LeoFinance Weekly Stats 10/26/2020 to 11/01/2020

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Welcome to the weekly edition of LeoFinance stats report.
This is a weekly report covering October 26, through November 1.
New addition in this report – top users making comments on LeoFinance.

If you want to learn a bit more about the LeoFinance ecosystem and dig into the numbers, this is the place to be.


The following topics will be covered:

  • Issued LEO Tokens
  • Top LEO Earners
  • Rewards to HP delegators trough the leo.bounties program
  • Daily stats on tokens staking
  • Share of tokens staked
  • Top Users that staked
  • Unique number of LeoFInance users
  • Posts/comments activities on the platform
  • Posting from LeoFinance.io interface
  • Price Chart

Issued LEO Tokens

Let’s take a look into token issuance and how it is distributed over time.

Below is a chart that represents the cumulative issued LEO tokens.


This chart is representing the total LEO supply, circulating supply and burned tokens.

A total of 7.96 M issued LEO tokens, 2.15 burned, 5.8M circulating supply.

Next is the issued LEO tokens from last week. Here is the chart:


On average 6.8k tokens per day issued in the week. A total of 47.7k.

Let’s see how these tokens were distributed.
Below is the chart of the top 10 LEO earners this week.


@onealfa.leo is on the top with 3.1k tokens, followed by @rollandthomas with 2.1k and @taskmaster.

Rewards from Bounties

In the last week tokens issued for bounties went only to the HP delegators. Users who delegate their HP to the @leo.voter receive daily payouts in the form of LEO tokens at a rate of ~16% APR.


@lafona-miner on the top with 217 LEO earned, followed by @onealfa and @bestbroplayer.

Staking LEO

Below is a chart that represents the daily flow of staked and unstaked LEO tokens. A positive bar going up shows a day where more LEO was staked than unstaked.


July 2019 is excluded from the chart for better visibility. Those are the first days and there are a lot of tokens staked.

In the last month there has been large moves in the staking and unstaking numbers, due to the liquidity providers on Uniswap.
After the hack we can see that the staking numbers are up again.

In the last week the staking numbers are in the negative again, most likely beocuse of the upcoming WLEO2 launch. Also some big stakeholders started unstaking.

Below is the chart of the top 10 users that staked LEO last week:


@revisesociology on the top with 5.5k LEO staked, followed by @stayoutoftherz and @themightyvolcano.

The Overall Flow of the LEO Token Supply:


The yellow (liquid LEO) is an interesting category. A lot of movements here due to the WLEO and now WLEO2.

Below is a chart of the ratio staked/unstaked tokens.


80% LEO staked! Last week it was around 82%.
Seems like we are preparing for WLEO2.

Out of the current supply 5.81M tokens, 4.66M, are staked and 1.15 M are liquid on Hive Engine.

LeoFinance Users

Below is a chart with the number of unique users that posted from the LeoFinance frontend.


A total of 1439 unique users have posted from the LeoFinance frontend.

In the last period there is an increase in the number of new users.

Monthly Active Users Posting from LeoFInance [MAU]

Here is the chart for the monthly active users that posted from the leofinance.io interface.


The user growth can be clearly seen from the MAU chart. An increase from 346 in September to 461 in October. This is now the ATH in monthly users for LEO, surpassing July 2019, when the project launched.

Activities on LeoFInance

Below is a chart of the LeoFinance activities with the numbers of posts from the LeoFinance interface and posts with the #leofinance tag.


Here is the chart showing only posts made from the leofinance.io interface.


The numbers keep going up and I the last week there is on average 135 posts per day.

LeoFinance has introduced a 10% incentive for posting trough the native frontend. When users post from other frontends and just with the leofinance tag they have 10% less rewards.

Authors that commented the most

There is an initiative in the last period for engagement on the platform and some of the large stakeholders have been voting comments a lot.
Here are the top authors that commented the most.


@taskmaster3350le is the king of commenting on LeoFinance 😊. A 339 comments made on LeoFinance only.
He has been upvoting comments with his significant stake, but also making a lot of comments. @acesontop is on the second place and @revise.leo third. Some other well know communities’ members on the list as well.

