There are 4 pages


Non può che essere questa, la mia attività preferita sulle applicazioni della piattaforma di Hive, il gioco mi piace realmente, ma vorrei anche tornare quello di un tempo, ma è un sogno...

Suonerà banale, ma il primo passo per realizzare qualsiasi cosa (sogni compresi!) è crederci e continuare a provarci... quindi non perdere la speranza, che nella vita, nel bene e nel male, non si sa mai cosa ci riserva il futuro

Come te anche io ho una passione per Splinterlands.
Sui sogni mai dire mai...potrebbero anche realizzarsi, l'importante è non smettere di crederci ;)
Grazie di aver partecipato anche questa settimana

Ci devi credere!!!

Vitalik's twitter hacked (looks like session cookie hack).
It can happen to anyone, be safe out there!

You think #hive can be hacked

Technically Twitter wasn't hacked, his machine was compromised and his session cookies were stolen. This allows the hacker to bypass two factor authentication. Because Hive works by broadcasting transactions that have to be signed, there is no "session" key to steal.

I believe some front ends will save the posting key in the local browser cache, but none of them should be saving the active key.

Next thing you know we will see a post about sending him 1 ETH and he will send 2 ETH back because he's a nice guy.

Hope no one out there would fall for that tweet.

Unfortunately, at least someone did. $ 691 K worth of ETH taken.

Oh geez. Just goes to show that some people easily fall for things without having second thoughts whether it is legit or not.

Mi uniforme para trabajar en el Gimnasio, como Entrenadora... trabajar y ser feliz #fulldeportes

El pan es muy delicioso en todas sus presentaciones, pero este pan dulce de bolita me encanta comerlo en la merienda junto a una taza de café junto a mis hijos que lo aman.

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

Está merienda la podemos comer todos los días y no nos aburrirá

Yo aveces también prefiero el pan de bolita

Es muy sabroso jeje😉

No puede faltar el cuarteto de Cordoba, en los eventos bailables en Argentina -
The quartet from Cordoba can not be missing in the dance events in Argentina.
#music #musiccommunity

¡Guao, que loco eso! No lo conocía.

Sabes que es una música popular, pero a puertas cerradas, todo el mundo se prende y lo baila. ¡Saludos!

Sí, me sorprendió bastante todo lo que encontré en internet 👍

👋 ¡Hola a todos!

Todo juego te deja un bonito recuerdo con las personas apropiadas, es por eso que hoy les comparto

Uno de mis juegos favoritos 💥 Stumble Guys 💥


🧵 1/3 #geekzone

I feel like I've played this game before but the name doesn't ring a bell at all

It's a game very similar to Fall Guys, I play it from my phone and I love it, try it and tell me how it is.

Un juego multijugador masivo de eliminación donde 32 jugadores deberán demostrar quien es el mejor hasta la ultima ronda

Este juego esta para PC, Android, Iphone y Xbox

¡No hay excusas! #geekzone

🧵 2/3

Lo que me encanta de este juego es que desde los mas pequeños hasta los mas grandes podrán disfrutar de sus mapas y jugabilidad, además que las risas, cuentos y recuerdos no van a faltar. #geekzone

🧵 3/3

This weekend, there's a really cool event happening in my city: JF ROCK CITY. It's one of the most traditional events here in the city focused on the underground scene #hivelearners #hivebr 🧵/1

I know almost all the bands that are going to play this weekend, I follow many of them, and these guys are truly talented!


Look at how lively it is 😊

I'm always participating in these events, and it's very special to me. In a country known for sertanejo, pagode, and samba music, rock still thrives!


These events that happen periodically are a great opportunity for me to meet up with my friends, have a cold beer, and enjoy some heavy music!


How can I say this isn't special? We're living, we're enjoying, and celebrating life. We don't harm anyone; our faces might look tough, but our hearts are good!


What is important is what is in your heart. Keep enjoying the fun.

