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RE: Save me, please...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Good luck with your family, that is a lot of responsibility. Not having kids/postponing it has perks and allows more risk taking/adaptability.

I'm mostly against physical consumerism, invest in quality over quantity for everything. This is a growing trend, environmentalism and it will likely hurt economy, people will need to adapt as always. I hope zero waste options become available here sooner than later.

One thing I certainly learned from family is to avoid dept at all costs, and always have some savings ready for all kinds of emergencies. As soon as you're in dept you lose more and more money and there is somehow never end to dept.

Your posts are certainly making me consider more about ownership side of things :) Looking forward to your next post.


Not having kids/postponing it has perks and allows more risk taking/adaptability.

I have found the opposite, I am more risk seeking in the process toward security than when I was single. There is more of a reason to do well now and, the responsibility aids the hard work. Might just be me though :D

As soon as you're in dept you lose more and more money and there is somehow never end to dept.

Yep, the house is our debt hole at the moment.

Looking forward to your next post.

It might be about flowers, who knows! ;)

I love flowers and all kinds of plants ^^

Also now that you mention it, yeah kids probably have that effect on people :)
Good luck with the debt, hope it's resolved as soon as possible :D