There are 5 pages

I'm proud to report I've got into TOP20 on HOLOZING. All from zero, just by delegating HP to ZING

This is the way!

It's a good option, doing the same. 👍

very nice

delegating HP is the best way proven for me as well and I am earning 20 Zing per hour for 8k HP delegation. Just reached 22k staked and on my way to 100k :)

I would load up on Leo also but be careful you dont invest past the liquidity available by too large of an amount.

The only reason the price of Hive does't go up is because of problems buying the token. This will be solved this year.

How will this be solved this year?

There are liquidity bridges coming online.
At least 3 i know of
that will make it easier for people to acquire.

Jongo! just get your post payouts in 50% HBD / 50% HP and start stacking HBD.
and continue with your LEO buys.
Then set a target of 250,000 HP and after that make it liquid.

That would be my goal for 2024.

oh man, 250k HP lol that'll take me another 6 years lol

We may be able to speed that up. maybe a #leak ???

good goal guys. I hope you can achieve it smoothly

#leak - are back-end is done. Working on the website right now to launch and start to let people join us.

Delegating HP to a project is actually a pretty good and safe option.
You get the HP APR + some tokens depending on the project. For example ZING, WOO, etc.

If the HIVE price should decline, these tokens will mitigate that "loss".

This is a very nice idea but unfortunately, I don't have enough HP

Yeah, obviously you need a certain amount to perform actions on chain(RC). After that, delegation is a solid option. 😊

My Hive account progress this year: 907 to 1755 HIVE. Pretty happy with that.

congratulations 🎉 you did very well

Thank you! I think so too. 😊

So it's wise to start loading LEO just in case it booms

I'm looking at Theycallmedan's HP and say - "WOW"

i was like 😮 wooooooooooo

long term investment and continuous growth

The SPL tokenomics are pretty good as it's harder to get DEC now and the best way to get it is to burn SPS. So, this will obviously push the SPS up. It's quite interesting actually.

I still want to know how much SPS is being printed vs. burned? All I hear are the burn numbers but no one will talk about the printing due to land

Good point. For the SPS price to keep growing, we obviously need outside capital, new users, at some point. I'd also be interested in those print numbers...

hahahahah I love birds
They are cute

My opinion:

Stacking HIVE, good.
Stacking LEO, good.
Stacking HBD, not so good right now.

why not good

Because the next bull market is coming up and it's gonna have a very positive effect on crypto prices. HBD being a stable coin won't be affected by this. So in my opinion, it's better to be on HBD when it's bear market.

why stacking HBD not so good? Only 20%?

Preparing for bull market. 20% is more than enough for a stable and great hideout during a bear market but that's still just an APR while many alts can easily pump that 20% in a day during a full blown bull run.

Yeah that very true. My issue is that I don't know what to do in a bull run lol. I've seen a couple come and go and fumble it each time. If I stack Hive I will just have hive. I never know what to do with it.

Hey @cflclosers, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

by the way, my name is pronounced as a word, not individual letters :-)

Oh my goodness 😲! I missed this show

That happens. We changed the time.

I don't want to miss out next time please

8 PM eastern time on Thursday.

Alright thanks, will definitely

What do you think about the potential value of COMMUMITY Governance for InLeo & for Hive?

I think it's a good path forward

4x is not easy for me

Sure I will !

Adjos !

What i would like to do though is catch the peak of bull run to sell SOME of my Hive. But then i don't want to lose the returns from delegating HP (to leo.voter for example). i have very little liquid Hive (or HBD).

It's a dilemma.

Just tuned in. What are we talking about? 🙂

Should Jongo! power down HP to go all in on LEO/HBD

Ah.. thanks! This is interesting.

What is the benefit of saving hbd? Ist better to move hive to savings than to stake them.?

The benifits are 20% APR and it's also stable coin so it's not exposed to same kinda volatility like HIVE or Bitcoin.

Okay now I understand better

Volatility affect both hive hbd and Leo

no problem with the birds hehe

How can I get notifications on a threadcast that you are one of the pioneers, such as this boss? Like i mean joining Live and same time of the broadcast.

