Steady Growth & The Insidious Matters

in LeoFinance2 months ago

In most part of the internet activities we tend to push to get extra info that a smart software provides in a #database. Since we are here deal with the online based finance mechanism, to try to adopt the plans and even tough procedure to get to the level of wellbeing - there are I think more to know and understand.

From the very first days of my staying in the world of #crypto and little knowledge and domain I gathered around, it let me to look out to search for the correct method to be advantageous of the resources and possibilities that the system has in to provide.

I tried to evaluate plans. Which mostly people in lot of areas do regardless of their status and financial level. Knowing the market is one thing that always helps one to grow during tough times. There are crises and odds even some downturns.

But what keeps us to get going is the energy and optimism to carry on and make stern decisions. We the crypto users used to talk about risk factors and how a particular parameter can change the whole equations and predictions time to time.

Of course, its a matter of experiences and the subsequent empirical knowledge that lets us get going, but despite that we have more things to get. I felt and learnt that those who stays long in one strategy are those who win for the long run.

As an investor trying to figure out what to do next, and the elements and objectives potentially decide how a system would function. We talk about #profit and expected balance sheets, if buying two popular coin can provide returns of 2× magnitude over a decent period and then everything is dusted.

Cancel the plan.

Thats where the odd is in and we talk about the "long time stay" and this is a near maxim. We work so hard and look out to the index of the price, if that went high few days ago or staying flat the same position for months.Chances are that a wide psychological game is playing on inside.

When prices remain the same position, those who expect that sometimes quite lets wait and watch the price for a time being, it fills the mind with a high hope.

The majority of early investors think that if prices remain the same and why letting it to grow and be at the wrong side, lets change position and adopt some other coins with the same #capital deposits.

As the thoughts, so as the plans. It goes on with switching back to other #coins. Some fast withdrawal and seeking opinion from friendly experts and then deciding to cash in the other tokens with a increased revenue.

But when after a few months, the true nature of #volatility lets one to grow the potential #price and a sudden pump up taking the meter to a new level - we could see the frustration and anybody would feel the shock for the time being.

It all comes down to the understanding of the risks, how we manage that and try possible means to negate that during the journey of #investment and successive attempts in later part of the segments .

To be successful, there are no limits to what one can do and adopt within own limits and abilities. Innovation would be one factor that would astound others and build a new foundation and infrastructure that would help us to excel in the own facilities .

I wish only the learnt and wise decisions would pave your way to enlightenment and bring the success that would matter in your life.

All the best.

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