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This is an old drawing that I made and it's more true for me nowadays than when I first draw it. I finish games at a 1 Game/2 Months rate. (I buy 'em less often now, but you get the idea.)


Lol. I agree with this. My backlog on games keeps going up.

Wish you luck.

The current game I'm playing in my backlog is DanganRonpa V3.

What's yours?

For me, I am going back through Xenogears right now. I wanted to play it after finishing XC3 Future Redeemed.

Haven't played any of the Xeno games yet, but I want to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when I get to it. (From what I gathered I have to play XC2 before 3 if I want to play both.)

You can play Xenoblade 1 or 2 then play XC3. You don't have to worry about XCX because it tends to be it's own thing but there is DLC in XC2 that shows one of the main characters.

I don't need to play XC1, right? I heard many people started with 2, and I don't have time to play all of them, so I decided to go XC2 and XC3 only & only go back to XC1 if all stars aligned for it. !LOLZ

wow, that's great, I also find it difficult in completing games nowadays.

It's not a bad thing, I also learned to not finish all of my games. Once I get enough enjoyment out of them, I should stop. I might watch the rest of the story in a LetsPlay on Youtube.

Ohk, that's nice

what being on #threads is doing to me

Haha, #threads take a lot of time from other things, right?

Here are 5 suggested awesome #hive posts from 5 awesome authors :)

Read and interact with :)

#gosh #alive

Anyone using any other web3 social media platform other then #hive

#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

The rest are so-called in my books

I don't know who needs to hear this but you're made for more.


we are made for better!

Whenever you feel you're worthless, remember that God knows the number of hairs on your head.

God is great!!

Persistence + Resilience x Relentless efforts = Results.

dedication and commitment = achievement

The best revenge is massive success

Exactly. Do your best to prove to those who said you cannot make it and they will keep quiet.

yeah. I am telling you. A big one

My new track finally hit 5k plays on Audius!🥳Thanks so much! <3 Just wish musicians would get a fair payment, instead of nothing.
#music #ravenstyle #raven

CONGRATS! #raven music needs more plays, and I'm glad it's finally happening!

Thanks so much! <3

Thats an amazing milestone to reach 5k plays on Audius! Congratz raven !

Thank you!! =)

Huge congratz Raven!

Thanks! =) I just wish I could also earn a little money with it. :D But well, getting 5k in only a few weeks is great! !PIZZA

Have you looked for other platforms where you can monetize those hearings?

Of course. I think I know every platform lol. But it´s hard. In Spotify for example. 1.5 Million clicks payed me 2.200 Dollars. And it took quite a while to get this many clicks. :D Every platform pays shit.

I understand. They set high standards so not everyone can monetize. Mjmmm It's difficult, but keep working and the results will come for sure!

Yeah in most platforms everyone can earn. The earnings are just so bad haha. But I think positive! It will work out soon! =)

5k plays, that's huge!

Thanks so much! =) !PIZZA #raven #music

A pleasure dear.

ah you get nothing on audios? This is news to me

Only the top 5 songs get money each week. In the beginning they talked about fair payment for musicians. Yeah lol. That´s about the same scam than everywhere. And even people can listen that dont sign up there. Everyone can lilsten for free

that’s not ideal. I think there should be a number of plays that can get you paid. Let’s say If you are able to break1k we give you this and 2k gets this. It would have been fair

Congrats on the milestone! But I agree that there should be a better way. I hope some brilliant person eventually comes up with one that enables you to get paid for all your hard work.

Thank you so much!! =) I hope so too. It would be great if musicians get payed for every stream in a fair way. This would change my whole life. :D #raven

Thank you! =) Oh yes! Let´s see how soon I can reach that. :) !PIZZA #raven #music

Yes I hope someday money earns a little too. :) Thanks for supporting! <3 #raven

Well for the #naturetuesday I have to share this GIF:

In Italy is called "Nutria" or "Swamp Beaver", well I bet you can imagine why :)

Do you know that if nothing happens during next 38 hours #cub is NOT deflationary in May

Does that mean there were not any CUB burnt for the whole month of May?