  • wow, this sounds like a great traditional event. What an opportunity to meet with your friends and enjoy a good moment together. I hope you had fun 😊

Even the name of the event already speaks of how fun it would be. I love traditional events too.

i hope you enjoyed this event ☺️

Go to rock!

  • wow, this sounds like a great traditional event. What an opportunity to meet with your friends and enjoy a good moment together. I hope you had fun 😊 #hivelearners

#foodiesbeehive #foodie #gosh
One of the oldest foods in so many cultures and the perfect accompaniment to many meals, it can also be sweet or savory, that's why I love bread, because it's a versatile food.

That's right, friend, my dad accompanies all his meals with bread.

So nice! 😄

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

El pan dulce es mi favorito, este estaba muy esponjoso, me encanta mojarlo con cafe con leche, en el desayuno cena o merienda 😋😋😋

Comer esto a cualquier hora del día para es perfecto, me podría comer hasta 3 panes

que rico, puerto rico jejeje me encanta el pan dulce 🤭🤭

Más bueno, aunque ya sabes no me gusta mojar el pa

i am already salivating 🤤

Some things that attracts me to the India culture is their mode of dressing, their mode of worship, and their marriage rites.
#india #crossculture

truly, Indians have a unique way of dressing for all occasions


I'll love to try one someday

that will be nice

Just mapped out how I want to start rolling out my 142 plots of land in #splinterlands this is going to be a massive undertaking for sure but my hopes are it pays off!

Mi juego mobile favorito es Pokémon Go ya que soy amante de la saga desde chiquita #threads #geekzone


Have you ever reason about the benefits of coins over paper money or Banknotes

#outreach #coins #silvergoldstackers


One of the most primary benefits of coins is that it is durability and it can live for so long than that of paper money or bank notes which it can got tear or wet when dip into water


coin often carries symbolic and historical significance, representing a nation's culture, heritage and identity and those design and engrave on coins makes its to showcase ghe important of landmarks

It can be somehow low in denomination to you but coins have future value. And also it has a longer lifespan, which means they can be use repeatedly without incurring significant expenses.

Coins are more desired in certain situations that "paper" bills. In New Jersey, buses accept both coins and "paper" bills. Across river in New York City, though, buses only accept coins.

In other news, it's possible to find silver coins.

Yes... That's the clue but here in Nigeria you hardly see coins talkless of means of exchange ... You can check more on my post link


I was asked why I leave almost 200 HDB liquid when I could throw it in my savings with my other 1300 HBDs for that fat 20% APR I would tend to agree I Love Passive income.

#threadstorm #outreach #silvergoldstackers


I leave some liquid HBD for buying or selling opportunities, maybe catch a Pump & Dumps, sometimes I buy something from another member, but importantly is that I am leaning to accumulating more Hive power as our Token gets cheaper.


Now, I will use it to buy my entries for this year’s #silvergoldstackers 5th MONSTER Raffle! Precious metals prizes! (Shipping included)


The latest silver coin(s) prize donation is from @enginewitty

Apologies leo curators, but the leofinance version keeps going to Application error.

I would say don't watch that fam but you not from Toronto 🤣 I think that's a pretty good strategy you got going I'm just getting the HBD savings up 20% is nice but if hive goes up a lot then it may not be so nice

smart move for sure. It's hard for me to resist going all in on things that are awesome, like 20% passive returns, but dry powder is essential and I admire your level of reserve here. 🏴‍☠️💣

im not good trader :p

On September 8, 2023, #dCrops introduced an interesting update: the Farmers Market

#outreach #treadstorm


With the Farmers Market the crops, ingredients for Crafting and all cooked foods acquire a new use case because they can be sold to other players whereas before it was not possible.


The Farmers Market will also introduce new dynamics into the game because now Crafting and Cooking operations are easier to complete especially for players who have few seed type NFTs to use.


The CROP token also acquires a new use case because it is the only payment method accepted in the Farmers Market.


loving these little updates! Brings lots of value to the games

Yes my friend, completely agree!

another successful day on thread, reaching more than 100 thread on my second account.😍😍

Let us make tomorrow count again.

