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RE: LeoThread 2024-05-08 20:44

in LeoFinancelast month

#mayinleo Day 9! From fantasy stories to something weird that happened but we can't explain how, we have been exposed to ghosts. Have you lost someone? Or gotten the chills when walking close to a graveyard?

If you could reincarnate, what or who would you like to be?

Tell us about a last time, doesn't have to be related to death, it can be the last time you remember being picked up by your parents...

Drop your links in the comments!


You forgot to include your link.

Edited now Thank you so much ...

My submission for today's prompt

Day 9 entry. Since I subscribed to premium, my post has not been curated. What's the problem?

This is the story of a famous ghost in japan

my entry for day 9
here is my link :-

Everyone have their opinion about ghost, but for me I have not come to believe that ghost actually exist. My post on ghost is unconventional and it's based on experiences.

Here is the post link for today's prompt

Coming from the land of vampires, I could not miss this #mayinleo post: #gosh