It means MTB burned about half of #cub created...

I think I need to start reading the articles in my reading list. 19 windows are waiting to be closed. 😄

I feel you!
I used to do it too, but I got an almost dying computer now and I am taking it one step at the time :)

Hard to have a dying computer. 😭

Sometimes I have more than 30 windows open :) It's not easy, but you'll get it done.

Wow, 30 windows! I am afraid my laptop might suddenly shut down if I do that. 🤣😂

My PC won't shut down but it's like its dying. 🤣

Begging for your mercy. 🤣😂


Lol Go read them all... Read, Read, Read! haha

But the cost is . . . your threading will be slower. 🤣😂

Haha you got a target to meet on threads?

Break my 285 high yesterday. 🤣😂

Haha that's a huge feat, you can achieve it... Go for it!

I thought I can do it last night but everyone starts to sleep. 🤣😂

It's been tough. I left everything about long form content until the nighttime and I am busy trying to go through them all before I go to sleep too.

In my case, when I see that threading activity is low, I took that as a chance to read long-form content. When I like it, I do a threadstorm out of it.

You're right, it's not easy. However, both types of content have their appropriate use.

Micro-blogging is for fast consumption and engagement, whereas long-form content requires careful digestion and reflection.

I thought I was the only one.

Good to know that we have company. 🤣😂

I asked about this on Reverio, if you login with keychain, you can answer it here:

haha. i always pin them so they won't get lost if i shut down my pc

Pinning? Different from bookmarking?

Just 92?

I got 72 windows in mah browser lol.

72 windows? how is that possible? 🤣😂

Browser tabs* hqhq

Good morning

Good morning

Good morning mate!


Hope your day started awesomely.

Are you going to #work hard for this week? #gmfrens

A huge yes

Massive and all on #threads. I need to hit 3k

As usual for me.

absolutely I have to

#gmfrens !
I hope your day starts well!

thats a vibrant picture tho start the day with! thanks for sharing

Such a beautiful shot.

I hope you have a nice day as well.

I hope so too and yours too

Good morning to you, yeah, having a great start of the day

Have a beautiful Tuesday! What an incredible shot!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

gm to you hope it does


Woke up early today to travel for the task I've done just now and heading back to home. lol

Feels good when you begin the day with accomplishment.

Hope you're having a Good day.

Kudos to you.

Yeah, here on #threads

it feels good to wake up to an accomplishment.

Indeed it really does!


Have a lovely Tuesday, young man.

You too buddy!

Thank you, buddy.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I shared a #threadstorm with details for my SPL EOS reward

Collecting rewards is encouraging.


Motivation for today:

Always be grateful

#gmfrens today is a bright new day

Gm bro🥂

It is must!

Yes bro

It is!

A beautiful thought

Yes, it is...

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Understand the power of delayed gratification. Sacrifices today can lead to a brighter financial future.




“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
― Germany Kent

In the comment to this quote you can find my #liketu post talking about the quote..

you can join #cryptocompany discord by clicking below!
discord banner.png

Oh, now I gotta find one person to invite for zealy... That's the quest.

That quest is something I think I will skip. It's tough.

It is tough but that's 1000 XP can bring lot of difference in my rankings.

It can but I think there are a lot of quests out there. Getting someone to click the link is just the first problem so I think the other quests are more guaranteed for the time you put in.

Yea, there are.

Same problem for me.. it's gonna be hard but will try to complete it.

Just pulled a Legendary in Rising Star! :D Woop woop! #risingstar #games #nfts #hivegames #packluck #luck

omg congratz, raven! I never pulled on legendary ever!

Congratulations. Those legendary cards are really rare.

Hello guys I’m new here I hope to meet and interact with new friends

Hey,,, nice to see you on thread, my friend. You are welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here.

thank you my friend

Took you long enough. anyway, welcome

yeah I guess so.😂 Thanks 😊

you are always welcomed.