Gud job! Tomorrow we learn to count again?

I have a #garden where I planted both groundnut and Achara. I did some harvesting work there today. Check out what I harvested 1/🧵#outreach #threadstorm

Its been a long time but once I get to my village I will definitely enjoy it

why not come around now that I have some in my garden?

love this meal.
It have been two years I ate it last. That's because my neighbor that normally prepare it moved out. I really miss her

I love eating achara, when ever it is applied in my soup, I always enjoy it. I just had some last night.

Achara soup huh? Never heard of that not to talk of tasting it but I think I'll love to have a taste of it.

Planting is difficult and harvesting is also difficult. Ahh, I felt more Than exhausted after the work #harvest #achara

wow this achara are just what my pot needs

Abi? But unfortunately, you're living faraway from me. Take heart. Console your pot for me.

this is great. Keep it up

The average American home now has more television sets than people, 2.73 tv sets to 2.55 people. Half of American homes have three or more tv sets.

#mydiary #gosh #gmfrens

Are you a slave to fashion?

There is quite a big delay between receiving a reply and receiving a notification for it. #feedback

Futebol, sim esse é eu esporte favorito, amo correr suado atrás de uma bola kkkkkk, reunir os amigo pra jogar uma pelada final de semana na chuva, quem nunca? #hivebr

Chei, thIs is the backyard of LasPamaS hotel here in my city. It's dirty and filled up with garbage. Maybe, tomorrow, i will #cleanplanet there. How do you see the idea? #mydiary #nature

it will be great. Keeping the planet clean

Best be ready for Land Phase 1.5, what do you need for it, there is long list of items. I have sorted out everything you'll need to remain Harvest ready before it knocks at your door.

#splinterlands #games #play2earn

Rumor has it Zealy is back

Rumor has it I am well hung.

Dont believe every rumor.

To a little frog you are well hung.

Some species get short changed.

Some do not.

That's a good rumor :)

You can imagine how healthy people living in this environment will be #mydiary

Malaria and Typhoid are now their Family members including infection

the environment will be looking unhealthy

Vitamin - Types - Functions source

He's back :(

Looks like he brought friends or is he all of them?

I don't know if its a guy or a team.

Welcome back

Women's #usopen🎾 final heating up now!

Anyone got it on?


Sabalenka took the first 2-6.

Gauff right back to take the second 6-3.

Third and final set starting now.


GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#threadstorm 🧵

Do you enjoy crypto -related conspiracy theories?

Actually, there are a couple of theories that I give credit. One of them is the use of crypto ecosystem to boost stock markets by increasing risk appetite!


When stocks are overpriced, it is hard to convince new investors to buy at high levels. Yet, while crypto is going 30x 50x, this will be a booster for stock invsetors.

  • Take profit in crypto and buy stocks
  • take more risks
  • push markets

I just found out about the new competition on Zealy. I'm really excited about it! So, are you guys ready?

Ready for what?

to join lol

the competition lol.

#moviestvshows Terry solo debió pagar la operación de Susana y casarse con Candy... El trauma de mi infancia

Terry solo debió pagar la operación de Susana y casarse con Candy... El trauma de mi infancia #moviestvshows

Let's go Sooners..


Let's go! Gud luck! 🐸 #pepe

#amazingdrinks #foodifoodie

La cerveza Zulia es la mejor, me gusta bien fría y por la suavidad de su sabor, no soy de tomar mucho pero si lo hago en ocasiones especiales como fiestas o rereuniones con...

Amigos y familiares. Aquí compartía una tarde de amigas.

5000 HBD for users already using Hive is ignorant. I will probably unvote the Leo Marketing Proposal #zealy #marketingcampaign #feedback

What's this 5000 HBD about?

I'm not tellin'

Gonna be hard for anyone to understand your thread then but you do you, yeah? yeah.

