the Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) direct bridge.

Before starting, please pay close attention to the following:
  • Old BTC cross-chain tokens are now displayed as wanOBTC on all Wanchain wallets and on the DAPP interface.

  • The new Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) direct linking token is now featured as wanBTC.


It's easy to turn wanOBTC into wanBTC, thanks to WanMask and WanSwap, the world's first truly decentralized cross-chain AMM DEX, here is the process for converting wanOBTC to wanBTC:

  1. Visit wanswap.finance and >connect your WanMask wallet.
  2. Select wanOBTC as your initial token and wanBTC as your ending token
  3. Enter the amount of wanOBTC you want to convert and click "Approve wanOBTC". The exchange rate between wanOBTC and wanBTC is 1:1.


Note: Please note that for now, wanOBTC and wanBTC will still exist and be open for trading, but it is highly recommended that those of you who have wanOBTC and wanBTC do the conversion as soon as possible.


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