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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

See @magnacarta's comment. He explained it better than me. @smooth and folks are doing their best but them folks that trade on those Korean exchanges keep mucking up the works!

I think the destablization of the HIVE Backed Dollar (HBD) is a conspiracy with the STEEM blockchain in collusion! It is making the dogs gay damn it and I don't like it!

Call out the National Guard, La Guardia Nacional, the Legion Estranger, MI-5, Interpol, the Girl Scouts, and all the folks. This shit (HBD pump and dump) is worse than PIZZAGATE and should be termed STEEMYGATE!🤣

#conspiracy #schubes #rant #satire #lamehumor

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


them folks that trade on those Korean exchanges keep mucking up the works!

When the algorithm for HBD maintaining its peg was written, I don't they had this scenario in mind. It's not easy to address this via code.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta