There are 4 pages

#feedback #khaleelkazi

How about the "hide threads including links" excludes those which have links to leothreads.

That way if we drop a link to another thread, it appears. Is that possible?

I think it's a good idea

I like the idea. Though it may be solved by killing two birds with one stone when we release the ReThreads feature


What if someone rethreads their spammed thread? Does it still get blocked? That is where it could backfore. We should let the ability to drop thread links like for threadcasts through.

I like the idea. Works for threadcasts as well

Yes it allows us to then promote the threadcasts and share them with others.

1/ 🦁 The art of curation on the Hive blockchain has long been a point of debate. We can't satisfy everyone. It's a competition - an upvote for one means another missed out. #Hive #LeoFinance

17/ 🎗️ Threads outreach: Compose a 5 piece Threadstorm about your post. Use the #outreach tag on the first thread and include a link to your post at the end.

I understand this one, I will try it

Doing that will hhelp more people to understand the post before reading it.

This is gonna be interesting, I'm sure everyone will love to this

29/ 🦁 Whether you're a new author or a long-time contributor, we're excited to see what you bring to the LeoFinance community. Let's grow together!

5/ ⚙️ We've been testing and tweaking these ideas, seeking to continually improve. Expect additions, subtractions and constant evolution.

The best should be done so that community maintain its growth

2/ 📜 Our community has tried numerous curation methods - from opening it up to discord, authorizing certain curators, and more. Yet, the perfect approach remained elusive.

It is nonot an easy task. I commend the great work you all are ddo in LeoFinance

4/ 🚀 And so, we embarked on a new path. A path where there are literally 6 different ways you can get curated on #LeoFinance.

This approach may be more interesting and productive

6/ 🎯 Our new vision? Defeating randomness by adding very understandable rules to curation. We're shifting our focus on growth, community, and active engagement.

I think the gist is becoming clear to me

7/ 🧪 The result? It's never been so easy to get curated by LeoFinance, but it's never been harder if you're not a hardcore Lion.

The community want growth of every lion in the chain

8/ 💰@leo.voter is designed to reward the community. Delegators now get 16% APY paid out from LEO bought from the market. This is a sustainable, thriving ecosystem.

I am a beneficiary of that

9/ 📈 We've already seen LEO outperform the rest of the crypto market. Yes, it's slow, but it's sure.

The future is bright with all the projects that is going on here.

10/ 🎁 @leo.voter isn't just to shill out LEO. Its PURPOSE is to reward our community. This was the vision from the beginning.

11/ 🦾 With 3.2 MILLION HP, @leo.voter is in the top 20 in terms of voting power on the Hive Blockchain. And it's all for supporting our community.

This is really great and all who remain consistent in the community will see their life changing
#leo #hive

12/ 💼 Our new rules? Predictability. But upvotes aren't free. They're meant to reward users, grow our community, and advance our mission: 5,000 MAUs by the end of 2023.

It requires more engagement bon threads and inviting new lion

13/ 🔎 Starting today, our curation will focus on Stake Based, Ambassador, Outreach Based, Engagement, Leaderboard, Community Drivers. All considered alongside LeoGlossary usage and SEO.

You have mentioned this SEO again. Can you please explain it to me pl

14/ 📊 Stake-based curation: @leogrowth will post a Thread thrice daily for post submissions. The number of submissions a Lion can make depends on their Pride Rank.

I don't really understand this one. Please thow more light on it

15/ 🌍 Ambassador curation: Each LeoFinance ambassador will submit 1 post per day on a private curation channel. Emphasis on post length (750 words), quality, topic, LeoGlossary usage, and SEO.

16/ 📣 Outreach-based curation: Anyone who posts long-form content on or using the #leofinance tag can participate.

This is a great privilege for those who created long content

18/ 🐦 Twitter outreach: Compose a 3-tweet Thread on Twitter about your post. Use the hashtags #web3, #leofinance, #hive on the first Tweet and include a link to your post at the end.

