
Cheers! I added the Matic Network to my Metamask recently and found out that I have over a 100 Matic on my Coinbase. The thing I am somewhat nervous about though is that the minimum withdrawal amount from Coinbase is 81 matic! I wanted to test it with a smaller amount to see if it arrives in my Metamask.

I then checked Polydragon and am a little hesitant to jump in, as it's still very small, not on coinmarketcap and there doesn't seem to be a real website. I also noticed they haven't had a security audit, it seems. If you're curious what I'm talking about, you might want to read this previous post of mine:

Thanks for the link!

It sure is a little risky but sometimes you got to take the risk. I know they are not audited and said they are working on it. I don't trust a word so that's why I only invested a few bucks, just to test it out!

They might not be listed on CMC but they're on coingecko :

I am not saying you must jump in PolyDragon by any means, I'm just sharing what I read! Let's hope these guys won't take my $6 and run hahaha!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I definitely learnt to take risks, as of late. Otherwise I wouldn't be on Binance Smart Chain and, I guess, not even in crypto, nor would I have moved to another country haha

Good to her about the coingecko listing.

Let's hope these guys won't take my $6 and run hahaha!

This made me laugh :<)

These days I prefer to take risks with amount of money that can actually make a difference so if I will jump in, I will put in a serious amount. Before I do that, I need to know whether a project can be trusted, so I guess I'll wait a little longer. Probably till Monday haha!

Thanks for sharing your experience on here. Looking forward to future updates.

Awesome you love risks my friend! I took a risk and quit my job 2 years ago after realizing that I can earn the same money I earn from a 9:00-17:00 job just by hustling crypto hehe!

so I guess I'll wait a little longer. Probably till Monday haha!

Hahaha! I feel you! You are getting hyped when you're looking into a new unique project,don't you? I am too waiting for PolyDragon to get audited and then I'm gonna add some more MATIC in there! The greater the risk, the greater the rewards...(or the loss haha)

I am a complete noob when it comes to defi and I am only farming on Cub and POly so I'm taking it easy for now. Don't by any means take my word for granted! I just love sharing my "findings" here on Leo!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Coinbase listing Matic is a good sign that it is a good project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nothing wrong with Matic, in fact I am more intrigued by it day by day, but I was talking about Polydragon, a new project built on Matic.

And to add to that. I found out you seem to know quite a lot about Matic, so I will try to keep an eye on your content as I'm always willing to learn more. Also, as a creative, I've been considering to get onto Opensea for many months now and I now learnt about Matic's collab with that platform.

Have a nice day!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am in on Polydragon since a couple of days with about 50 USD, I guess.
I am both in the FIRE-MATIC LP and in the FIRE Den.

It cost me some fees ( also in ETH ), as I started with ( ERC-20 ) Matic on Coinbase and might have taken a longer route than necessary to get the Matic in my Metamask on the Matic Network but I am not regretting this.

Nice to see that FIRE ( ball ) has actually gone up in value since I started farming.

Cheers for the heads up buddy and have a great day!