Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Crypto Markets Straining To Gain Traction (11/22/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm sure many of you already saw this since it's about 20 hours old, but I found this a good, informative read about different options for moving money to and from other chains. Splinterlands and Hive-Engine are becoming more and more useful...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This has to hit the earnings of Google. Following what Apple did, this is going to hurt Facebook too.

It is good to see this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't bother using this but I think it's great. Then again I wonder if Facebook will just work around it.

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Sure is, they have enough of our data, and need to find another profit model which doesn't depend on preying on users.

You should see the look on the faces of potential employers when they ask about my Facebook and I tell them I don't have one. The non-removable phone app is disabled as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Does anyone here use this? Is it easy/hard to install and use? I've been hearing ads and have been thinking of pulling the trigger but it's harder than I thought to leave the familiar. Just wondering if anyone here has some thoughts...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of these days, we will advance enough in the open source, decentralized world to do a lot of harm to these companies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't understand why they want to force people to use Edge. I prefer to give the ability to pick.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If it looks like a duck, and quaks like a duck... I'd have thought that with their new CEO things would be different, but it seems they are reverting to the same old behavior.

They just don't get it.

Example: MS created this really memorable ad for their new search engine Bing. It had a catchy tune, and incorporated ear-candyish pops throughout. Did I ever see it anywhere? No. They pulled it shortly after releasing it, not realizing what a gem they had. I only found out about it while listening to the No Agenda Show podcast, where they discussed the inability of Microsoft in seeing just how memorable the ad was, before they shelved it.

The more things change...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really do not like the Edge browser, to pushy. I don't like any one telling me what to do. I also am having problems with an update to windows 11. Since my laptop is old, windows will not update unless I get some kind of gaming update done to my computer. I know I am not saying this in the right way.. I really hate being forced to have to purchase a new laptop. Anyway I am done ranting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Get thy #CANDIES. It is vital to your financial helath.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A 40 candy day for me. When you reach the higher levels, these things really start adding up!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was my 100 candy day so my jars are feeling quite full.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoin made a run over $60K then it was quickly rejected.

We are seeing some pullback in the markets now.

Where will they go next.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Should we worry.Are we going to make $1000k this year

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It's possible but I think I would wait more to see how the month closes.

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More consolidation probably.

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This is becoming beyond a joke.

The hype over the Metaverse is crazier than any hype I have seen before. I wonder how long until it pops.

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@edicted just wrote a piece about this same thing and how noone even knows what the hell it is, let alone things connected to it. To be fair, if I hadn't been reading your stuff for the last year, I might not know what it is either. In spite of that, you'd think some of them would do a tiny bit of research before spouting off about things they know very little about. Of course it is the media; some of the least self-aware people on the planet....

His article is here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't even know half of these tokens...but I do feel the hype is a bit too crazy right now.

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The future of ConstitutionDAO si up in the air. Some want the money refunded while others want to regroup and go into other projects.

One of things causing some want to go into other projects is the cost of gas fees for doing the refund.

We need to get Hive to the point where these can be funded in HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gas fees are definitely a concern. At least I don't see a lot of crowd funding working much unless they can solve it because it just doesn't scale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems we are having some issues with the comments. Not sure why they are not appearing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive-Engine has been whacked all day. Apparently they're in the process of resetting all the witness nodes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I took a break earlier today so my commenting was a bit lower so I didn't notice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It appears Hive-Engine is having some issues. I will just keep posting some which will be here when it comes up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mine are going through. You used to have to refresh the page in order to see the comment in its proper spot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had trouble using LeoDex earlier. It may have been around the same time as thre trouble you noted. I just switched to Tribaldex to do wallet maintenance. I should have had trouble with Tribaldex, but I didn't. It could have been my timing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess I choose the right time to take a break. So it's a Hive Engine issue but this happens every once in a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Web 3.0 is starting to pick up some steam. We are seeing a lot of coverage on this, but not in a 8Metaverse hype* way.

Interesting to see some mainstream sites starting to cover it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is one person, though, who we should listen to about the Metaverse. Chips are at the core of what is being constructed.

I saw a few videos where he talked about where things are heading. A very sharp cookie.

