Blockchain Gaming - Splinterlands Thoughts + Earn Strategy

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hey there, friends.

I hope you're having a wonderful day. It has been pouring rain nonstop since yesterday here so it's definitely a good time for some gaming. I recently got into Splinterlands as many of you probably did when the SPS daily airdrop was announced. I had played it a couple random times way back when it first launched but I never got into it. I stuck with Gods Unchained, which I still love to this day. Splinterlands is definitely interesting and it's a great way to earn some passive income at the moment. There are quite a few ways to earn some crypto with Splinterlands, so I thought I'd share some of my experience and thoughts. I am not an expert, nor do I claim to even be very good at the game.


Daily Quests

So, I learned from another user, which I cannot recall at the moment, that you can buy quest potions in the shop for 1000 credits ($1) or 750 DEC ($5.75 currently). These potions give you an additional 5 chests when you complete a quest! Obviously you're not going to buy them with DEC as it's currently 5 times more expensive. I do I highly recommend spending the $1 in credits though because you have 5 times the opportunity to pull something awesome with a daily quest. So, I have been doing this every time I have a new quest to maximize returns.

Here's my daily quest rewards opened with a Quest potion. Not too bad!


These cards are definitely worth more than the $1 I spent for the Quest potion.

Daily Airdrop

So, as most already know, SPS is airdropped to players daily based on a number of factors. You can also stake your SPS for 229% APR at the moment. Obviously as more SPS gets staked, that percentage is going to decrease over time. I remember when I first started the APR was over 400%. Either way, it's a great yield. No savings account is going to yield anywhere near this. So what I have been doing is Staking my whole reward every day after the drop. I also converted a bunch of random Hive Engine tokens to SPS and staked that. I love the compounding daily staking. Great way to earn some passive income and build up a little money.


Dice Packs

They're going pretty quick! There's a little over 11,000 packs left before they sell out so I am definitely going to be picking some up. With the price of DEC rising, the price of these packs are also rising. No matter what you get, your collection power will increase with the pack so you'll earn a larger daily SPS airdrop. Hopefully you'll pull some great cards too!


Do I have enough potions for a good pack opening?


Thanks for reading.

What are your strategies for maximizing?


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