There is no notification system. When the threadcast hits 15 comments, the one who sets it up, their icon, it at the top of the page.

Jon I agree with you @khal and team are really putting much effort on Leo and I think much investment should be on Leo

Clicking some ads in the Crytpo Maniacs Threadcast.

So basically Jongo! wants the biggest return in a short term.
He would have doubled down on Yahoo and ignored Google during the .dot boom

Big returns takes time I think

they can take time

Thanks guys, good stuff!

I clicked half a dozen ads during the show.

is that wise, unless you are actually interested in the ad?

Sure it is not excessive and the advertiser gets the value of their advertisement, I'm exposed to their product or service.

Google will slam that quickly. Not recommended.

It's spaced out and I viewed the ads, so the advertiser gets the value of their advertisement. That's part of what analytics checks for that the page was actually viewed.

Ah ok. That makes more sense.

I would need LEO title and SPL title, like The Explorer

Whats the value of SPS tokens?

6yrs? Wow

Pryor intensifies.

have a great show guys, Still staying off phone

I think is better to powerup as many as you can on both hive and Leo

Same thing with me. I can pretty much make any token price go sky high. I just need to own it and then 100% of it.

i'm not talking about CHAIN governance by the way, but the ability for the Community, by way of consensus, to have influence upon the direction of the projects

Thanks guys

Talk me out of powering down some HIVE to be liquid and dumping into HBD and LEO lol

We are about to go live.

we appreciate

Thanks for hanging out with the 'Maniacs today!

Safe to say, $LEO is a big plan in 2024 for this guy....

Looks like your blockchain account's "BUY" $LEO button got stuck again. :)

I broke it!!!

As long as you got moar $LEO as a result either way. :)

I will be to 20k leo by the end of Jan I think. Slowly but surely adding

heck ya!!! got a purple lightning bolt. I don't even know what that means!?!?

lol from the threadcast we did for the podcast earlier I'm sure!

But it's powerful lol

@captainquack22 might be time to hope on threads brother. I think you would like the short content when you are not writing your blog posts. Its fun quick engagement.

Man, its been a wild month. The volatility in markets has had me trying to make trades, and screwing myself over a bit in the process. Hope you been good and the holidays good too man. Im trying to keep up with things, playing splinterlands of course, but do need to get back in a groove and stack up. Im moving some hive into liquidity pools as part of strategy, but lets keep building.


Liquidity pools are scary but pay good. Good luck. Keep me posted.

I like the vouchers/hive pool, i used to think was scary too, but its easy to go in and out.

Hey @dkid14, here is a little bit of BEER from @captainquack22 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Growing pains.

It's important for Lions to realize how frickin' early we all are! Yes, things aren't smooth. It's a pain in the butt. But just wait.....Wait until all the issues are worked out, and things are flying here.....

Patience folks. It's coming!!

2024 is the year of lions, just one feature at a time. Expecting everything in one go never helped anyone. I am sure things would be lot different in 6 months.

Oh you said it! In 6 months, I think we look back and laugh at the hiccups we face now.

on holding.....patience always pay

Always does!!!

very true time is needed to get things working right, till then you do the best you can

Yeah man, knowing what is coming, that's all the confidence I need.

knowing what is going to heppen is always a good plan

Look at all the stoic content on Threads lately lol

It's about to go bananas. That's why I'm following your lead and stackin', delegating more and got me some more LEO today and more than ready for the next #lpud lol - was hoping to hit 2K by the end of 2023 but that's ok close enough.


Epic stuff sir!!!

I think you are about to hear how 'lucky you were' for getting $LEO so cheap lol

we’re still early in this game

Hanging out and tripping over the bugs, or was me frog eating them? Ok me wait..

I'm staking my $LEO on it!

Downtown lights

#christmas #photography

Very nice. Amazing how Christmas lights really brighten things up.

There aren't enough Christmas lights, if you ask me. If I were in charge, things would look very different around here

$BTC is down on Boxing Day 26/12/23 as everyone waits for the ETF proposal final submittal day on the 29th.

