
Not my thing.

I do like Hawaiian pizza...ham and pineapple.

Aw man, have your tried pineapples + jalapeños on pizza though? So good

Not a fan of jalapenos.

jalapenos in particular or just peppers overall?

Lol no thanks! Although I have some funny food things that people think are disgusting such as dunking my buttered toast or bagel into orange juice. Been doing it since I was a kid and love it lol

now that's a new one! gunna have to give that a shot lol

It's amazing lol it gives you the fat from the butter and sweet/tartness from the orange juice and ends up tasting very unique! Just don't do it at a breakfast joint LMAO I did it at iHop like 20 of the people were staring at me lol

Why not?😊

Delicious. Big fluffy waffle, fried chicken on top. Drizzle with syrup & hot sauce.

Whoa! Now I'm feeling hungry!😅

I've never actually had it but I had the Lays chips flavored like chicken and waffles years ago and they were so nasty it's put me off of trying the real thing lol 😆

Oh yeah that's gross. I highly recommend the real thing though. Something about the sweet and savory flavor is just insane

I've heard of this before.... hmmmm, no thanks!

The real question is which came first? 🤪

That's a hard pass. Yikes.

Really? You gotta try it.

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I don't even like the waffles with breakfast sausage, eggs, and cheese. I love waffles, don't get me wrong, but chicken?!? No thanks. :-)


Ever tried it though? You'd be surprised how well fried chick and waffles pair with syrup and hot sauce

I've never done that, but I'm OK with it.

I would rather do (chicken + waffles) than (eggs + ketchup).

Oh yeah eggs and ketchup is atrocious