There are 4 pages

the bug eaters are starting to come back nicely after winter. Supposed to be 70° today.

#plants #venus

Yeah for the bug eaters! 🐸

How do you keep those alive?

I powered up 500 $LEO

Rookie numbers, but I'm doing my part.

Don't forget to power up your $leo today!

Fantastic use of the Starship Troopers GIF lol

You could almost use it on every scenario and it works hahaha

i pow'd up my liquid rewards and delegated them out to @meowcurator

Best way to add passive income while diversifying the portfolio without having to be active.

that is very good, it will all add up, done my part already

Congratulations 👏 🎉😇

I am heading to my wallet right now to participate as well

Nice! Every small bit counts towards the community goals and to strengthen the Leo ecosystem!

  • This is true!
    I am motivated to contribute in achieving this goal no matter how

Good job! We all do what we can. 🐸

Happy #lpud everybody 💪🏼🥳👍🏼

⚡️ I just did what i had to do on a 15th ⚡️

⚡️ and ⚡️

⚡️ powered up some $LEO ⚡️

Did you? 👀


Who's in the house?

Don't you know it's polite to knock first?

Can I come in now ?

{yells from the kitchen}Enter if you are showing #boobs

Sorry, no #boobs today. We have #ama WEN SOON

How are you doing today

I'm alright, just trying decide which chores to tackle today. Yourself?

I'm very well, just left the office. On my way home

PLEASE go back and knock

Sorry Ma

Yes Ma

Okay Ma.

Shun ma 🤣🤣

hahahahah now your fully welcome to our humble abode hahahahah

Are you reading the book of Leviticus

The book of AMA WEN SOON

Very soon , knock before you come in to AMA oooo

I'm here dear, being waiting for you, how are you doing?

I'm good today.

Have been absent from this space since morning.

How's your day going?

Hello, I'm in


How are you doing today?

Can't complain! How about you?

All good, thanks

Pepe in the house. (with #pepetoken's)

Nigeria is on fire, I don't know if I should run away but I don't even have a passport ohhhh maybe I should go to the village

Really, how sure are you about that ?

When hunger is everywhere, fuel very expensive and still increasing, armed robbers everywhere wetin remain

What s going on there?

Hmmmm high price of fuel, foodstuffs even medication the worse of all is the fact that crime and violence has increased to the rate that armed robbers go about on broadday light

That's bad and I'm sorry to hear. I hope you stay safe

Yea am safe tho some gun shots at night gets me scared .

Since pandemic every country is like this. You go to europe they have problems too, in US the same, in Asia the same. Life is safe nowhere, getting rich and building a home outside the chaos is the only solution.

thats why am thinking of the bush in the village hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah, many people think migration is the solution

how can one get rich in this situation

Crypto. Imagine earning as low as 1000 USD out of crypto. It could set you in the right direction. Probably towards future safety.

Thats true because only crypto has value now Fiat currency has no value at all, so are there other ways one can earn crypto? used to be the best, I managed to support myself during pandemic virus times. But that site has gone. Now you have hive, steemit and reels as the only option.

I think Hive is the best, is just to work more hard and see how everything turns ours

which side in nigeria?👀

Every part of Nigeria, your part this fuel, crime and everything that is burning everyone down e no reach there.

So that was my first #lpud. Powered up almost 600 Leo plus some 1k Hive.

Nice job man, keep it up!

Big power up today.

That is cool, happy #lpud

Happy #lpud! Keep it up

Had 2 keep it light this month but I’ll be back with a bigger Power Up next month! 🦁

I just wanna find 11,780 upvotes!


11,779 to go.

Thank you very! Getting there...

That will take some time lol

Way too long! Can't just fix the vote by calling some governor and say, "I just wanna find 11,780 votes!" 😀

Me too!,, But don't we all. That many votes and moar out there somewhere... 🐸

🧵1/ I love whales, This is my first silver coin with a whale in there, a very shiny one.#threadstorm #outreach #silvergoldstacker

🧵3/ Here you can find more about how I bought this coin and more curiosities about this shiny piece of silver. #gosh

🧵2/ This pure silver coin was minted in 2013, and brings a bit about the Iceberg Alley, a region in Canada.