Pistons set NBA single-season record with 27th straight loss #sportsnewsonleo

#gmfrens #theroar

That is bad.

Very sad how far that franchise has fallen @taskmaster4450lee

Hell. That applies to the Knicks..for half a century.

50 years ago, they were a team to contend with.

True, but at least the Pistons won in 2004. Still eons ago lol.

Only 17 moar to tie one of the runner up most losingest teams in history. Looks like the have a lot of work to do.

They are looking good for it 😂 @pepetoken

The Pistons don't owe the Knicks any draft picks, do they? I ask about the Isaiah Thomas connection the teams have.

I don’t believe they’ve done any business with them @magnacarta

this is nuts. I cannot believe it. I saw a funny clip where int he warm ups they missed like 20 shots in a row.

Atrocious @dkid14 - sucks for them Pistons fans for sure.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Happy Tuesday Threads!

I think we're going a bit early for the #cryptomaniacs tonight....Not sure yet, waiting to hear back from the good sir.

give us some notice at least the best you can

49 minutes from now lol

Happy Tuesday! :D

I love the way @fokusnow protected all the gadgets in our local hive office from dust by covering all of them. That's excellent!! #mydiary #threads

That's pretty good. I will be in the office from next year

You guys are doing really well. Well-done.🤗



Here are the current prices for the WOOPacks that are sold out & only available on the HIVE market (tribaldex, etc)

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline



  • $6.00
  • Inside: 5 WOO Alpha wrestlers in each pack ranging from common to legendary and can be silver or the highly coveted gold belt variant.

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline



  • $4.00
  • Inside: 1 card in each pack, they will be a legendary card no matter what. The cards will either be a legendary reward wrestler or a staff lore card that will be used for land.

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline



  • $3.50
  • Inside: 1 card in each pack, they will be a legendary card no matter what. The cards will either be a legendary Saturn wrestler or a wrestler lore card that will be used for land.

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline



  • $2.50
  • Inside: 1 card in each pack, they will be a legendary card no matter what. The cards will either be a legendary Raven wrestler or a tutorial lore card that will be used for land.

#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good Morning and You're welcome @gmfrens!
Have a great day😂

A few minutes ago, the people who went to the rally were back, they were singing dancing, and rejoicing.

#mydiary #music #gospel

I was having fish party with friends due to which i could not write my post earlier. Just came back home and finished writing and published it.
My day was very good.
Hopefully you are all good.
Stay happy stay blessed.

Onboarding With Hive-Tube

Free The Music

@kencode just checking in, will be sending Kym James your way soon, see about his idea here building it on Hive!

Niiiiice! Lookin forward to helping him get his work blasted out there, thanx! :)

What are you working on? On chain or off I wanna hear.

Trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents! Off chain and on lol

The struggle!!!!

magic internet money

Me frog mind likes the sound of a dollar out of $0.15! !LOLZ !ALIVE !PIZZA

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ pepetoken. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

What did the icicle say to the other icicle?
Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Usually this time of year I'm working on the next installment of my novella series, but this year I want to sort out my visa first and improve my health a bit. Maybe I'll start the novella in Feb. you?

LeoGlossary like always.

Thinking of coming up with newsletter or some premium content on finance data or crypto data or data that is worthy to read.

Finishing up the Thunkgaria ShadowDark RPG Modules.
Finishing up the demo lvl of our 2D brawler so we can open up playtesting.
Finished the back-end for our Universal Items Layer 1 Hive NFT's trying to finish up the public facing website now.

You are always a buys bee! !PIZZA

Looking forward to the public facing website.

Thanks for the update.

Household budget for 2024... aka "How to stay afloat with shrinking resources due to inflation."

its rough! I was just looking at our grocery bills and its out of control.

On chain - sum #pepe token

Off chain - sum best crypto value strategy


REMINDER: 2 days left to submit your wallet to receive a FOOD airdrop.

See our blog for details!

