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RE: Why quality content is not always rewarded on Hive?

in LeoFinance4 months ago

I've been on Hive for quite a while, even before its existence, I was already on Steemit. I started this account a year ago and I'm resuming the hive, little by little because I know how it works. Beyond good content, Hive works is by contacts, meeting the right people. There is a lot of excellent content every day that misses out on good curation.... And at the same time I see every day authors that because they already have long-established relationships, they get the same great votes every day on each of their posts, even if they don't have a great effort compared to other authors who are new. It is clear that Hive works like real life, you are going to succeed almost 100% is thanks to contacts and relationships. So you have to focus on building those relationships, just as you mention in the post.


So you have to focus on building those relationships

I believe that it's a good plan to spend a part of our time with this focus as a constant part of our daily hive activity. Without connections and relationships, we will never really be able to evolve.

Exactly, you have to see Hive as a world in your life, like Ready Player One, I don't know if I can explain myself hahaha. It is a separate universe where we must climb and earn a good reputation, make a name for ourselves in the community and earn the respect of others. It takes work, but at least I see it that way.