Don’t keep these type of Cryptos for Longterm

in LeoFinance3 years ago


In my experience of investing, I have seen the good, bad and ugly. Before you get involved in investment it’s right you know that investment is a big time unending knowledge, not a mere one you learn and stop learning. If you don’t understand the investment game, just don’t play it at all. The journey is not easy but when you learn it you will know that it’s worth it and your finance will praise you greatly.


The fastest way to lose money is the moment you want to make money in a rush. You don’t want to go through the small steps process. When you make money in a rush you lose it in a rush. Therefore you need to disassociate yourself yourself from investments that look like a Ponzi scheme. Because when you get burned in the Ponzi scheme, it will affect you mentally and ruin something that will last for a while.

The best way to achieve not being in a Ponzi scheme on crypto is to avoid them. But if you are feeling risky and you want to risk some small bucks then you shouldn’t try to keep those coins for long term. Rather use buy and sell method.


Don’t try and keep over hyped coins. Because these coins get driven by communities when these communities get bored they pump and dump it as they wish at any time.

Any coin with no use case or not solving real or major problem should be avoided. The coin was just created for the purpose of pump and dump. Avoid keeping such coin for long term.

Most coin with no use case can’t stand bear seasons. Because it has no use case it doesn’t solve any major problems, any minor downtrend, the coin comes crashing down.

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