Most will understand it, but they won't see it tonight. I'll keep posting about it and you'll find out soon enough, I'm sure

I'd rather see more development and applications then hand me out rewards. The applications would improve token value and adoption itself.

acquired 150books today, sold 15 more. it's rolling. #business

Dumping into HBD for 20% APR? lol


You are doing

that is great

1/2 - Today's Spaturday burn 💪 was POWERFUL and Tiffa and I worked out for our 246th Orangetheory Fitness Coach as a couple!! #movetoearn #gmfren 👇🔗

gm fren 🐸

I saw this one and almost picked it! Have a great weekend!

Warped minds think alike @pepetoken 🤣

The greatest risk is taking no risk. Stagnation is death. In money, it's death by inflation and the opportunity cost of your lifetime. #fintips

Great tip as always. What risks to take for the opportunity of this lifetime? Hmm..

Thanks. I'm glad you're finding them useful. What risks to take for this lifetime? Hey, it doesn't have to be big to expand out your circle of opportunity.

They are always after the #tax money. #crypto

G20 calls for ‘swift’ creation of crypto tax reporting rules and info exchange

Yes they are. How about implementing a moar correct and better tax stuff with blockchain s owe all know what is really going on? 😆

could it be that G20 is about to lift the ban on cypto?🤔

What ban on #crypto?

Like G20 member countries can not use crypto freely.

Vitalik's Twitter is hacked so be careful out there.

ohhh they got a little more crafty this time. Instead of a send 1 ETH and I'll double it it's a NFT key scam which yikes I feel like more people would fall for.

Yeah some already lost a couple punks it seems, uff.

Yikes! The free NFT for your signature. Thought we were supposed to be careful signing things. Good looking out yo!

very useful piece of information.
They tried to change their lines here.

Some greedy / ullible fellows will still be victims

Some apparently did. $ 691 K of ETH taken.

Let's go Ducks.. last leg of parlay


Best of luck :)

Wow! Almost there.
Congratulations is in Order.

win win win

🧵 1. G20 nations compromise on joint declaration at Delhi summit, omitting direct mention of Russian aggression in Ukraine, drawing criticism. #world

🧵 2. Agreement reached on debt resolution and climate financing, focusing on developing economies' needs.

🧵 3. Indian Foreign Minister highlights efforts to address geopolitics, specifically war in Ukraine.

🧵 4. India's diplomatic influence showcased as it positions itself as advocate for Global South.

🧵 5. Concerns over Russian and Chinese objections during negotiations, criticism from Ukraine's foreign ministry.

Crypto has a Bad PR, Branding, and Lack of Knowledge Gap: We need to solve these issues

#outreach #threadstorm 1/🧵

2/ The reason why crypto mass adoption is yet to happen is because of the Bad PR, Branding, and a Huge Lack of Knowledge of Gap.

3/ If and when the crypto space solves the problems I have listed above crypto mass adoption will be at of the past

Just in case you haven't heard, something exciting is cooking. Do you want to win some HBD?

Join us via the link below.

What is XP and is it valuable?

XP are experience points. They will determine your rank on the leaderboard.

Thanks, I'm not going to sign up on another platform I'm not going to use... That got old a long time ago

You're welcome. There's no point in signing up if you don't use anyway.

Good luck in the campaign, sis!

Salamuch, amiga :) Will try to do what I can but I may be less-competitive this time around.

We will do our best, sis! The main goal here is to make Hive stronger, and that will benefit us all in the end.

That we shall, sis. Every effort helps and that's very true, the growth of Hive is to our benefit too :)

Come aboard through this link 😉

definitely 😁

If you ever wanted to get your hands on some $HBD just for being active within Hive and Leo then you'll want to check this out! It goes live Sept. 11th Link below...

You seem to have forgotten to add the link :) Or perhaps you did but it was not indexed.

lol I did I got distracted by my twitter post oof

Haha, okay. That happens xD

There are 4 pages