Welcome to GM:FRENS! Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. You will receive 6.9 GM once per day when using the tag. For more information, please visit our profile.

Don't miss this one people. $FOOD is growing. !PIZZA


Got some pretty good news tonight!

Big things coming :)

To say I'm excited would be, the understatement of the century!

good news is always welcome, you go back to work?? at a guess

Hmmm, congrats :) Can't wait to read about it

That's awesome Jongo! Can't wait for you to spill the beans!

What it could be!



hey man, you have a link for that shop with the LEO swag? Neeeeeed it lol

Perfect, thanks man, grabbed a t-shirt!

Cool, let me know it works out. Guessed on where to place the logo.

For sure, looks like it'll be a few weeks before I get it, shipping to Canada sucks lol

What you talkin' bout Willis?

You are gonna love it lol

Wen announcement???

can you share the news?

Can't wait to hear it!

With just over 2 days until #premium runs out. I'll be renewing and ready to drive further into 2024 on #inleo

Nice! 2024 will be fun.

I like your optimism. I haven't felt optimism in years.

Fingers crossed I hope it will be. Never know though

Always a challenge it seems. Finally got mine to renew.

Good stuff, mine stuffed up last month. This time I will wait until the renew buttom comes up.

Yeah For me it took about 5-6 hours to come through. A bit of a delay.

It's nice to be ready :) Hope the counter won't mess up. I waited for 2 days for the renew button to show up.

Like many of us! :)

Hello friends, it's a wonderful evening. Presently, we are through with the set-up and we are about to start the Crusade...

#mydiary #music #gosple

The day where INLEO stops paying authors in $LEO tokens for posting from PeakD, can't come soon enough.


People that want to milk their full trail of $HIVE autovoters if they can't post on for a day, should still be able to.

But they should not be paid $LEO to do so.

people will stop when inleo is fixed so when you try to post long form some of us get error messages and have to post from peakd also I cannot up vote a thread on inleo I have to use peakd

It sucks that is happening to you, but in no way should you earn $LEO tokens for your content that doesn't contribute to revenue.

It just shouldn't happen.

I don't even understand why this is even questioned.

well they need to fix the problem I am not the only one getting the error messages once they get that fixed will cure the problem it is a real pain to have to use both

It does not matter if inleo gives you an error message first or not.

If you want to add valuable content to, then they can pay you their own token.

It should never be inleo's responsibility to pay you $LEO tokens to provide value to someone else's business.

Again... how is this even a question?

best answer is leo fixes it so it does not give error messages problem solved

Of course it would be better if the site worked 100% of the time...

But what problem is solved if it does work 100% of the time, but the team still prints $LEO tokens to pay people who provide content for


Nobody cares about the sustainability of the token because they just want to earn everything and dump.

For $LEO, or any layer-2 social token to be sustainable, you can't just give it away for free.

You need to give it away in exchange for content that you are monetising and driving value back.

I agree. But first the INLEO site must offer near-100% reliability on posting content. Today, I once again tried to get a long form post out, but after multiple tries had to go back to PeakD.

In no way should $LEO be printed and used to pay for content that someone else (the owner of peakd) can monetise.

Literally pissing our investment away.

I can appreciate your perspective, but I would be concerned that not having near-100% functionality is pissing your USERS away. Six vs. half-dozen, yadda, yadda...

Anyone that leaves because they can't earn $LEO from posting content onto another domain is a dead weight leech...

They are literally why every single layer-2 social token on Hive has already gone to zero.

If we want $LEO to be sustainable, then it needs to be all about incentivising content that earns revenue on

Revenue that is then used to buy/distribute LEO to creators/holders.

Again, agreed. But not what I said/suggested, exactly. You risk losing users when a site's functionality is patchy. The many error messages are tedious. I still stake all my $LEO, though. And I sit through 3-4-6 errors before giving up.

Didn't know that was on a roadmap. Would that help the price much though?

