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RE: Contest: win 512 LEO (~320 USD that is)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

FUCK, this was hard work! But my nephew @pusen and I found something here, something there - and BOOM!!

"DeFi = the future of LeoFinance"

It has been fun. Now back to work :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wild encryption method. We probably wouldn't have figured it out if it wasn't for the second string of 24 words and a lucky google search. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Before I have a detailed separate post how this puzzle was born, can you share how exactly the second string was able to help you ? A bit surprised to hear this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We found this list of words that coincidentally included words from both of your 24 word strings. It couldn't be a coincidence. @krishare can fill you in on the rest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, in two ways. It ruled out any classic cipher, where both encryption and decryption has unique outcomes. Second, a google hit on all 48 words was helpful 😉

@onealfa so it means that @krishare won the puzzle....that is an amazing one,would love to know how he cracked that intelligent puzzle.....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@pusen and I have spent maaaaany hours on this one! As I said, the fact that two sets of words decrypts into the same sentence, rules out almost every cryptographic method I know. I also noticed the lack of similarities between the sets. Word length, word classes, number of vocals, you name it.
A breakthrough was to find this list, which contains all 48 words:
@pusen found a python script using this list, and this gave me a hexnumber easily translated to text. One step left, ROT13 - and the solution was found :)

Very interesting. So much different from what I used, and what I was expecting.
I knew (expected) this "poetry" cipher method is not secure, is weak. But not that much.

In fact I was not aware of this complete 2000 word list. Would I knew this - at least I would not give the last hint, the second 24 word string.
The moral once again is confirmed now: DON't trust anybody!

But you have to, sometimes, right?
then...A true random number generators, and a very very high ENTROPY is your best friends in crypto

Wait for my story on all this, from the very beginning. I hope you will like it.

Your 8 LEO prize @krishare been delivered (forgot to stake it for you, but you can do it easy by yourself, if you like so):

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

First of all, excellent work both you have done. I wish you could have wait a little more to empty onealfa's pocket a little more... Lol.

Once again, excellent, marvelous, outstanding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

can you share how exactly the second string was able to help you

i am really very interested in that too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is another amazing thing I just found:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, @pusen showed me the way 😄 Learning about this site was the REAL price!

@krishare welcome sir,good to have such an intelligent person like you here....congratulations on the contest by @onealfa which you won......

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well if nerdy interest in a very small subject is intelligence, I'm guilty 😂 Thank's a lot @miyimiti, it was a sheared effort with @pusen - not sure I would have had the stamina to finish the task on my own!

What it means?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@onealfa.leo wow that is really interesting,this is the reason why leofinance should keep encouraging more people to join the platform,so many intelligent people keep coming into the platform and sharing their knowledge and skills too....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is so awesome, I am busy now creating a new puzzle. I hope @onealpha will like it. Stay tuned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta