The All New LeoFinance Publishing UI | Create Long-Form Like Never Before

in LeoFinancelast year

It's official frens, the new Publishing UI is now live! If you've been keeping up with the updates from LeoFinance, then you'll know that May is a month for bug fixing. We released the Project Blank UI on May 1st and it's been almost 4 weeks since then.

That's a pretty short period of time, but it's felt like an eternity! This has been a hardcore month of triaging bug fixes and deploying to the UI.

We've actually deployed a new UI update on a nearly daily basis since the new UI went live. A big shout out and thank you to everyone who is opening Bug Report tickets on Discord / writing posts & threads using the #feedback hashtag.

It's been a long journey and there is still a lot to fix!

The All New LeoFinance Publishing UI | Create Long-Form Like Never Before

The new publishing UI is a bug fix disguised as a feature. We had the barebones publishing UI live for launch but it wasn't fully developed. We knew this but pushed forward on rolling out the UI on May 1st - as promised.

Since May 1st, we got a lot of feedback. Especially related to the publishing UI.

There were so many bugs and so much great feedback that we decided to package up all the bug fixes and feedback and just rewrite the whole publishing UI.

If you visit this now, it's a far better experience than it was before. The UI is cohesive, organized and decluttered.

We still have some work to do with the Schedule post infrastructure and Drafts infrastructure. If you use those, please do so at your own risk for the time being.

We need to roll some significant updates out to get 100% confident in posts not getting lost. So PLEASE keep a second copy of your drafts somewhere just in case until we roll the full backend out for the publishing UI.

Long-Form Got an Update!

If you visit, you'll likely notice a brand new tab on the left-hand side. It's titled "Articles" and has a blog post icon next to it.

The #1 question asked since the UI launch this month (outside of "Wen") is: is long-form content dead on LeoFinance?

A resounding NO. Long-form will always have a place. The UI is heavily threads focused for a reason but Long-Form is intended to be married with the experience and work cohesively with short-form.

As we said, we rolled everything out quickly in raw beta version. The goal was and is to get as much feedback as possible so that we can update the UI and get bug patches + new features out quickly.

Feedback is a centerpiece to LeoFinance's Development. We love getting your feedback and we always design with the end users in mind.

As you test out the UI, please continue to give us feedback. As I said - we're at a near daily pace of updates to the UI being rolled out. We're working around to clock to improve the UI/UX this month and then get back to delivering on shiny new features for everyone.

Let's make the smoothest, fastest and most enjoyable Web3 experience on the planet, together.

P.S. Ad Revenue is off the charts lately. Great work to everyone in the community. Keep cranking out Threads and Long-Form and we'll have some massive updates on the Ad Revenue model in early June. This is going to get crazy.

$LEO 🚀

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.


Our Hive Applications

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Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

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The new Long-Form post UI is amazing 🔥

Reminder: If the lions have some suggestions / expectations, they can create a LEO post and share it to join our weekly LEO&HODL contest by LeoFinance and Hodl Community 😉

Let's make everything better together ✌🏼

awesome work. I Love the new update. I can’t deny that the new UI, new curation system and all these updates has improved my work rate. Thanks Leofinance team! 💯

I couldn’t be happier… let’s go!!!
And well done team👏🏻

I have been longing to hear this good news. The new UI is amazing, I will create my first on it tomorrow. I can't wait to see it show, successful with my phone. I commend you guys for the work you are doing. We will experience it in a better way.

I have noticed the changes which are great but I still schedule posts I have been trying it since

It's getting there for sure. Loving the new style and layout the other was a little hard for some reason but this one lines up nicely. Only two parts missing for me would be the support of HTML and for the metadata to pull better for socials and also threads.

Good work and great speed on things keep it coming and respect to the entire team!

Finally! Great new update on the publishing UI. Loving the new layout, great work :)

So happy to read about this, that's the update which I am waiting for, I so tried it and very excited to see I am able to post from new LeoFinance UI after around one month

I always use old UI to post my articles natively but after new UI lounched I am not able to do that, thank you so much @khaleelkazi brother for fixing this

This is massive development. Leofinance keeps taking a step very single day Proud to be part of this community. Long form content creation gets more interesting with this update. Hails to the team!

It’s really good update on pc no doubt, just that I could find how to make use of the tags with the mobile use. I tried to publish a post but to no avail, i hope something will be done on that soon.

great update; I noticed that the staked based curation does not work very good atm as many cannot reply to the @leogrowth threads. When fix?

This is what I was waiting for!
With the previous version I didn't understand very well because of how things were located, now it is better understood and it is more practical! thank you very much for this improvement, now comes the good stuff!

Finally... I have waited so long for this as I don't have access to a laptop now... Hope it's suitable for mobile phone users

The new long form is awesome.
I would make a post soon with it, but I love the side to side preview, the beneficiaries options and the overall appealing appearance as opposed to the other time.

Great work team.

I am glad for the new update. It is making it easy to navigate

I was using Peakd to create blog posts — time to come back.

So far so good I’ve actually got no complaints now. The publishing page used to hang each time I added other tags to the Leo finance tag. I always had to do it using different front ends after posting but now it’s better. Big ups.

