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Total writers block at the moment for an article today. Still a few hours left to crank one out though hmmm 🤔

Go for a walk and snap some pics. Perfect for writers block!

My most pageviews yet thanks to @caleb-marvel's #musiconleo threadcast.

What is the difference between a "pageview" and a "visitor"? #question

A visitor is likely an individual account versus pageviews are the total clicks.

So I am one visitor but I might have visited your threads 10 times. Remember that is opening them, not just scrolling past.

Got it. Thank you!

I'm working on clicking open a lot more posts even if I don't vote on them because of low VP.

Let's goooo
I'm not sure how well that tracks visitors so far but visitor is normally same IP address over a 24 hour period of time is counted as 1 while page view is just straight up that and doesn't care if it's one or many people.

Yeah, I was wondering how accurate it was but it's all I got for now. Thanks for the explanation.

Migrant expulsion numbers reached record high in 2023 as reported by Eurostat that around 431,000 decisions were taken to expel illegal migrants.

Europe is a hot cake for migrants around the world for refuge, but as EU is weary of growth in recent years and trying to enforce more strict laws for immigration.

#newsonleo #europe #migration #refugee

I sure hope that the current US administration is watching this.

Maybe, let's see how new government takes it.

Hello everyone, I'm new here

Welcome to INLEO, @tayordartist

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

This is a very friendly community.

I’ve noticed how friendly the people are here.. thank you so much!

hello and welcome! Hope you will find your place here on Inleo :)

Thank you friend, I hope so too.

Welcome to thread friend.

thank you so much!

Welcome to Inleo! 🦁

thank you so much!

Welcome to INLEO!

Thank you so much, creating an account was a hassle, but I've been able to create it finally 😅

welcome, fren! Happy you're here

Thank you so much friend, I can't wait to explore the ecosystem!

Hello new fren.

hello friend.. what do you like most about hive?


thank you! ☺️

Welcome to inleo! Have fun!

thank you! 😆

Hey there, Welcome aboard !

thank you so much!

Welcome to INLEO. It's fun here. Engage and connect with other Lions. 👍

Happy Tuesday.

thank you so much!

February is the romantic month for gifting to your loved ones. We should gift something that will be so precious and helping for someone. Today, I have decided to gift premium account to @ismartboy. Smart Boy welcome to the Inleo Premium Worl. I hope,it will help you in your hive growth in better way and have a good day.

#freecompliments #premium
#gift #aliveandthriving

Thank you my friend I am really enjoying it. Leo #premium subscription is really a great experience. Thank you for your kindness 💕💕

You are welcome and enjoy 😁

That's so nice @aslamrer

Welcome to the premium world @ismartboy 🎉

Thank you dear 💞

You're welcome.

yes I see he is making good use of the premium already

So in game development you go from - proof of concept - MVP - sandbox - demo - VS (vertical slice). Now that we are in the vertical slice phase the team is feeling the pressure of making everything the best we can.

And here I was excited because Khal said polls would be returning.

We all have our areas of focus.

Exactly. It takes building in all directions to build something amazing.
We all have a role to play.

Have to give people something to use. Utility is such an important part of networks/platforms yet it is overlooked. And people wonder why retention is poor.

Give people something to do and they will use it.

This is the truth.
I feel InLeo is a big step and now we build on it.

You should never, ever give up, because every step you take brings you closer to your dreams. Always trust in yourself and move forward with determination. You can do it!" #freecompliments

I love challenge and being out of my comfort zone, it builds you as a person.

Leaving our comfort zone is very good for our personal growth. #freecompliments

#feedback sent Khal a DM in discord about us running some ads on InLeo for our launch and on-going products.
Always up for a voice chat.
DM me when you get a chance. Thanks


Have to hit him up in different ways because he tends to miss them. LOL

oh i thought if I used Feedback he would see it. :)

Something to ponder upon and as you do it stay positive as till there is life there is another day and another opportunity to reach your goals.


O.O good one

I really love people who throw around some random acts of kindness...
Today my day sucked, but in the evening I was smiling from ear to ear as @meraki7578 commented on my post where I wrote off my frustrations and sponsored me 50 HSBI shares.

She didn't have to do this, but yet she did. I think most people have noticed how cool she is and I'm happy to have met another Dutchie here on InLeo :)

Thank you dear, I shall not forget you are a collector of these shares too..

You made me end my day with a smile, which is great..

Have a good evening everyone, I wanted to share this as #freecompliments matter!


She is wonderful lady with heart of gold.

