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RE: Could A.I. replace your job?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I thank Twitter for having advertised this very interesting blog. Moreover, I start by apologising for my belated reply I didn't have my keys when I initially saw your text.

Anyway, as mentioned on Twitter the question you raised is a question I asked myself for some time already. It is clear AI plays a big role in particle physics for many years. However, it cannot replace physicists. At some point, we need t think about the correctness of the findings, how physically sound they are, etc. However, what AI can do is to help us, so that we don't lose time in painful matters.

To conclude, as you seem to say, AI provides us a virtuous way to improve how we work. Therefore, we cannot really talk about a "replacement".

Cheers, and have a nice week!


Sorry for the late response.

To conclude, as you seem to say, AI provides us a virtuous way to improve how we work. Therefore, we cannot really talk about a "replacement".

Yes, indeed that I do believe that it can help us improve many job sectors and may also discover the job that yet to find out.

Farmer is one of the jobs I believe that cannot be easily replaced as it needs to adjust on weather condition and climate change. Personally, I am doing a small garden to make our family self-sufficient by producing our own food.

Great to see you here, I do appreciate your comment. Cheers

Sorry for the late response.

A late response to a late reply... I think this is fair!

I am also happy to read we agree (therefore no dispute for today, which is fine believe me).

Farmer is one of the jobs I believe that cannot be easily replaced as it needs to adjust on weather condition and climate change. Personally, I am doing a small garden to make our family self-sufficient by producing our own food.

Yes but even there, science can really help to optimise the situation. Of course this is probably far from AI, but still. On this subject, I recommend to give a look at @amestyj's or @pinedaocl's blogs, who discuss advanced methods for agriculture derived from state-of-the-art scientific studies. This is very interesting (and some of what they discuss could be applied to small gardens, like yours or mine).

Have a nice week!

Thank you much appreciated your time being here