Thanks man

We are being happy means feeling good inside. When we are happy, we feel joyful, confident, and accessible. So it's important to know that happiness is something we already have inside us.


#threadstorm #happiness

This is truly important. When we are aware of this, we don't let others or outside forces define our happiness. It's also easier for us to appreciate the little things and not focus on the negative side of them.

Thank you for this.

Thank you for the lovely input. Stay happy and joyful.

Cheers, let's do that :)

Cheers! I am happy mode, how about you?

I am too :) Was just so tired that I went to bed at 7pm lol! Just woke up now.

Indeed, have to agree with it!

Angry on a problem makes situation even worse... We gotta stay calm... Leave that fear behind and focus on the positive side of ourselves.. improvement is part of our life..being happy makes it more easy.

Anger can worsen things, calmly taking an overview of any matter is the only solution.

Totally agree with ya!

Thank you for being kind.

It doesn't depend on what's happening outside of us. If we think that happiness comes from things outside of us, like money or success, we will always be worried that we might lose them, and then we won't be happy anymore.


Sometimes we focus too much on our bad qualities instead of our good ones. For example, if we have ten rates and nine of them are good, we might still focus on the one bad quality and feel bad about it.


It's important to recognize when we have a problem and to be kind to ourselves. If we are angry, for example, it might be because we are scared or don't feel safe.


If we are kind to ourselves, we will be more considerate to others too.

Remember, you already have happiness inside you, like a hidden diamond.


#gmfrens Seeing sweet updates, I could edit and delete my threads

I could also copy the link of a thread without using the link from the top after clicking on the thread.

Keep them coming team, you guys are amazing! 💯

Oh, you are the third threader who said that. I am elated.

Haha me too, it keeps getting exciting

Will you also do the 1k challenge? 🤣😂

What's the 1k challenge about?

Nobody gives that challenge. I just read someone said that the number is his goal for this day, and then I read another until the 3rd one. The goal of the 4th is 900. I told him why not add 100 more to join the other three. 🤣😂

Lol that was an hilarious response you gave 😂

I'm sure they have a way to go about it

I wish them good luck

As for me, if I hit 300 that will be enough.

I wish I could, I have to get that much to claim the next XP

Can't wait to see more updates rolling in

Yeah, exciting to see those new numbers. 🤣😂

Haha yeah!

Will I thread the whole day? What do you think? 🤣😂

You will, I know how much you love threads 🤣

Yes, I am a:



Yeah same here, was too excited to keep calm lol

Oh! Who initiated this madness?! 🤣😂

Yeah, it's all there.

Oh I didn’t know about the third one. I love it already. Having to click on the thread before I could copy it was pretty annoying

Yeah, I just found out about when I wanted to click on a thread 😅

How exactly

There's a three dot on every thread now, you could copy link or downvote a thread now 😅

Yeah, I see it now. Wasn't there yesterday. This is is great

Yeah, it wasn't... Now I'm even more excited about the next update coming

It was both annoying and stressful haha, not anymore 😃

Same here. Copying links through Keychain is tiring, takes a whole lot of time


Damn, just got to know about it!

Yeah same here, I couldn't stay calm about it lol

Hehe, excitement is reeeeal

Yeah it is

Good morning to you friend, yeah the team is really making a lot of improvement.

Yeah they are, hope you're having a great day 🙂

yes, I am after looting some LGNs from Mr. Ray

Haha congrats to you 😁 come and show me way o

you also looted too, enjoy

it is all shaping up well

Yeah it is

Some new features are here, Now we can

  • Edit
  • re-thread
    -copy link of thread directly
  • delete or undo our thread

So Good to see these features being added and worked on!

#features #newui

I like the delete feature. Terrific.

For me it's edit one!

Yes, this too

wow, amazing features

Indeed these are amazing!

yeah for sure

Wow! Thanks for the update.

Don't let fear or greed drive your investment decisions. Maintain a balanced approach.




