An Appropriate Choice : Tough Economy, Adverse Market & Smart Actions

in LeoFinancelast month

Inflation was one key thing which I used to be found to deal with in every day's life for about a few years of time. Not me, but the people around me also had their concerns and problems. It is one such thing that is out of the control of the hands of the citizens to most cases.

Economy is shaped boldly if there are enough of the supply of the products, materials and commodities above the #market demand. There are calculations and many assessment modules that are being kept on growing and adding to the trash list as well.

But where is the good thing happening to the people who are trying almost their best to keep pace with the changing market and the demands as well ?

I have talked quite on about the idea of personal freedom and quite sometimes about #decentralization and how own control and fate be distributed to the sole operants and activities. Sometimes we are to blame the target central body for making fun of their capabilities and ruining out a whole lot of good prospects on the way.

Well, to be honest every central organisations with legal power and mandate to direct a whole mass of community and people and the growth remains the same and their petty failure to big achievements all are on the same track. Sometimes they fail and sometimes come out with a pretty remarkable achievements.

Still we get to see cases like corruptions and added criticisms are many to be told. But to me what I think, regardless of the fair face value and moral character of the governments, what is essential for the body is to enlighten and improve the conditions of the society with increased economic #growth and development.

I have been facing a bold crisis of managing #money into expenses, because with less income my expenses werent that low and sometimes due to inflation up high to 3% -4% could end up accumulating extra few hundreds dollars that are hard to solve and get.

There are examples and I met with some of my friends who were extraordinarily affected by the rise of #expenses and sometimes a chubby number of debts to be made end of the months. That is as hard for individual and for a group of people to solve because either way cash flow isnt happening and there are scarcity.

Debt is one thing that to equalize it, you must have to be prepared to find the other source of income to refund the cashes and sometimes when it comes with a rigid #interest - then there are no other way but to keep up with it.

In real life the internal free market is one good example where I think there are less to more position to invest on. Because not tokenized supply of money wouldn’t fill up the costs in most cases. For an individual,no other way truly available but to follow and operate the local #businesses and projects.

I have seen that, people seem to rely to crypto and sometimes #BTC in order to make #deposits when their monthly expenses are met. It is a matter to look out when you have extra #amount of money to spend somewhere and then hoping to get a solid return in advance.

We do have to have a credit and what I think, far more people are bored of the centralized practices happening idle by and that personal reliability is getting raised. Public sector #investment and mass participation is getting lowered to some cases and sometimes more engagement in private funds and channels that are growing on.

Very recently when I saw that people seem to rely on the #crypto deposits with no control by outsiders and specially central entities, then they start to cash out from other funds and real time enterprises.

Because investing on local currency only just made them fall in the borderline of the deficits and reduction of the #volume due to the already inflations. Lets think about the 2% inflation rate.

Assume, you deposited $100 in a local monetary application and waited for 6 long months to get there and then you found with 5% interest rate and other assessments, after the end of the period the money brought forth a #profit of $110 and bearing cost of the account shedded extra $5 and your net profit went to $5 in 6 months .

$5 in whole 6 months !!!

And while crypto seem to be #volatile, despite slow and bear-bull turn, there is one thing ensured. And that is the possibility of a increasing value and once the level reached, anybody can get the profit that they want.

But all depends on personal choice and opportunities are all the same for all. Thats what great here with equality and freedom.

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