All this idea will boom LeoFinance community very soon. I will start it tomorrow

19/ 👥 Engagement-based curation: Gamified based on engagement. Top 30 most active on Threads, top 20 most active commenters, top 10 content creators with the most engagement

God please give us more strength and focus to achieve all this.bwe want a new LeoFinance. The growth will be exponential

20/ 🏅These 60 Lions become part of the Pride List for the next week. If you're active and engaging, you're eligible for curation. Simple and rewarding!

I will give it My best. Yes all of us want growth

22/ 🚀 Community Drivers: Lions who support LPUD with at least 5k $LEO delegations or support our Community Collabs initiative will be part of the Pride List as long as they support LeoFinance's community-driven initiatives.

I need to step uP in this community. Let's build history together

24/ 🥁 So, here's everything about Curation on LeoFinance 2.0! With these new tweaks, now is the best time ever on LeoFinance to earn rewards.

You are very right. Monkey work monkey chop. Consistently engaging and build.

26/ 🎯 Our aim has always been to reward our community and grow LeoFinance. With these new curation methods, we're closer than ever to achieving this goal.

28/ 👏 We'd like to thank our community for their patience and feedback as we've worked on these changes. Your input has been invaluable in shaping our curation strategy.

30/ 🎉 So Lions, let's roar! Join us in this exciting new journey of curation on LeoFinance. Be active, engage and earn your place on the Pride List. See you there! #LeoFinance #Hive #crypto

Thank you for taking out time to list this important update. I want to be on pride list

31/ 🔄 Stay tuned for more updates and tweaks to this system. Our journey is just beginning, and we're thrilled to have you with us. Let's make the LeoFinance community the best it can be. #LeoFinance #Hive #crypto

Let's work together and build a great nation on hive Blockchain

I have bagan to love everything about leofinance community, the way it works and it's features, I was a noob before, because I don't know about it, I'm gonna make more efforts now, and I believe that lions are not asleep

When Hive becomes mainstream, will there still be a quest for high quality content or, as with other social networks, will personal upvotes go to friends?

Is like sharing food on a big wedding ceremony. You will never satisfied every one.

Thanks for this update. It clears the ambiguity regarding curation. I think if everyone know what it took to get curated they would work towards that. As long as curation is merit-based, I am fine with it

Whoah, this is a complex system. But I think it's an excellent initiative. A major curation account with transparent rules and methods... amazing.

Perfect point. Sometimes, I do make 3-4 straight posts without receiving quality upvote, yet, I keeps on going without grudges. Honestly, just as marketers can't expect to sale all their goods same day, let's have such mindset

Thats true, but at least there should be some level of justice applied such that people see the

I think that it will be less of an issue when there are thousands of small upvotes on popular posts rather than a few giant votes. Then it is majority choice for rewards instead of one persons thoughts.

The new method of curation is quite interesting. There's room for anyone who plans to help the community grow and I think that's fair. I should delegate some hp to leo.voter then since it's 16% APY. That's crazy.

LEO! You're cutting images?

How dare you...

Signature is cut off and everything. Have to open the image in a new tab to see what's actually there.

How's yours doing? Are portions of your posts mutilated?

Who let this guy into LEO and how did he get out of that dark basement.

Door was open.

Can't even have a circle jerk in private anymore.
Outsiders want in on it.

I'm an outsider.

Price Update

What do you think about the market? Pump or Dump?


Things are being pushed down. Could be a temporary thing. We will see if there is a rebound over the next couple days.

26K! What!!

Doing the South Surrey Side Shuffle.

It's a correction time and when this reach 25k there will be a rebound

Officially, I am a Lion.

Time to work for the title "Leader of the Pack"

I dont know the rankings so I asked @khaleelkazi what I am and he said a jerk.

It must be the master of the lions 🔥

Khal is just a meany. I pay no attention to him.

damn 15k $LEO awesome work fren!

We have just started 🦁

Let's gooooooo

Wait for me, I'm coming 🦍

This is great, good to see how far you have gone, so I need to have at least 15k Leo to be a real lion 🦁🦁🦁

It takes some Leo Power and tears to be a real Lion 😅

COngratulations on entering the den, hehe

Many thanks 🦁

Congratulations for being a Lion!

