
Ahahaha bitconeeeect!

Whenever I hear bitconnect, I hear Trevon James' voice, "Everyone, listen up! You didn’t lose your money. Now, you have to.....Technically, you kinda lost your money!" 😂

Hahahahaha! Bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect! Fuck man, it's funny but not funny at the same time!
People still listen to Trevon James for financial advice! I follow him on and he gets a ton of views. Some of them might be just for the laughts just like me though!

He was on steem too for some time lol!

Yeah I can understand how It's so not funny. Same is happening with onecoin now. It's so obvious they are a ponzi, but people are still investing and buying up their "coin."

It's just bitconnect 2.0.

Well, people sometimes tend to learn the hard way! I guess it's a part of life!
Thanks for the great conversation my friend! I really enjoyed it!

Bitconneeeeeeeeect 🚀🚓🚀 🚔