Hive Power Up Day (May)

in LeoFinance2 months ago

The month of April was fairly decent, in the space of only a few weeks me and my partner celebrated our 11 year anniversary, and our sons 1st birthday.


The Month of April

All in all, the month was great, and another good thing to come from it was that the weather picked up nicely, and saw the days growing longer, and much brighter. There were many times that I was out in a t-shirt which was a nice change.

The baby started creche too, which is good because he's socialising, and getting to know everyone down there. It was hard at first and he didn't really like it, but now, he loves it, and seems to look forward to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Also, I started my new job which I'm loving. The team are all sound, and we all get along really well, and by now I'm trained in on nearly everything I need to know.

I'm still doing my Freelance stuff, and have managed to keep writing daily on Hive which is something I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep on top of. Sometimes there are days were I feel I have a bit of pressure - as if trying to do too much - but, those thoughts don't stick around for long.

I like remaining active on Hive, so I can keep growing my account, and I think being able to conjure up articles on demand is a decent skill to have and hone.

I did go fairly wild with my purchasing of Hive over the last few months, and I got myself to a place I feel comfortable with, so now I want to just let my account grow naturally for the time being.

Looking back over everything that happened in April is great actually, because I've been feeling that time has been flying by to a certain extent, but sitting down, thinking, and reflecting on each month is a good way to let it all slow down a bit.

On With The Power-up

Starting off today I had 15,326 HP, which is amazing. Over this past month for example I've increased by about 344HP.

Roughly that is broken down into, 244 HP earned from content creation, and 100 HP earned from curation.

Now, realistically, I think it was actually closer to 220 HP earned, because half of my rewards come out as HBD, and over the last month or so I've been converting that into Liquid Hive and letting it sit in my account until I know what to do with it.

I've never taken profits from Hive, but I'm at a point now where I'm thinking of withdrawing some of my earnings, as opposed to powering it all up, like I had been for the last 2 and a half years.

I decided to power up by 25 Hive, and in that way I'd get myself toward a small mini goal.

I hit my major goals, and I do have a goal to try and reach 20k HP by the end of the year, is it doable? Maybe. But, maybe not unless I am powering everything I earn up, and also buying some more here and there.

I've hit over 15,350 HP for the start of this month, and I think I might be able to build that up to 15,700 by then end of this month.

We'll see how we get on anyway, I'm not too pushed toward reaching certain numbers anymore.

My main goal was to hit 10k, and then within a few months I hit a second goal of 15k, and since doing both of them, my drive toward hitting goals or building big numbers subsided a bit.

Of course I'd like to continue my growth, but I don't have as much fervor now that I'm happy with where I am.


It was a great strategy to get 50% rewards to later convert to Hive, I have been thinking about it at higher levels probably when we see $1 and let HBD accumulate for the bear market 😅✌️

You're really doing well. Your dedication is paying off. Those curation rewards will keep growing it you keep it up. I'm sure mine could be better, but I vote for what I like rather than by any strategy to maximise them.


Congratulations @killerwot! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2024 Winners List
Hive Power Up Day - May 1st 2024