Greed and Fear both are dangerous

#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

they affect our decision making, we should control emotions!

Always check and balance ⚖️ this thing helps to make decisions!

you are absolutely right, balance is a key here

Home made pizzas for dinner tonight,

What's your go to topping?

That's always a good one! Let the experimentation begin...

Whoops, I was in a food coma so didn't come back to Threads after dinner 😂.

Cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms and olives.

Turned out to be a good mix!

Yep, that sounds pretty good!

Pepperoni, sausage, ham. I like meat

Haha! 😂😂

Pepperoni is always my go to meat.

Yea. I think pepperoni fits pizza the most

Did you know that by just placing your cursor on a persons name, you can see their #liquidleo and #stakedleo? I just discovered that. Terrific!

#leo #threads

Oh, thought you already knew. It's been there these past months. That's called hovering over a user's profile.

well, i guess i just came out of the caves because i didnt know. Hovering, i see.

Hahaha, thank goodness you are out

Welcome to the the new world of #threads

Indeed. Thanks

My pleasure, always


Yea, it's been quite long time since this feature arrived.

One of my fav!

i never noticed it. Its really dope.

yeah, I know about that too

Interesting right

yeah, it is

Remember to claim you candies. Meanwhile I’ve not claimed mine yet

Remember to spin the wheel.

I will make sure to remember that as well

bad financial advisor

so because I’ve not done mine I shouldn’t remind you of yours 😂

no, you have to be done with yours before

am just reminding people but I’ve never claimed it

Hahaha, lol

because you are rich so you don’t mind claiming

na you do you remember to claim them ?

I have forgotten about it long ago

oh why? Don’t you wanna participate in this future events ?

I've to get serious with my own. Just recently I wasn't able to partake in one interesting

Yep I saw that one too. I have to start claiming mine too.

Strongest soldiers get the hardest fight

YoU dey watch movies too much 😅😅😅😅

For real life, sometimes dem no dey fight... lol

Real life soldiers na to beat people bro😅.

You don see am na 😅😅😅

I see am la. When talking about soldiers I mean those we see in movies😂

I'm one of his strongest soldiers :p

One after another hardest fight..

And at the end victory shall come!


I've faith!

When you don't know the answer to your question, surround yourself with nature and you ll find it #naturetuesday

So true. Nature has a way of telling us things

It is true!

Tried and tested.

Invest in your financial education. It's the best investment you can make.




Indeed, the best advice one could give!

yeah. It matters alot.

it matters all to me, i lost money on poor investments

heheh. Crypto or real time investment?

The best way to predict the future is to create it.


Let's create the better one!

We gotta shape it.

always on creating and shaping it better!

How many threads needed to reach Final Boss - Threads Lion ?
#threads #liotes

I think this is 5k or more

I think I’ll need about 800 more. Am I crazy to think I can do it today? Yes, but I can

3k threads

I thought it is total 3k threads! but some here saying 5k! OMG!

Still 1,000 left lol.

Haven't pushed that hard due to own reasons.. kept it natural.

That is quite a lot of work to do

Should #slothbuzz add some MEGA tasks to the last day of the Zealy sprint to shake up the leaderboard? Seems most are a little #sloth over the last week!

Great! I missed it though

It's never too late to start buzzing! We'll have a bigger and better leaderboard coming soon!

Good morning friends. Another day to pick up from you stopped. Don't forget to make every action count.

#gmfrens #liotes

have you slayed the 3k threads already

Nope. I havent yet.

What about the 2k, I’ve done that and am trying to slay the 3k

You should really go for it.

I am trying my best😂. Maybe I’ll kill it today if I don’t get tired

There's still time right

Good morning. It's almost time for me to go to sleep.