For sure! !BBH

@lordshah! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife. (1/5)

It is nice for sure and always seems to come when it's most needed

True! !BBH

@bitcoinflood! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife. (2/5)

That's awesome from her! Kindness can reach us when we least expect it. 😄

It is! I'm so happy as I'm building the shares and now I have another person to sponsor back myself lol. Win win :)


@coquicoin-leo! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife. (3/5)

Thank you for your kind words. I'm blushing. 😊

As fellow Dutchie on InLeo, it's a pleasure to connect with you too!

Remember, the feeling of giving is just as rewarding as receiving, so keep spreading that positive energy and making others smile. 😄

Together, we can make the world a brighter place, one kind act at a time.


I hear you <3

Let's do our best to make that happen!


@meraki7578! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife. (5/5)

View or trade LOH tokens.

@meraki7578, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @thisismylife and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/5 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

#gmfrens 💚😵

Leo is currently the 27th ranked witness.

How many witnesses are you voting that currently sit above them?

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

My eyes are ache, especially the right eye. I need to leave the screen and get some sleep to give the eyes time to relax and recover.

This is very annoying and tiring, but this may be a consequence of the nerve in the cervical spine, pain in the eyes is typical, and the neck is always tense when working at the computer :)

You are right, the prolonged exposure to screen light was the reason for the pan.

Do you know? The heart pumps over 2000 gallons of blood per day

My heart is really wonderful

God really created wonders here.


yes it is, give thanks to the creator, for the creation

God is good.

I did not know that.

Who counted?

I realized my favorite hobby is cooking different dishes, immediately I see ingredients my mind will quickly direct me on how to coin the ingredients to a different special dish from the type that are known,

With the same normal recipe I can make different dishes out, it will look and taste amazing.

That's a typical attribute of a complete wife and a mother.

Thank you so much 🥰

I like giving people food, it gives me joy after cooking that someone ate and enjoyed it, that's how the inspirations keep coming.

Due to this I have developed so many family recipes that we enjoy cooking at will. This cooked beans and it's special sauce without tomato tells it all.

Wave Media

Does anyone know where/how the MoonKart NFT's from ArcadeColony are being stored?
What does the transaction look like on chain?
are they on other NFT markets like Opensea??
Not attacking, looking for very detailed information.

BXT rewards have now been removed from all Hive Diesel Pools except SWAP.HIVE:BXT.

Might be worth moving some of your HIVE capital around if you were relying on BXT to bump your APR.

hi dear friends, this another moment that i am sitting trying to study for tomorrow exam and i am here again threading hehe
well, about today's exam, it went so well even beyond my expectation so @taskmaster4450 was right


congratulations, Task is always right

Just as I told you.

Yeah, you did. But I've been lazy these days

yea, this one worked, hehe

Congratulations! Hope everything goes well on your journey!

Thanks so much

I like that it's not just targeted for athletes. It can apply across the board

That's right, for all people… it's just that he has worked a lot in that world. Of course, these principles apply across the board as you say.

Don't be lazy. Don't give up.

Ok, seems like this #farcaster is THE thing in crypto space right now.

It’s a protocol for decentralized social apps.

Have you heard of it?


Just reading more about it myself. Came across this pic:

Seems like Farcaster stores all the data(pics, profiles, etc.), these dapps interact, fetch that through hubs. There are dapps similar to X, Discord, etc. and all use the same data. Starting to sound like Hive!

The question is who controls the data. How is the node system? What is the scalability?

This could be something big in the making or another situation that sounds good in theory but gets different results in reality.

Good questions. Also, crypto social media apps have have faded pretty quickly after big hype. Friend.teck, stars arena, Lens.... It's a tough sector.

Yep. That is what I was thinking reading your thread. It might be the next thing, who knows. But we have heard this before.

Here is another question: what is going into that database? These are things that arent considered.

Took years to get something that people actually use on Hive and it is really just starting.

Yeah, definitely heard this before.

Have to study this more tomorrow... I wonder how (or if) they solved the fee dilemma?

Never heard of it.

Check my reply to Task under the main thread! 🙂

Buckingham Palace has announced that King Charles of Britain has been diagnosed with cancer.


so we might be getting a new coronation this year right

The President of Ukraine has affirmed intentions for a restructuring of the military.


dear friends , i hope you are having a great time, good day and God bless you


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Kenosha Hard Rock Casino proposal, agreement to be signed
By Christina Van ZelstPublished February 4, 2024 8:52PMUpdated 9:26PMKenoshaFOX6 News Milwaukee
#newsonleo #localnews #kenoshawi

I suppose it makes some sense being between Chicago and Milwaukee. Access to the customers with less of the crime.

It's more about the access to potential customers. The crime, unfortunately is spreading everywhere. Always going to be a risk

Bloody youths!

hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂


@forexbrokr! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (9/50)

I've just now made a post giving you all an update on my #health situation.
It's not particularly good news but it's also not terrible either.