That is a very good amount! Super cool! :3

Imagine how cool leader of the pack is 😂

wow 15k!! congratulations

Thanks a lot 🙏🏼

wow great congratulations on the big achievement

Definitely. The only point in hitting a goal is to start the next one.

I'm on Threads for the Adoption Campaign that starts on April 30, and I represent the CTP Swarm Community. Jon @jongolson Thanks
#ctp #leofinance

Welcome to the campaign mate. All the best for you and your community

Thank you

welcome to the campaign

Thank you

Awesome, welcome sir!!

Good to have you here mate, welcome on board

Thank you so much

Here are the most prolific authors of this week at Hive Learners Community. Time to decide who stands as your Top Author Of The Week.

#topauthors #polls

Remember to include the posts and the authors as replies to this thread so people can check out the contenders directly from here!

Completed my vote! Good luck to all!

Good luck to all authors, I have completed my vote. #topauthors

Voted! good luck to all nominees

If after struggling to participate in this #zealy #campaign, at the end, the Leo team comes up with this announcement: ITS ALL APRIL FOOL. What will you do? #poll #polls #leo #leofinance #

What announcement are you talking about?

Which did you see up there? I know, you're afraid

Lol who be this one God abeg 🤣

😂 honestly, I don’t know.😅

Yiu don't know what and how you'll react? Just prepare your mind ahead of time. Hahaha

of course, I'm gonna maintain myself.

Well, we are already in May!

When people realize the value comes from engaging with other people while participating in this #zealy #campaign, they shouldn't worry too much about the "carrot on a stick", if that would be the announcement :p

I try to #thread but after I push the "Thread" button, while the post is displayed if I refresh it disappears. It is like not committed to the #hive #blockchain.

A new tryout...

It worked this time, but the issue is with comments...

Worked also this one. Testing closed. :)

I am also having the same problem! I have to log out and log back in to try to solve this!

It happens also to me at times and it is painful that what you typed disappears and one does not see it. I understand

That happened to me a lot yesterday, but today everything is working fine for me.

When the options to block an user? Spamming is so annoying

I Hate it with passion and I know leofinance and hive generally disapprove it


I haven't gotten hit with spam yet myself but a mute feature would be nice. That way it's still #web3 and it's up to the user who they want to hear or not lol

Hahaha yeah. There is people who find it even funny, but there is people you just don't want to see. It's not something that actually stresses me out, I just keep scrolling haha but it is annoying

Name names!

Hahahaa no but probably will show on your timeline too xD

Hahahahah something necessary, but at the same time a strong accusation.

I didn't accuse anyone hahaha but I could. Not that that person would care really xD

Do you have the link block on? That cuts down on those who are only sending their own post links out.

I do, but this is just people shameless creating threads for the sake of spamming, so the link block doesn't fix it

Oh, the mute feature would be nice for sure...
Have you tried like mute them from another frontend?
Probably won't but it doesn't hurt least you wouldn't see them in other places 🤣

GM friends so many beautiful flowers are out in bloom now!


Thanks for being a person who sends out positive vibes

You're most welcome @thetimetravelerz 😊👍 !BBH !CTP

Nice, springtime is always such a visual treat after the drear of winter haha

Yes @jfuji it sure is! Glad you liked them 😊 !BBH !CTP

How will you feel and what will you do if eventually after participating in the campaign, you find out that all your XP have just disappeared? #polls #poll #

No problem. I would consider that part of the game. Move on and try other things.

Hahaha, are you sure? If yes, you're a matured business lion. Keep it

Is #leo the biggest opportunity in the #hive space currently ?

#polls #poll #threads #liotes #leofinance

Yes it is. If you're looking or searching for evidence to prove it, inform me. I have my points. Though, as a #threader, you shouldn't ask unless you're not an active member. Which I doubt 🧐 #threads247

I am on the same side as you are on this :)

Do you agree that investment decisions require due diligence and not be based on fastest fingers first ?

