
The quality of the coins is all top-notch, @kohsamui99. You probably can get it cheaper there. They are most wonderful!

The more i look at your silver coins the more convinced i am becoming that i should be collecting these beautiful silver coins they do look very classy and elegant and will be worth a good amount some day 👍

Ahhh.... there you go! And you do not have to collect all. Just getting the year releases of Perth Mint is something!

That is a idea i must start taking more notice of these awesome silver coins 👍

I wish you luck @kohsamui99! May you come to the right decision!

Thank you @silversaver888 it is certainly tempting 👍

So far you are the only one who answered the challenge question! Whether it is correct or not, we will know soon, @kohsamui99! 🥰🌺🤙 !ENGAGE

Haha...Thank you @silversaver888 maybe because i am the only one that really reads all the post i notice a lot of people don't do that it's a real shame 😥

You are right there, my friend!

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