The ad counter only goes up if people see the content on inleo, the more content we have the better, wouldn't that just close a possible way for people to post? 🤔

99% of traffic on evergreen content comes via Google.

if you post via another domain, then Google will always index that version, meaning inleo earns $0 of ad revenue on that content forever.

Ohhh! Did not know that piece of information, than yeah, it makes perfect sense to disable it...

Solana is booming but it is over performing by all measures. This is a warning sign for anyone in the token. I could be totally wrong but as we touch on in today's article this project is majority owned by FTX (article in comments) #inleo

Very tough day today, quite some bad luck scattered in there as well. Glad it's over... 3 more days to go and then I'll have a tiny bit of time off. I'll even disappear from Hive for 2 of those days. Keep my mind at peace.

Sorry to hear and hope things will get better soon. A real break is a must. All the best to you.

Appreciate it! Things will get better soon. I'm on what's arguably my least favorite floor in the hospital, so once this is over, things will be better. Almost there!

Aah, you'll be out of it soon :) Hope you're not there as a patient though?

Fortunately not, haha. Although with the stress I wouldn't be surprised to find myself on their psychiatric unit soon. 🤪

Haha! I don't think you'd allow that to happen, lol! Take care and enjoy your upcoming vacation :)

Take a break when you get it. Good for all of us to step away every now and then. !PIZZA

Can't come soon enough!

Hope things get better for you. There are always challenges along the way.

Appreciate it! One of these things was getting stuck with a bloody needle from a patient. That one earned me 6 months of blood tests and paperwork.

That really sucks.

Just keep pushing forward, that is all you can do.

That and pray that my patient didn't have any blood-transmitted diseases (will find out with certainty tomorrow)!

May be good material for jokes, though. After all, what better way to connect with your patients than to share each other's blood? 😉

Enjoy your days and best with every thing.

Appreciate it! 🙏


Tales of Thunk 6 - Heading into the church for some rest and refreshments

" I am hungry, tired, and its the worst day of my life."
-- my 5 yr old daughter.

Well she is only 5. It may be the worst day of her life. just let her know worse days are coming.

I just laughed at your reply and she said "WHAT?"

Oh my... she's too young and she's already talking about a worst day. Had she been playing? 😅

She just got sent to bed a little early. Tomorrow she will wake up early.

Oh :) Hope she's rested by then

Poor honey! One of these days she'll start going to work... many memories of our own daughter (now 31) going back to 1st grade. Just be there for her, Dad!

Yeah. I am always telling her to quit growing up and just stay little for me. Press pause.

Tell her have no fear, she will have days that are much worse.


There are many more of that to come. Lol

Oh no! She has no idea what life has in store for her yet.

Uh not sure what is going on but am still premium I guess #feedback

It is an odd situation. I had that then was able to renew yesterday but it took like 5 hours to show up.

So it is a bit quirky.

I hear that I'm not upset or anything just figure I'd let the team know

yeah thye need to get this sorted out. Kinda frustrating when you cannot renew. I wish I knew how long the timer was. I am glad you are planningo n renewing though.


Engaging on Threads is awesome, but don't forget to show some engagement love to those who create informative long form articles, as well!

True. I have been ignoring longer posts recently. I need to curate on both sides. I love upvoting threads right now though.

We need better engagement all around.

Fact. Those of us who are here are doing a good job, but what we really need is more than the same 50-odd people doing most of the engaging!

We're going live at 3pm eastern from the #cryptomaniacs

A little earlier than normal today, it's kind of still the holidays lol

let me check it in Nigeria time

50 minutes from now

Am joining

45 minutes from now.

thats 9pm over her, okay am joining

If I have breakfast made by then I will make it yes I am running late

Since morning busy, not been to thread as I like, but free now, happy boxing day people 😂, today is boxing day, gifting day, saint Stephen's day, here is my gift to everyone grap it,
#mydiary #gifting


The Pistons are soooo bad. I feel bad for that fanbase. And that is something coming from a Jazz fan.

Pistons had a legit shot at winning last night, the only guy in the building who could stop Cade Cunningham was Monte Williams by calling that last play for Trey Burks

As soon as you decide to start a business, it may be tempting to immediately leave your full-time job and fully commit to your venture.
But sometimes your new business needs time to grow

One of the most important pieces of advice for any entrepreneur!