#poll #polls #threads #liotes

Definitely, you can be fast and still invest wrongly, so investing wisely is very

so many times people do not do proper research and blindly jump in losing their capital which is so sad

Of course. It is

glad you are the wise investor :)

I'm trying. Thanks.

sometimes you have to jump in. id hate to spend a month figuring out how HIVE works just to get into this zealy competition instead of investing my time engaging with others & fun accomplishing quest. gotta be risky sometimes & jump in

Would you like to have the option to pay for food with #leo tokens ?

@threads #leo #leofinance #polls #poll

Why not. but at first we need a wallet app for $LEO

The leo wallet is good enough for the purpose

Imagine what the crypto markets will look like five years from now...

Then imagine what society will look like five years from now 😩

For a moment, I do imagine what the Leofinance community will look like 5 years from now, even to that, I do imagine what I would have gotten wit being consistent in 5 years too.

One thing is certain, crypto will surge, I'm not so sure of what society will become

I can agree with you on that.

I want to see myself in the list of millionaire five years from now

I wish you luck, my friend.

A lot of stuff going on, not all of it good. It will be interesting to see how things looks the second half of this decade.

In any case, it will be interesting...

It doesnt appear boring.

5 years a pretty long period of time in this space

That's true, a lot can happen.

Funny enough, it could be like this at that moment

I think valuations will be much higher, but society will be much worse, to be honest.

well, you have valid reasons to say this


View or trade LOH tokens.

@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @dayadam and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/17 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Thank you for this awesome card @splinterlandstv ! My first Hero of Beyond <3

#leofinance #threads

A nice card I actully use that one myself almost every time I play life splinter.

Do you need a link to watch football games today? #europa use the tag and come to the threadcast we set for today #football

Uhhm, I like football but not really it's fan hahaha. Please understand, I can stay happily throughout my life without watching any soccer league. But whenever am out for it, dare you not to disturb me.

Would you be willing to Power Up some LEO (LP) in exchange for exclusive features or options in Leo Finance?

I say YES.

Definitely a yes from me!

That's what I want to hear 💪.

Definitely yes. A really great option compared to paying something like $8.

This is web3, so instead of asking people to pay for something, you can ask them to invest in exchange for more and better options.

Spot on, my friend!

Obviously I will. I am just waiting for 15th may

That's a wise decision, this Leo Power Up Day will be huge.

Definitely, getting some exclusive features is more important, I need to be a to explore the newui the more

This would also give new use cases for our LEO tokens, it's a win-win.

74 of 80 patio stones laid.

Now to get my Building

That's some back breaking work but so rewarding seeing the end result! Get us a picture soon?

I will tomorrow when they are all down. I got a couple from a couple days ago.

Why did you stop? Seems you might have trouble finishing things.

Why not do the last 6 stones? Slacker.

Hahahahaha. I ran out of sand.

I hate when that happens.

Lol. Well I got 8 down after supper. So 6 should be no problem tomorrow

Should be unless there is a rain storm.

Orna thread storm 😉

Awesome to have caught the full and live episode of The Cryptomaniacs today! It was an awesome show with great questions and other 🦶 odd happenings 🤣 Great Job @jongolson & @taskmaster4450le #ctp #leofinance

I caught a good 20 minutes of it always enjoyable when I can tune in

The last few months I haven't been able to catch the live shows as much, so definitely a treat.

Hope your week has been awesome @bitcoinflood

And while we were on air, the #mets are getting crushed. I might do a follow up episode just so as not to deal with them. LOL

It's a sinking feeling. The Mets can't find answers in any phase @taskmaster4450le

It is getting rougher by the day. You know your pitching staff is bad when you have 3 TBA for SP entering a series.

It is ugly. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that @taskmaster4450le

An afternoon coffee to have a #pawfecwednesday! Let's do LEO #Zealy quests!

Indeed a cup of good coffee keeps you going in the campaign

Thank you!

keep enjoying and growing in the campaign :)

do you have the #pawfecwednesday as part of your quest today ?

