
Let's go #blacklions! Can we make it to 4k threads?

Or points, I should say*

Have a good night buddy, tomorrow we will wake up with lots of news.

Oh. The #whitelions are doing a great job of catching up. I just hope nonso doesn't start throwing brown into full gear.

#blacklions to power, we will take the victory home and we will be the champions

No one can leave the white lions for dead. We are making a comeback.

Yayyy, I can see that #whitelions are making a move...

alright, I would like to know. how are the experience points going to be allocated? will each member get 12k/5k/2k each depending on where there team finishes? or would the total points be divided equally amongst members?

everyone on the team gets the same XP as long as they contributed to victory :D

fair enough... thanks for the update

This brings joy to my face and laughter on my cheeks.. Everyone is busy putting their best into this... God bless the blacklions..

We are the real MVP and we keep working hard

pero que están viendo mis ojos, está muy reñido todo, creo que será una de las misiones más complicadas jamas creadas, me niego a rendirme, el cansancio es temporal

The competition is ending in less than 8 hours, right? Think there´s no sleep time for most of the #whitelions gang. Do you agree with me, @janetedita, @michupa, @crptogeek?

#wemustprevail over this war!