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My biggest financial regret ever. I once put in an order to buy 100 shares at $21 about 20 years ago now. It moved away from me and I didn't chase it. Then I spent the money on something else and never bought it. Who knows how many splits ago that was. I've never stopped to figure out what it would be worth today. Until I'm a crypto millionaire, I don't want to know. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I joined the HivePunks doppleganger craze today if anyone is looking for a little levity. Meet the Bakers :-)

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This will not happen, but we know these are the people to try it:

Cover Image for "Janet Yellen Proposes Tax On Coins You Acquire In Mario"

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all know that the government will continue to increase the debt limit and it has to be paid eventually. Of course they are trying to ax as much as they can...because I heard that they started the mileage tax in San Diego (not 100% sure).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What good is a debt limit if it keeps getting raised at every opportunity? The debt limit was supposed to be used by Congress to keep budgets in line. It hasn't been used this way for decades. The national debt will never be paid, and everyone involved knows it.

We can't do dead pools here (I think), but we can take bets on when the government officially defaults. I give it 5 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think it will last for a bit longer. They did hire a bunch of new people in the IRS so maybe they are looking to get more revenue on that end. Of course I just hope they don't target the normal citizens and go after the rich and powerful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rich and powerful know how to use tax laws to their advantage. In some cases, they have access to the legislators who write the tax laws. In many cases, the rich and powerful have "their people" in key positions to make sure things go as they want.

As for not going after normal people, we can forget that immediately. One reason the Income Tax became part of the U. S. Constitution via ammendment is because it was marketed as a took to go after "only" the "top 3 percent" of income earners. We know how that turned out.

When politicians say they won't tax the normal people, what they really mean is they won't tax the normal people today: tomorrow is another matter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is leodex working for you? I have been getting transaction not successful errors.

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Taskmaster4450 said there were some issues with Hive Engine earlier today so it might take a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'd had some issues over the past week with HE not accepting my transaction logins. Things have cleared up sinec then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just looking at the photo alone, makes me wary. You guys might have a stronger stomach for something like this than I would:

Hold on tight! First tilting viewing platform in Europe and highest in Poland opens in Warsaw

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just posted an article on HIVE but for some reason it wouldn't let me post it without putting in a beneficiary. So, @taskmaster4450, you are the 1% beneficiary of my latest post. lol

I literally just spent the last hour trying to get it to publish but it kept coming up with an error message saying I needed to add a beneficiary. Fortunately, I did manage to save a copy to my desktop before trying to get it to work because it actually deleted the entire thing from my "drafts" multiple times before I got it to work.

Word to the wise, make sure you manually save your articles to your own computer before trying to post. This one was almost 2000 words. That would have sucked had I lost it!

Anyway, since I did use your name in the article, task, I thought you should be the one to receive some of the rewards. lol Plus, you've certainly given me plenty of votes in the past. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know what you mean, and I've been there. The beneficiary thing started happening to me after Hard Fork 25 took effect. @forexbrokr suggested I make myself the beneficiary, and I've been doing that ever since. I haven't tried posting without a beneficiary since HF25, so I'll do that with a tiny post to see what happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

First time it happened to me. I posted two other articles yesterday and they were fine. This one wasn't for some reason. I actually tried using myself first but it still didn't work.

I didn't have any issues this morning but I wonder what is happening. Anyways at least its nice to know incase it happens to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


RE: Cub Life Token Issuance 11/21/21

Yesterday I should have received approximately 66 Cub Life tokens purchased by me from 10/21 through 11/20.

I didn't receive them and am curious if there is a problem with my account or if the issuance is simply delayed.

Please advise.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Biden tags Powell for second term at the Fed. This is good news. The choice of Brainard as Chair would have been a disaster.

It is bad enough to appoint her Vice-Chair.

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Even a blind squirrel is bound to find a nut every now and then. One less thing for us to worry about. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Brianard's Senate question was a disaster. I wouldn't want her anywhere near that position.

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Does Tesla have more Crybetruck orders than announced?

Could it be over 3 million already.

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Did the orders require people to put down the full amount for the cybertruck? But it's not looking nice if people have a 6 year wait time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Artemis backed up again.

Will we ever return to the moon? Space cadets should chime in.

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I think we will be there eventually but the delays are worrying. I wonder how much SpaceX, BlueOrigin and etc is affecting the deadlines a lot or not.

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