Let's do it. breaking the world

In search of the keyword ! The Cryptomaniacs Podcast ₿🌕


lol, the keyword has been said already.. i guess you did not get it, keep enjoying the show

I got it! Thanks!

Nice, can you still the hear the voice on the show?

I'm still in the Show!

nice, I am also present in the show, but i can not hear anything on the voice
I might have to leave

I just completed the quest. They told it two times

I'm thinking about create a post about prepper & survival games, like Mr. Prepper, Project Zomboid and similar, probably I'll post it sunday (if I'll make it)

What do you think?

Do and then summarize the article as a #threadstorm :D

How to do it? Do you have an example?

that is an interesting idea go for it

Why not? Do it and knock yourself (along with a few other people) out.

Do you recommend any community to post it? Or maybe a leothread is a better option?

Threads is becoming a great place to post threadstorms. Add it in here and get a conversation going about it.

I think you should. Would be nice to read more gaming content.

You can make it an ongoing LeoThreads series. Keep filling the prepper tag up.

start this. I am supporting you

I am starting my zealy leofinance quest as of now...any suggestions folks???

Focus the quests you're good at, do the dailies and weekly quests and keep threading! You got this

just be regular with daily quests as they expire every day and do not miss out on any quests that you feel you can do.
Pick the quests that are of your interest

Kick ass and dont let them see you sweat.

Err...enjoy the process?

If you want to know anything just let us know

wow, I am glad to see back Prof, you just need to complete the quests that you are capable of and then attend to the daily quests as well. All the best and good luck Sir.

#coffee number 3 goin down

Is that cups or pots?

cups, i can't get on your level

It does down like water. Or tequila to @anomadsoul.

maybe he got some tequila for tonight's show

I wouldnt bet against that. It is almost a given.

Just as long as he isnt drinking Bud Light. LOL

yeah, that's true. probably gunna be drinking some cheap beer like me lol

Still can't post Threads from my personal account @freecompliments on my primary browser. On this browser, I can't switch to that account from this one. Has my personal account been banned from Threads lol? #feedback #threads #leofinance

banned? seriously? I don't see any option for banning someone

That's intended to be a joke. :D

But there's a clear issue going on here. All of the Threads I try to publish from that account disappear into thin air.

Hahaha, who does that? It's glitch, and it's affecting me too. As I clicked on both my notifications and threads, the only thing am seeing is 16 days old #threads. Let's bear with them. It will soon normalize

I couldnt sign out of my account in Chrome. Still major hiccups in the UI.

Hope this one resolves soon! I had some more entertaining polls I was attempting to post from my personal account.

Spent a busy day after a long time. So how are you everyone?

Very well mate, trust you are doing well today, if you're just showing up for the day, it's not too late either, so let engage

Yes I trying my best to complete my tasks for today

Google AI officially live, cruise

#threads #leo #leofinance

Khal and his team are making real big moves. Might upset the old lions (some of them atleast) but they showed their hands and what they are about. We need an active and result oriented community. I am x1000 bullish on Leo right now

A complete revamp.

Curation 2.0 will shake things up and bring a good standard in terms of content that gets rewarded.

As it should be. Putting good content, engage and support the community to get rewarded. So no one comes here to complain about not getting upvotes. Those days are over.

Indeed. Those days are over now.

I love the transparent nature of it.

Now sure what you are referring to but I am 1000% bullish about Leo.

We are all very optimistic at the moment in Leo, I think it looks very good.

Being a leader or team leader means you get to make some decisions that wont sit right with everyone. But, yea... you are a leader not a Cheerleader... lol, I forgot that cheerleader is also a leader... lol

The future is bright

#gmfrens! Because it's morning somewhere!

I forgot for a moment about getting candies on it a thing still?

How's your diabetes? 😋

That's right it's always morning somewhere. I'm not so keen on getting the candies anymore after I spent all mine on the token and then never claimed them because I didn't have a wallet for it lol

I have about 12k lol I kept claiming but stopped for a bit when I changed to a new PC, I always had the tab open so I won't forget lol
I might exchange for the books or so just because!

Yes, it is morning in this part of the world...