Just another thing to add to the list.

Link is below in comments.

A popular dessert in my country and unique is Quesillo. Immigrants from the Canary Islands brought it to Venezuela in the middle of the last century. 1/2

#crossculture #desserts #threadstorm

Here we customized it and Quesillo is made with condensed milk, milk and eggs.
It may look like a flan but it's not, trust me ;) And it's delicious 2/2

#crossculture #silverbloggers #foodie #desserts

I saw recently a post in hive about it! it remembers a lot the traditional flan! #crossculture

They are similar but the texture of the Quesillo is a little different. It has little holes that make it look like cheese at first glance, hence the name.

Does anyone really care about the Super Bowl?

I am not much of a NFL fan anymore but it seems like it lost it luster of decades ago. I know it will still get big numbers but it doesnt seem to have the appeal it once did.

Honestly I'm just going to watch a bit because it makes for a good excuse to grill up some good food lol

Do you need an excuse for that? LOL

not at all but it just feels like a vibe then 😂

It is like a drunk drinking on St. Patrick's Day.

Only to get money betting! hahahah it is fun to bet in NFL

Going to be a record amount of money bet on the game.

Being in Las Vegas, that is no surprise.

I prefer betting in the Hive :)

I used to try to watch football to fit in with my friends. Since the NFL made it obvious a few years ago that they HATE people like me, I've stopped pretending and don't even try to watch NFL. I don't care a bit about the Super Bowl.

I dont watch it either.

I think part of it is that we only had a few TV channels. Based on the schedule, football might be the only interesting thing to watch. These days, there are all kinds of entertainment options other than football. Not all kids play football, but they'll play video games and watch others play on Twitch.

I'm just watching for Taylor Swift

That is why @jongolson is going to tune in.

You both can listen to Taylor Swift songs from Music on Leo. Lot of Swiftie music for you two.

Ah great, I'll rock out to this playlist in preparation

Good. Time for you to address those rookie page view numbers.

Spicy thread!

The last time I really watched it was in 1997 when the GB Packers were in it with Brett Favre. That was enjoyable. Otherwise, meh! Not really

Might be the first time in my life I don't watch. I have intentional plans to see it but If I'm home I'll flip it on but don't care who wins.

Yeah. I dont care for SF, since the Joe Montana days but I cant get excited about the Chiefs.

I was slightly excited before the Montana Days I thought plunket was going to great until Deberg out played him and took over. The teams stunk but I thought they settled on Deberg until Montana showed up lol.

You are right, Task

It just isn't the same as it used to be.

Even the commercials are not as good as in years past.

Maybe we are just old codgers who want everyone off our lawns.

I don't care... a useless tin in which you can't even pickle cucumbers :)

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
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Uses: 23/25

Yes, it's a good pan, but does it have a non-stick coating? :)

Some do, but agree not as popular and haven't watched it in years like I used to every year. In part with sports friends and family, and changing life, now being in web3 for example.

Welp so much for transferring DEC from binance into Splinterlands at the moment. Terablock keeps throwing up errors at me for whatever reason. It seriously sucks big time when you try to do something on crypto and shits broken. Anyone know of another way to get DEC on the binance smart chain out and into Splinterlands some how?

Ended up having to do back into BNB and then into SPS to be able to transfer in. Hate wasting fees like that though

Welcome back to Premium @fashtioluwa 🦁

Thank you ♥️♥️😁😁


And as a prize, you get to pay for lunch. Welcome to the party.

No problem
Just pick the location and place we are going for lunch

LOL I will have to get back to you on that one. Hard to get everyone on here to agree on anything.

😂😂ok sir

It is nice to see people starting to use the rethread feature.

Something that comes with premium membership.

Yeah, it was one of those features I was waiting for. Now that I can use it I need to remember to do that more often. Another way to curate good content

A great way to help people get seen.

It is huge on Twitter. We need to find ways to keep things growing and the numbers expanding.

Yes, because if people see that they are getting recognized they might stick around and post consistently. At least that's the hope. I used to retweet stuff alot when I was using Twitter. Now I only go there to listen to the Lions Den 😊

LOL And we appreciate the support.

Once people start to understand networks, Web3, and platforms, it will really be amazing.

They do not realize what is going on.

I just made a note to change the formatting

So when you hit rethread, it automatically puts it at the bottom and the text box is ready for you to type

smol things add up

Yes they do.

I will be writing an article about this but a big part of the network effect feeding into the flywheel and value of an enterprise is the utility provided each user.

Glad to see we are focusing upon that.

Yes it is. Great feature fer sure!

The increase in buyers towards $42,000 and the increase in sellers towards $43,000 causes #bitcoin to draw a very interesting chart. The bounce is not far away.