But sometimes it really doesn't work because it might affect the new business, especially in places like Nigeria where you spend 12-15 hrs daily on secular job

I think Jim Rohn said it (I'm paraphrasing) ....We need to spend the part time hours, on our future empire. and our full time job, to pay the bills.

That's the pure fact, but full time job now and time consuming

Nigeria's young, tech-savvy population has eagerly adopted cryptocurrencies, for example using peer-to-peer trading offered by crypto exchanges to avoid the financial sector.

Talvez aos poucos o português do Brasil (PT-BR) venha se tornando um forte potencial dentro da Hive, não por que temos muitos membros novos, mas, pela permanência daqueles que já estão aqui e continuam propagando este nosso legado. #hivebr

Stocks are in the green this post holiday trading session.

#oil also up today, in the mid 79s.

Green is gud! Shall see how the next month is this new year.

I have been playing around with AI video generation. We are very far from making quality movies, but essentially the story is what counts.
Already seeing some amazingf stuff being generated.

Very far in the technology world is a relative term.

Give it two years and it might not seem so outlandish. Again, ChatGPT only hit the market 13 months ago and look at what happened.

It is relative, true. A lot of things will change in the entertainment landscape. Immersive films that feature you as the hero i.e. However, filmmaking is a complex task, it requires the work of many departments to get to a final product.

Everything in the entertainment industry will experience a big disruption with this.I just hope natural talent will not eventually be obsolete.

A lot of technology being developed.

That's pretty cool! Makes me wonder how the film industry is going to be in the next few years. AI-generated movies will surely rise.

Decentralization is coming. The internet changed the distribution model. We are going to now see the content creation given the same boost (if not more).

That means the established entities are in trouble.

Yes, it's disrupting industries and it will be interesting how they are going to react or respond to it.

I lost it at 0:34 seconds when the raccoon went to Paris! 🤣

Your mistakes are not chains, they're lessons woven into the tapestry of your resilience."Learn from your missteps and let them strengthen your resolve, not hold you back.

#freecompliments #christmascontest

You know, we learn twice as much from mistakes and they should be motivation to do bigger and better the next time we try something new or just improve the same lesson.

Preach! Let's be honest, who learns anything from acing something on the first try? Give me a good, messy mistake with a side of lessons learned any day! Tell me your funniest "oops" moment that turned into a learning goldmine.

I can say that the Hive itself became this scene, of so many mistakes and wrong clicks that later became learning and today I keep laughing at the silly mistakes that I have haha, but I know it was necessary to learn.

Ah, the Hive! Sounds like it was quite the learning playground for you. Stumbles and wrong clicks might leave their mark, but the laughter echoing later is the sweetest sound. It's a beautiful reminder that sometimes,

the biggest lessons come wrapped in the silliest moments. What's the most ridiculous Hive mishap that still cracks you up today? I'd love to hear it!
On a more serious note, it's inspiring to see your journey from "oops" to laughter.

Just thinking out loud

Does follow for follow works on InLeo🙂🌚😏

I’m just thinking, so what if I want to grow my followers and I say who ever follow me I would follow them back or I do a give away.

AMA try it some day😋😋

Do you know that there is a community known as #BEER in hive, where you can share the beer you enjoyed? check the comment section to see few posts from the community 1/🧵 #threadstorm

HiveLive has a proposal and they are making new tools on Hive blockchain. This is a good sign that there are developers bringing new toys here.

I saw this building today along Azikiwe road Aba. Am wishing the owner quick genuine money to finish it up in time so as to provide accomodation for people #mydiary #progress

In 2024 NFT's will be used to create opportunity !! The HenHouseNFT is adding Real World Assets to the NFT game! Each NFT represents 3 egg laying chickens in El Salvador! Join Discord link in comments !!

Ah an old classic I forgot about this one

o.o bring you back the memories no problem

There are 5 pages