The long form format with a clean interface is such a treat. It is a feeling beyond words
As I am trying this swish new interface I take the opportunity to report a bug
One it it lets you add multiple same tags

It lets me add multiple leo tags so it needs to be fixed.
Not sure if the posts are editable as of now.

I have always appreciate every good work been put in place and this have contribute in the progress of the blockchain.

The new UI is amazing. Long-form post are now more enhanced and recognize uploading pictures more faster than pre version.



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It is looking pretty good.
I have not tested it yet, but 2 things that jump out are 1 no emojis and 2 no gifs.
When I do write long form content I love using emojis and sometimes gifs.
Yes I know you can copy and paste, but work around are not always the way to do things. There are too many work around on hive.
Great update though, and judging by the upgrades that have been going on with the UI interface then I know this will get even better!

I really like the new interface as it differs from the standard Hive interface, the simplistic style mixed with Twitter-like borders keeps access fast, however there are still some issues to solve like Wallet and settings on Mobile.

Everything about the update gives me joy and motivates me more, thank you

I believe this new initiative is also part of the progress to witness in the platform which is a work well done. Though there might be challenges using it at first but with time more progress and solution will help to make it reliable for people to use.

Congratulation for the new UI update.
Last day I posted a long form contest form the new UI, I must say the experience was awesome, I clicked on publish and within a second saw the massage - Post has been published , It was so fast as compare to previous version.
The New UI is very comfortable on mobile also
Well done team

I love the updates! I just hd a little problem with posting on my laptop. After completely drafting my article, I couldn’t find the publish button because tags, title and everything were on the right and zoomed in. Not sure if anyone else faced a similar challenge.

first of all , i am login after 3 days to my leofiannce account, i was busy, but really i am so excited to see new updates, now i can add my tags, there are many new features that really made me so much happy, and i can no write my long post on leofinace with new style, with new passion. so my question is that i came to know about monotization rewards , so every user of leofinance blockchain can get reward of monetization by adds, or just only leo power staker, over all , i give great congratulations to all team for this great work, boom boom leofinace

I have published two long-form posts this week; what I found is that even if I include the tags of my choice, after hitting the publish button I am not getting those tags into the posts except the #leofinance tag which is the default tag. So I had to use frontend to edit the tags again and get them included in my post.

This has been a problem, I hope you will fix it soon

Thank you.

I am ok with this so far

Been away for three days, i was busy, but really i am so excited to see new updates, now i can add my tags, there are many new features that really made me so much happy, and i can now write my long post on leofinace with new style.

I have published with this new UI and I can say its impressive. One thing I love most is the Save as draft feature. That enables me to write posts at my own pace. I could save and return to them later to complete the work. The speed improved greatly too after clicking the publish button. Its all great now.

Great innovation, I will try my hands on the new UI, thanks for the update on getting a secured draft somewhere else, it's so heartbreaking to lose your almost finished post.

I really love the updated Long-form Publishing UI. We are a step towards achieving our goals in that regard.

However, in terms of the Mobile version, I think the upload images still needs to be worked on, Markdowns need to be worked on as well, and many others.

But, it is really a great improvement, and I just published a post smoothly from my mobile device. Great work to the development team!

I love the new UI with all the cool features making it swift and more friendly. I look forward to seeing more improvements shortly.
Keep up the excellent work, Team Leo.

@leofinance! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc. (8/50)

Wow, this is a piece of great news, you guys are doing a great job.

I like very much the integration and improvements on the long-form post, including in the mobile version, but I'd like to be sure when I am going to use some features like drafts or schedule posts. So, this is a priority for me.

It's getting better with every update, for sure! I still have some issues uploading images sometimes (maybe because I use HTML formatting?) and I also liked the old tag selection interface better, although I may be alone on that one haha

Best thing ever in the Blockchain

Is being just as included here . Initially there haven't been any outright publish icon , instead schedule publish. And that very schedule publishing stuff or post , usually get stiffed and refused to publish given article.

Now is being quite okay , because the publish navigation is visible.

Let's just call it powerful. I hope to see the post draft sooner.

Let's have emojis also there to keep the fun.

There is need for a table icon also in the post editor.

Great improvement from the former.

I hope we can also have a page to track our comments on long form posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

In my case, the experience I have had is great, like all development in process things get better with time. I understand that it is not a finished product. Eventually it will improve the interface for a better user experience.

My device crashed and I have been missing out on different information. It was a setback for me with the contest and coming online this morning to see the update made me feel great.

It doesn't get better at once and I must commend the efforts of the Leo team with the hard work and creativity put in place to improve the user interface.

Its really nice to see that there is a day in day out innovations on the LeoFinance platform, I'll be glad to surf this new additional feature, I am sure it will be nice and make me as a user happier.

This is good news, and what I like most it the bug aspect of it it can't interfere anymore a big shout out to you guys for this achievement

The long form content feature is a good one. Each user can express themselves extensively to make readers understand. It gives room for the growth of all users because we all were not that experts in writing lengthy contents but using it here had built a us.

I love it

True that the new update has made the long-form content better and many good options are added.

I have tried the new publishing UI and I must say that it is amazing. separating thread publishing from post publishing is beautiful.

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