Spending HBD in Mexico!

in LeoFinance27 days ago

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One of the coolest things that happened while at Hivefest was someone got the Cafe across the street on boarded to accept HBD
So literally every morning I went to the Cafe to get coffee because it was so convenient. Definitely a highlight.

This is just one of many highlights... But I remembered that I never put this video on 3speak.so here ya go.

a quick video of my Demonstrating how quick and easy HBD payments are. IRL

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That is interesting

such a cool place

Many places in Venezuela and elsewhere allow us to do it, but in my case, I don't have places that accept it, so this easy video helps me a lot to know how to do it.
Thanks @l337m45732

yeah I live in the US, so this was really cool to experience in mexico

I am very glad about this!

Paying with HBD is the most rewarding feeling you can ever feel.

I really liked the editing of your video with that glitchy effect, it's so Cyberpunk 👌


it is. Can't wait to be able to do this again bro

Okay this is dope!!

I miss that place

Rosarito, Mexico? Cool. Close to San Diego?
I have tried to add Keychain to my ipad, but not my phone. The keychain on the ipad stopped working after a while, but now I am motivated to get it on my phone and then find out if I can help vendors here utilize it. I imagine you some critical mass number of users, but perhaps if it is easy and cheap the vendors could be interested.
I have been watching a lot of Jack Ryan? the CEO of Strike and learning about about finality of transactions and this one issue could be very big narrative for Hive and HBD.

yep, rosarito MX is such a beautiful place, and a super short drive from san diego.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@gr33nm4ster(3/15) tipped @l337m45732