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RE: Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary: "I don't understand Fungibility or Currency, but listen to what I have to say anyway!"

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Oleary is a tool, he's not a liberal tho! He'll shill whatever makes him money why he can't have a solid intelligent opinion on any innovation until he sees $$$. I bet they are getting paid to shill the green energy thing or else he would be bitching about it and want the cheaper coal powered. He used to call green energy stupid a few years ago. Everyone is allowed to change their minds sure but he only adopts the popular opinion, like just siding with the winning side all the time like a yes man, why he's rich in the first place. He'll shill actual shit if it makes him a million or 2. but I could never take advice from someone like that. As for the waste of energy argument, I'm sure the current banking system wastes much more energy than bitcoin could ever dream of.


When they call you a celebrity investor know that only the first part is real lol! His just another influencer just old and in a suit!

These guys and people like Suzie Orman are just there to repeat old financial thinking and slap in a product placement or two

If you listen to them by all means you deserve to lose all your money

Believe it or not this douche tried to run as our Prime minister a few years back, we roasted him back to the US and he dropped out, he has no backbone. I agree anyone who wants to follow his "advice" deserves to loose their money. He was also calling gold nothing but pet rocks, it doubled in price since then.

Lol I just find it shocking to see the lack of self awareness he was in the right place at the right time to make out like a bandit during the .com bubble and has been living on that ever since

Now there’s a new market forming and as they do they create bubbles and his butt hurt his not able to scoop up the free money

Won’t be surprised if he eventually 180s but in the worst way and starts like shilling Cardano or some shit

He'll shill anything someone pays him to, he's nothing but a money whore. He has a tv show here in Canada, I think he might be taking a break from it currently or got booted off by the other investors, but yeah he's been riding his .com bubble self made title ever since and the stuff he say to entrepreneurs looking for investors is unreal sometimes, real crass. Like you said, he was at the right place at the right time, then again someone might say that about us to someday.

Better believe it, you'll catch him shilling doge or whatever shitcoin if he was paid to do so. He makes money screwing others over. No respect for that.

I'm not saying bitcoin is the shit either, I have suspicions about it's origins to begin with but something like half the doggie tokens are in just a handful of wallets, it's not the peoples money they only tell you it is.