A coin from the $20 for $20 series. I have one of these.

yeah I am planning to buy more of them =) it isnt a big coin, but also not small... and it is soooo shiny xD

Don't trust, verify

AI is a liar sometimes and it's pants just caught fire

Context below 👇

As a general policy, I always consider AI to be suspect.

Can i write about stuff other than finance? I see pictures of footballers and trees. I thought this was a finance microblog

TBH, it's slowly shifting, noticed it when I was browsing earlier today as well. The main articles are still mostly finance based I guess, but Threads is unique.

yes, you can write other than finance!

Thread Anything!

Tip: Use relevant tag, share in relevant communities.

LeoFinance has opened up to all categories and is already on it's way to rebranding the name to avoid confusion. The only thing is, if you post, post to the relevant communty through the leo interface

Yes you can, while on threads micro posting.
Maybe not so much if writing a long, full size articles on the root level of Hive. Smb correct me if Im wrong.

sure! Anything goes here, you can even post to different communities

joining #LPUD today! 🦁

Roar 🦁

excellent! congrats

Two meters away.

nice shot, guess you hunted this with the camera 📸📸

No need to hunt, that flower is siting in my dinning room.

this is beautiful

I know, i know, it's annoying 🤓 but wen links/images not counting anymore? #feedback #questions

It is not. That should be the primary task :)

Yes please, other platforms allow more characters and don't count images in that.

Hanging outside, enjoying a coffee with the ducks. It’s drizzling a bit but it’s manageable.

Thank you for all the upvotes everyone.
#pepetoken #freecompliments 🐸 🙏

Advice please

Men typically buy gifts for women they feel indebted to, so of course he will feel indebted to his mother. Your mother needs to serve such needs that he feels she is invaluable. Then, he may feel he should give her a gift like that.

should he be more indepted to his mother than his wife, what's your take?

Being indebted to his wife does not mean he's indebted to her mother. My take is than men who earn money for their family members should make decisions on where it is most deserved. Fairness rarely has to do with haves and have nots.

I agree with you, so non of the both side should be cheated because they both deserve the best

I do not know your mother and cannot make opinions as to whether your husband should buy her a car. Perhaps, ask your husband how your mother may improve her chances of receiving such support from him?

THats a good suggestion because humbly discussions brings positive results not fight and quarrels

She can give out her car to her mother, then continue to work hard for another one.
Or sacrifice not having a car again whilst the mum drives hers.

Good option but it seems the mother is his priority and I don't think it should be so

Withhold sex and doing chores, especially preparing meals until he caves. Works in America, lol

Yeah... that may not work so well. 😄

Threaten him with her moving in if he doesn't then 😆

Don't think that will work in Africa because he will probably get food and sex outside and everything might get worse

Tell him she's moving in then, lol or steal his money and do it yourself or tell him you'll sell sex to others for the money

Thats a threat hahahahah hahahahah, will it work?

She could adopt your husband to be her new son, but then that makes him your new brother as well. It's a very tricky thing there. All for a car.

Hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah this is funny or just for a car

All that trouble just to get a car. It's not worth that cost!

Honestly ooo something that can be overlooked

My #lpud'ing will be behind closed doors

But yet there for anyone to see..

Todo parece indicar que Tomás Rincón iria al Santos FC, de Brasil, en donde sería compañero de Soteldo.

#fulldeportes #sportsnews #sport #gosh

Después de muchos sobres abiertos, al fin pude conseguir un avatar legendario V3 en #hashkings #hivenftgamelatino #spanish

What a sad news I got 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭,my younger sister's husband brother died of liver problem.😭😭😭
What a huge loss,death is really inevitable.
Lost a brother inlaw just like that😭😭😭
#loss #inlaw #death

Sorry to hear about that. May he rest in peace

Sorry to hear that

With my improved AoC deck, I'm really pushing for that weekly leaderboard number 1 spot. Why? Check below 👇


#armyofcrypto #threadstorm

Because the battles are so much fun of course!