Note that the above are comments made from the leofinance interface only.


All time LEO price

It is interesting to look at the LEO token price, keeping in mind the crazy ride that HIVE had in the previous month.

Here is the price chart in dollar value with average price for better visibility.


Have in mind the above is an average daily price.

LEO price in the Last 30 days

Here is the price of LEO in the last 30 days also in dollar value:


PHOTO 14– prices candles 30 days

In the last week the price seems to be stabilizing around the 16 cents mark, even though the price of HIVE is down.


steemleo black token divider.png


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Report by @dalz

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@revisesociology is making money moves 5.5k.sweet. overall the guys are maintaining it at the top. Hoping to see how wLeo will turn out this times, the unstakes proves people are getting ready.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really exciting times ahead. It is good to see so much activity taking place.

I think the numbers are consistently growing in a manner that makes LEO really undervalued. wLEO might give the push it needs to go over 2 HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wLEO might give the push it needs to go over 2 HIVE.

2 Hive = 23 cents atm..

We used to be 15% higher than that.

3 Hive might be the new normal, assuming that Hive won't go up. I personally want it to skyrocket...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome stats!
I'm happy to see my own name at the top of the comment chart as well. With limited time and a hectic schedule at work, this proves that it is still very possible for me to engage. This is the power of initiative 10 and a dedicated and passionate community. I look forward to next weeks results, as I am sure it will be even better!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As always thanks for the stats.

I was surprised that we did not cross 500 using the UI but 460 is close. Hopefully we are able to add another batch of users this month to cross that level.

Thanks for adding the comments. Hopefully it will offer some incentive to try and post some more. The graph looks nice...a lot of keyboard warriors on there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

461 is still quite an increase from the previous month, and its a lot from the month before :)
Still we can aim high.

Also the comment chart is there mostly because you asked for it :)
Amazing job in commenting from your side. I know you comment, but seeing you at no.1 with that lead was a bit surprising.

We might do some rewards for the winners, at some point. Like the top 3.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hopefully people use that as motivation to pick up the pace and increase their total.

It shows that 10 a day is not a major stretch for most people. Yes many have time issues but fitting in 15-20 minutes to comment is possible for many.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It shows that 10 a day is not a major stretch for most people. Yes many have time issues but fitting in 15-20 minutes to comment is possible for many.

I have time issues too. Serious ones. Yet commenting is my new habit. Forget about the upvotes and such. For all the reasons that help LEO gain traction climb the rankings at Alexa etc

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO is the perfect example of the impact a project can have on peoples mindset when the latter see real use cases from a project and people working tirelessly to grow it on every level.

Hard work is reflected on the price, and this is just the beginning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

congratulations for setting the post, always very detailed and precise and allows you to understand the data even to the less experienced.

The WLEO effect has attracted a lot of attention to Leofinance with an increase in users who have posted directly from the platform.

With the launch of Leoinfra and the relaunch of WLEO I expect the number to exceed 500 in November and 600 in December, mine are low estimates 😜

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations for setting the post, always very detailed and precise and allows you to understand the data even to the less experienced.

He does that...he's a geek. :P An amazing one tho

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's beautiful to see a new record set on the number of Leofinance native users. Setting another all-time-record is an indicator of a healthy system. We hope to see the figures doubled in the next three months which we should break through the 1k daily user limit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Love the new comment metric.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's awesome indeed...damn I want to sneak in that list.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Happy to see I've scraped onto the bottom of the most comments chart.

What it does do, is show how simple increasing engagement can be. I upvote at 100% and comment on probably 3/4 of the posts I upvote. As well as replying to all the comments on my own blog.

Come on LeoFinance community, you can all do this!

If you vote on something, leave a comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Heading in the right direction, keep up the good work Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent job once again @dalz. Love those graphs.

Congrats to everyone on these lists.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

happy to see this chart Hope soon i will be added in this Chart
most active person at this platform that is @taskmaster4450
i am spending a Lot of time here to Learning

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Persistence is the key bud. The perfect place to be educated

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta