
Is your bookselling hustle physical or digital?

I sell em on Amazon

What a haul!

Did you have to scan all of these individually to check if you could flip?

still working on it. This is a fucking grind

Bro is moving more books than Bezos

I. Move. Books..

that is a lot of book in here.

probably about 5 books if I had to guess lol

Where did you get these?

family member knew someone with a massive amount in storage. Got a stupid cheap deal on em

SO, you business is books? How does it go, in summary?

90% books, 10% retail & online arbitrage.

I source, pack, & ship to warehouse & Amazon handles the rest

Have you read them all 🙃

haha it would take my entire life or more

Oh man you were not kidding when you said you bought a shipping container of books.
Good luck with the selling :)

Count to how learn you where? If that's two books.... what are the rest? Nice load by the way!

ok maybe my math was off. It's probably more like 69 lol