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RE: INLEO's New Image Hosting Service and Uploading Fully Fixed

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I have been with inleo for far a long time, the moment when it was first introduced and the turnover of brand names from Leofinance beta to Leothreads to Inleo now.

But quite for some months, I experienced the image posting error greatly. This is one issue which mostly needed to be fixed and now the bug is remodified and solved - so a great thank is conveyed, after all.

Image hosting feature would be a nice move surely to retain more users and also newbies in the app. This would add more engagement for sure.

Anyway,I also want that text error be solved. To edit the text, more other irrelevant characters are added spontaneously. Solving this bug be the most wanted addition here on Inleo.

Thanks for all these changes and I appreciate the team's efforts.