Also, did you know that you can earn ONIX & HERTZ by playing?

Weekly leaderboard top-3 rewards:

1st - 500 ONIX

2nd - 350 ONIX

3rd - 150 ONIX


Without even winning a single game, you'll still get 50 ONIX by completing 5 games/day!

More info on Discord and on Zealy!


Goodluck for the #1 spot bud!

Thanks, mate! Gonna give it my best shot!

I'm back at it again with my "Daily WOO Related Threads"! 😜

I'll lead with some WOO related PSA followed by some tips related to the game if possible.

Here's Day 13.

1/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Before I start on my daily "Tips/Fun Facts/Random Stuff" about WOO though...

here is my latest PSA regarding the LATEST promotion in WOO! (also related to WOO Land)

2/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

From August 1st to August 31st, every WOO Land purchase could possibly net you some $WOO Token AIRDROPS!

3/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

So I'm sure the biggest question on everyone's minds is... How do you qualify for these airdrops then?

4/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Every OPENED and UNLISTED (on any marketplace) WOO Land will be eligible to earn $WOO airdrops from a pool of 20 MILLION WOO, to be distributed daily, divided amongst all the total WOO Land "STARS".

5/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

If that's not incentive enough, the game will be launched really soon in Q3 (estimated September)! And WOO Land will be required to maximise your earnings in the game!

6/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

With the conclusion of my daily WOO PSA of the month, lets head on to other WOO tidibts.

Here's a list of quests for the current WOO Zealy Campaign.

10 Thread long LEO Thread on Gameplay🦁 1000xp

7/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

And with that! It seems like I've managed to cover every single available quest for the current WOO Zealy campaign!

8/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

The current campaign is almost over though, with just 2 more days to go!

9/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

Well, that's it for today. I will think of some more tomorrow. See you again soon!

Don't forget my "new" PSA about buying Land while stocks lasts! 😜

10/🧵 @wrestorgonline #woo #woogame

30 meters away

This is wonderful, clear and neat

My first thoughts With so many trees the air would be originated and pure

Beautiful northern woods!

Looks just like here. 😊

I reached 100,000 Pepe Tokens today. In addition, I am at almost 250 Hive Power. August is going great so far!

like real pepe tokens or the hive-engine ones?

the real ones 😅

What am I chopped frog? 😆 🐸

Awesome! moar #pepetoken! 😆 🤑 🐸

That day, wen you wish you get unlucky...
#sbl #lpud

Yes.. ..all but that one, that one that is so unlucky they are lucky to get that surprise of the bad luck. Which inside has some good(ie).

Hello. I'm new here. Just signed up.

I got a notification but when I click on it I get a blank page. How can I read it?

try after a few minutes. It can take a few minutes for the indexing to work. Stick around and enjoy the experience. This is a nice place to hang out

onthank you. The words that appear seem to be the last word from the text which is pre populated in the input box

give it a minute to index then try again... otherwise.. no idea

welcome fren

Welcome. i think that notification was from me. If you click on my name you should be able to see it. There are some things to be fixed here, if you're (very) patient they will be fixed. Devs are busy.

Patience is a virtue

Today I made my first #lpud, it is really rewarding to participate in this.
--- #leofinance



Thanks a lot mate, I'll get ready with some more #LEO tokens for next month. !PGM

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Happy Tuesday threaders!

I have just got back home and powered up some liquid $LEOfor #lpud

I am guessing I will be writing a post on it soon!

Have you powered up for #lpud?

#liotes #silverbloggers

I powered up but still didn't started writing post about it. I hope I will make it before sleep.

Almost done writing mine. Will publish soon.

Thanks for joining. My pleasure.

Ia msure you can do it, well done on powering up

Will do that soon, you did very well

Thank you beauty, how are you?

Doing great and you?

Not yet, about to do so


I have a ton of extra voting power this morning. Please help!

reply with the cover photo of your article (no links).