Thats nice, i could pick up from where you stopped.

see you later in the day.

good morning dear and have an energetic day!

rest assured, i would

yeah, today I am not playing gimmicks

Good decision

Yes, it is


one step at a time we move ahead

Very right

great to know we agree


glad to hear that

Did I just edit my threads successfully, wow, thanks to the LeoFinance team for such a wonderful update? I finally tested it myself too. You guys really deserve applause. Keep on working hard. #feedback #threads

I love to be kind too

You didn’t know about that? 😒

nope, I just tested it, people were saying it, but I never believed till now

woah you need cane

hahah, I don’t fear cane anymore

Yes. The team has been doing a great job pushing out bug fixes and features.

Indeed, they are doing a lot in this month of May

wow! glad to see we can edit threads now!

Yeah, and even delete them as well

I am glad to have tested that and it worked

Wow! 4th confirmation. I am now convinced. 🤣😂

Hahaha, so you didn't believe it at first right?

Yeah, I haven't checked it that's why, but after hearing 4 testimonies, it might be true. 🤣😂

hahaha, it is indeed true not might again hahaa

Ok, I am now a believer. 🤣😂

hehehe, it’s good to be a believer lol

I could not believe the edit update is happening. We've been waiting for it since day 1. Finally, it's here! Blessings to the dev team!

yeah, they really doing a great job

Yeah, kudos to them!

Yeah, 🤗

Today is another day! The sun is out and bright!! I pray today be a blessed day for us all. The hustle continues 🙈. Everyday is always another day. Have a blessed Tuesday ahead!

Yes, the hustle continues. Good morning dear.

Good morning baby

I am a baby? 🤣🤣

yeah. You want to deny?? 😂

Blessed, brotherman!

you are welcomed respect 🫡

So the #spl is finished

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.

#threadstorm #football

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.


Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

1 Celtic 38 32 3 3 114 34 80 99

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

2 Rangers 38 29 5 4 93 37 56 92

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

3 Aberdeen 38 18 3 17 56 60 -4 57

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

4 Hearts 38 15 9 14 63 57 6 54

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

5 Hibernian 38 15 7 16 57 59 -2 52

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

6 St Mirren 38 12 10 16 43 61 -18 46

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

7 Motherwell 38 14 8 16 53 51 2 50

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

8 Livingston 38 13 7 18 36 60 -24 46

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

9 St Johnstone 38 12 7 19 41 59 -18 43

Replying to tengolotodo.leo
2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

10 Kilmarnock 38 11 7 20 37 62 -25 40

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

11 Ross County 38 9 7 22 37 60 -23 34

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Team GP W D L F A GD Pts

12 Dundee Utd 38 8 7 23 40 70 -30 31

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Celtic win the Title and Rangers come 2nd on 92 points, a total that would have been good enough to win the Title in 5 of the last 10 years!

2022/2023 Scottish Premier League Final Standings.



Dundee United are relegated and are ironically replaced by Dundee who won the Championship.

Stay informed about the latest financial trends and developments. Knowledge is power my friend.




you are right. Knowledge is power

indeed my friend, knowledge is the most powerful and priceless thing

we pray not for ignorance

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.


Having fun is the best

it is indeed, if you don't get interested you cant do it perfectly

Yes if not fun then I get bored!

boring is evil lol, everytrhing should be fun!

yes, in all aspects it can be applied pvm

Kindness costs nothing but means everything.


wise words mangojuice

Thanks and glad that you liked the quote Ale

Keep bringing some cool phrases like this one!

Kindness does have a cost, but it's worth it: The cost is going against your desires.


it does have a cost indeed to control own desires but the cost is worth it!

That’s why I smile always as the simplest way to show kindness

yes, be simple humble and helpful is the key

I always say that we should endevour to spread kindness like confetti.

you are very right about it wongi!

Oh thank you.

Yeah, it means a lot

Lets talk about finances money and trading some wisdom that can be shared and used by all
#threadstorm #liotes

The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of
everything, but the value of nothing."

The stock market is a device for transferring money from the
impatient to the patient

I think this is the exact meaning. Stocks are meant to saved but when one becomes impatient to keep it or have urgent need for money, he runs to the stock market to sell them off.

Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass
grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas

In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the

The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'This time it's

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