Good morning dear friend.

Well it already passes midnight here so it's kind of morning hehe

Have a good one :)

THank you so much

I wish you the best

I get them every day! Do you think they're going to be a token one day?

I am so focused on #hive that I don't really know to be honest lol
But clicking to claim once a day is not a big thing and it seems there are rewards there you can exchange so I'm aiming for the books probably

Forgetting #candies is like forgetting to put your clothes on before leaving the house.

It might seem like nothing at first but can quickly escalate into a major situation.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about on this.

I blame my new PC for not having the old tabs because the tab was always open lol
I will keep it up from now on!
I prefer getting #candies than go for the meme coins lol

I prefer sitting on a thumb tack as opposed to buying a meme coin.

Good day in general!
Honestly, I had forgotten that coingecko existed hahahahahahahahaha!

It nice to be here, I was introduced by a friend and I hope to join the campaign and know more about hive .

Welcome to Leothreads. Dive in and have a blast.

thank you , I'm going to try my best

welcome to threads in case you have not joined the quest you can use this link to join

I was introduced by some too, and I hope to follow along with the campaign

welcome, fren

Thank you.

Let's do it

I believe I can

Welcome mate. Hope we have a great time together

$HIVE price check. Planning to buy some

your future self will be thanking you!

For making a very wise decision, buying the dip

That seems like a popular thing that people are doing.


I think its time to buy... but no liquid hbd.... ooooooo..... I'll miss out!

Wow! Back to the support level again. Do TAs call that double bottom?

Already bought 92 $HIVE last night.

But I still have to transfer it from MEXC. Hopefully, that *143# will work this time.

The UI is smooth. I like it. There is no lag while publishing a thread #update

Its Just awesome I would say

It had it’s share of issues. It still has but pretty smooth

as it should be, its going to be amazing when they get their own node. i cant wait and i hope there are investor options that we can participate in.

Yeah. Leo mode and Leo node. We need both

i wonder how much it would cost, the community would prob be open to chipping in if there was a way to get it back later down the line

I don't know the cost and the technical difficulty associated with it. But it makes sense for Leo to run a node as a prominent player in the $HIVE ecosystem

No idea what the resource requirements are

Still a bit spotty. Are you on desktop or mobile?

And there's no lag replying this thread... updater... hehehehe

I think it is smoother than before

YEs, I agree

Centralization exists everywhere (including decentralized entities)... it always will... the best you can hope for is a lower level.

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

hehe… you don’t mean that😁

The salad isnt shy.

Lol 😆 now this is funny, made my day

Haha, but the salad still swallowed it,

Interestingly most of the big earners in terms of long-form content are nowhere to be found on #threads... I will leave it there. Use emotional intelligence to join the dots. Spoiler... there's a lot more than two...

Very valid point. That should be brought up.

I wonder why they don't want to be part of microblogging

i spoke about this some weeks back. the truth is apparent to all. Hope khal takes a cue and builds this community with those willing to work with him. These old guards only care about their huge upvotes and stroking each other's egos.


View or trade LOH tokens.

@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @chacald.dcymt and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/17 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.


Expecting to start serial publishing #huntingmidnight episode 4 later today! Just need to rustle up some cover art and we're pretty much good to go.

Waiting to read that

No soy un fan de la bebida, debe ser por eso que no he escuchado sobre esto, pero tan solo el nombre me da algo de risa jajaja. Voy a echarle un vistazo


Jajaja bueno la cocina está llena de ideas locas , bienvenido por estos espacios tal vez te agrade alguna de las ideas , saludos 🍹🍹🍹

#gmfrens 💚😵

Friday morning has been more productive than expected.

Let's get this bread!!

ayyyyy hope to see you on the #podcast in 2 hours

GM 💚😵.

A room will just display via Discord, yeah?

GM, yes ser

go to LeoFinance Discord - LeoTV - Shows

i'll start djing about 45 mins before

today it's been pretty productive for me as well

GM mate 💚😵

We got this!

A good Friday morning will do that to ya. Lots of big updates coming out of @leofinance today as well via their last post.