Extra power is always fun to have, it feels great being able to vote on people's content. Happy #lpud

Ahh. I don't have any articles written - too busy threading. But thanks for your support on my blog in the past. Appreciated!


I will look at (at least) the first 10 replies and vote with the % I think it is worth.

Good luck!

One of the targets ..

I am not finding a post with that cover under your name.

Beautiful target.

Every Step Counts: Setting Up a Business and Investing in the Leo Token(LPUD)

Thank you. 🐸 🙏

From 0.5 to 50 meters. So calm and warm (+27° C) holiday evening. 8PM.

Now resized dwn to 30%

@khal, can you see whole picture? I can't. Bug still alive?
#bug #report #feedback

🧵 1. Chick-fil-A spices up its classic chicken sandwich with pimento cheese and jalapenos for a limited time starting Aug. 28. 🌶️🧀 #business

🧵 2. The new Honey Pepper Pimento Chicken Sandwich swaps pickles for pickled jalapenos, adding a twist to the iconic Chick-fil-A taste. 🍔

🧵 3. Chick-fil-A takes a new approach to its menu strategy by introducing seasonal items like the Honey Pepper Pimento Chicken Sandwich. 🌟

🧵 4. Despite a short and simple menu, Chick-fil-A has become the third-largest restaurant chain in the US, reporting $6.37 billion in revenue in 2022. 📈

🧵 5. The Honey Pepper Pimento Chicken Sandwich took five years to perfect and may become a permanent addition based on customer and franchisee feedback. 🤔

#gmfrens #sps I found am I allowed to post from other social media?

Been #gaming a bit more recently with my recent addiction being Honkai Star Rail for some... obvious reasons.


But nah, for real, it's a fun JRPG-esque game that's playable on PC and mobile. No brainer for people like me who grew up watching a lot of #anime.

What game is this from?

It's from STEPN. It's earn to move like sweatcoin and others. Many say it's a ponzi scheme because early adopters did well at the cost of new users. I'm a new user, I think it is still good. They've done a lot with tokenomics.

IMHO, they have created a model that is a compelling reason to add NFTs as microtransactions to other games that use lootboxes.

When You Get Sick what You do to keep up with "Everyday Activities as usual".

I've fallen sick and it got worse as I woke up today.. yet, somehow did all activities as usual.. since I ain't had no choice.

What kinda person you're?

Mostly don't get sick. On such rare occurrence, best to take care of self most and first. So would say however best manageable and sensible.

happened to me kinda rare.

But when it does... it's like take weeks to get fit.

Las criptomonedas son activos digitales que usan un cifrado criptográfico para asegurar sus transacciones y evitar la falsificación. Existen miles de criptomonedas diferentes, cada una con sus propias características y valor.

Ditch online censorship with #Hive's decentralized network & vibrant communities. Welcome true digital freedom now! 🌐🚀

#hive #hiveblockchain #cryptocurrency #web3 #Crypto #rewards #move2earn #motivation #lifestyle #Decentralization

TikTok is sick. It is ~5 weeks since I posted there my last clip , and I still keep getting new comments and new followers.

What your username on TikTok sir, let me go follow too.

Amazing what search can do.

I love TikTok

Your on TikTok? Wow

Crypto Hack:

Don't buy X altcoin with your liquids, instead:

1- Buy wBTC

2- Open a Vault on

3- Collateralize the wBTC & borrow DAI

4- Buy X with DAI

Instead of $1K worth of X, you have 1K of $BTC + $500 of X

More details ⬇️

You are now accumulating crypto 50% faster than you were before but you are also acquiring debt. You need to learn about risk management.

Once the bull market starts, you have to decide if you sell some BTC or altcoins to pay the debt.


But you also need to know how long to ride the bull wave, and stop being greedy.

Set goals, stick to them, and once you have accumulated enough gains, pay off that debt.

Then, start again on the next cycle.

This is GOLDen. 🤑 💸 💰 🪙 💲

I should try that some time. Thanks for sharing

The golden era is gone.

There it is, the golden era! ... and Neymar.

That will become more and more common in the future. People chase the money

There are 4 pages