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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-28 22:14

in LeoFinancelast year

There is an alarming rise in the rate at which many youths in #nigeria take all sorts of substances to get intoxicated and highre, just to have fun, while killing themselves.

Well, a drug lord as president makes a perfect role model!


LOL look at the last two presidents the US had.

A drug lord might be a step up.

😂Well, this one is different

He rigged his way to the top due to the influence of power & money, and he has no respect for rule of law.

Well, for a developing country like Nigeria, it isn't really a good news.

It's a backward movement

Yep sounds familiar.

Many are making the same case here.

What a sad state! 😭

Even here, after so many killings, the war on drugs seems futile. Now, we have a high-profile case under investigation by the Senate involving high military officials. Pathetic.

It’s alarming but it seems to be happening in Ghana as well. Did you know people can beg high on nails too?