GM 💚😵

Oh exciting!

I've seen people mentioning this on Threads, but I haven't clicked through to the post yet.

Still figuring out the new UI and how to read long form from my 'following' list ;)

Big fan of paying for content that has external and ongoing value.

Driving engagement on other socials and obvs Google rankings.

Finally driving some standards :)

That's good to read :) I hope the rest of the day can be productive as well!

GM 💚😵

Thank you for the motivation :)


That's really awesome to hear. I am glad it is really productive for you, I hope mine will be the same as well.

Good morning to you

GM 💚😵

Hopefully this inspires you to hit the ground running when you sit down to work in the morning :)

YEs, I'm sure it will.

I hope I accomplish a lot before I go to bed.

Thank you so much 🙏

HEhe, are you already reaping the fruits of the day?
We are still in the night here in Nigeria

GM 💚😵

Haha yep.

I'll be productive now while you relax.

But we will swap over in a few hours ;)

hmmm. . . I wish I can share such productivity. 😊❤️

GM 💚😵

I'll share with you :)

Thanks! 😂.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It's one of those work days where I have a big gap in my schedule so I'm trying to break it up throughout the day. Problem is that when I take a break it's hard to go back to work lol

i feel you, working from home is a gift and a curse

I used to work at home so I am well aware lol 😆

same here. I took a short break for 10 minutes. then I spent more than ! hour

I have basically two hours to burn but I'm about over half of that rn. Still spacing things out though lol

that part of life is called inertia we all go through it at some point

Interesting perspective

Which writing quest to take on next??
Business writer maybe...

get after it 💪🏽

I’m working on the politics writer. Are you done with that?

I'm thinking about Business too

Hmmm, I am yet to start with my writing quest, maybe I might start with business or probably with finance. Let's see whatever happens.

I like those quests it's making me expand my writing a bit more while still staying in the Finance area I enjoy the most.

Try that one and see how it goes

Greetings @bitcoinflood, I have given you answers, that contest is in English and Spanish and I also sent you a video in Spanish with English subtitles, if you do not read the answers my dear friend, I do not know how to help you.

Ah thank you @osomar357 I'll need to scan my notis for it. Much appreciated and keep up the good work!

First a soccer party, and now a cycling race! So much going on in Napoli! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

in fact we are having a month of May dedicated to sport.
Very nice event yesterday really spectacular!

@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @davidxxl. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Oh wow, OK, cool! That's great! I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


What did the retired detective call his new real-estate business?
Sherlock Homes.

Credit: reddit
@davidxxl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @tydynrain

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

I missed the HiveManiacs show today so yay for replays!

I'm always listening to the bald boys when I can, but I need to complete a certain #zealy quest so I must watch it!


The bald boys 😂😂

Good content!

they're sexy and they know it

lolol they were talking about their hair on the replay when I was writing the #thread 🤣🤣 I think I even call them that on a post months ago..lemme see if I can get the post lol

I'll have to watch that later. I missed the show too and I want to complete that zealy quest too.

I just got the keyword!

yeah, that's why I shared the replay for the late comers 😋

I watched the replay and I got the keyword. Anyone who wants it should watch the show and I won't tell people what it is.

we have the cryptoholics show coming up in about 1hr 30mins dont miss that one

That will be at 2am my time 😴

Guess that will be another replay to watch/listen lol

Damn you timezones 🤣

its been rough, maybe try and check in about 30mins into the show and see what info you can grab then watch the play back when youre starting your day in the morning.

I'm still around so might listen to it a bit :)

That's very late for me and originally I should be sleeping but for this sake, I shall keep awake

its tough, between keeping thread numbers up, getting quests done, and catching the streams- but thats what makes it a challenge. we're almost 1/2 way done. its time to find a groove and sink into it

Yea that's true

It was really awesome... I enjoyed watching the Show... I also learnt that you need to pronounce Meme as Miimii and not as Meme... lol

Hehe, no b only Miami na mymy

It is nice you are watching it. It is necessary for an adequate accomplishment of the quests

There are 4 pages