My favourite hobby (that is actually becoming more than a simple hobby but rather a way-of-living) it's YOGA.


#oliodibalena #threadstorm

I am attending the Training course to become a teacher and I am enjoying all the teachings from the integral traditions from India and other Eastern traditions.


I love it because it's allowing me to improve my health, my awareness, mental presence and spiritual connection while teaching it also to other students.


Have you ever practiced it? What do you think about it?


Thanks for partecipating in contest! :)

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Just completed an introductiory course to digital lighting in #blender. The finishing assignment was to find movie references and attempt to replicate the lighting. Definitely learned a lot

very nice. Lighting is a big deal.

Thanks! It really is

Perhaps time for another playlist. We will stick with Nigeria and make one with a few Nigerian artists.

🧵 1. Bitcoin's price has stabilized around $43,000 after the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF, but a recent analysis suggests three reasons to sell. #crypto

🧵 2. Outflows from GBTC and the BTC halving could impact Bitcoin's price. Analysts believe buying interest pre-halving could lead to new all-time highs in 220-240 days.

🧵 3. While downside risk is limited, choppy price action and FOMO towards $49K is expected. Consult a financial expert before investing in cryptocurrencies.

The new hype is walking around with a Apple Vision Pro?! 😂

They are so expensive that I would only consider buying one if I was earning 2x what I am


I'd only consider buying one if I earned 20x what I earn these days. Don't need it, but happy to know it exists!

20x is a lot, If I earned 20x what I earn now I would be top 1% of my country 😅

Yeah, it's a lot, but I won't be in the top 1% of my country even if I increased that much. I'm thankful to god either way.

What's the benefits of using it? Does make someone better?

Basically it augments your reality and allows you to always have a screen in front of your eyes that you can use for whatever you want while living your day.

Hopefully they'll make the tech better so that nobody notices someone using it.

But it doesn't look nice wearing such a heavy thing like the welding technician do.

Check this out if you want to see what it allows.

That could be the most ridiculous looking thing yet, plus you pay ridiculous 😂amounts of money

all these people wearing the apple vision pro for clout 😂

Don't get me wrong, it is a cool toy . But that's it. Waste of money. Don't push us farther into dystopia by giving into the hype


Too true.
Toy right now and nothing else. I just want to test one out.

sure, I'd love to for about 15 minutes

Yeah that’s all I need too.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It feels like they rushed it to market and the price is insane lol

I dunno about rushed to market, I'm sure it has been in development for years. But the price is insane, and it's kinda useless.

nope. I'm laying on the horn and calling the cops. Fuck all that

The idea of it is so cool

but yeah, stupid. No real use cases yet IMHO

Hopefully they don't become a normal thing in the next 5 years. I can imagine all the family events and parties where all these disconnected people are wearing headsets. Gunna get super weird

Disney, once again, not listening.

Pirates Of The Caribbean With Female Lead Still In Works At Disney, Claims Insider, But Fans Want Johnny Depp Back!
Industry insider claims Disney is working on a female-led Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but fans are furious about it as they want Johnny Depp back.

#newsonleo #entertainment #disney

Just made a post about Mickey Mouse today, but I really hate the Direction Disney is moving towards.

(I just hope they don't mess up the Kingdom Hearts series...)

It is really screwing things up for itself.

A very bad year (2023) at the box office.

They're not going for Profits, they're going for a culture-shift, in which case they're doing well, but I really hate what they're promoting!

Agreed. Iger is getting himself deeper into hot water.

Not a good time with new technology and Web 3 on the horizon.

Disney has legit became the worst. It went downhill fast when covid lockdowns hit

Yeah it will be interesting to see how they pull out of this downward spiral.

Iger has another contract extension. They have a ton of money and a lot of franchises to sell but they destroyed Lucas and Marvel. My guess is they are worth a fraction of what Disney paid for them.

I won't spend any money on anything Disney anymore.

We won't watch a Pirates movie without Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. All of us Johnny Depp fans should boycott it because money is the only thing that Disney understands

Actually Disney seems to not understand money and consumer preference. It appears it only knows pushing an agenda regardless of how much money they lose.

Look at all the films that took a bath as they change the traditional storylines.

Yeah, that's true. And their suit against DeSantis got dropped. Love that. They aren't all that anymore.

That was a strange arrangement anyway. Disney was like its own sovereign state in Florida.

Weird deal.

Very weird. Maybe they wanted to be like the Vatican. Of course they couldn't 😂

If someone wanted big pirate film to be remade Cutthroat Island would have been much better candidate. And it already had female lead.

Disney good at not listening. Just a little moar to add to their challenges. I bet as many love Johnny Depp and very much a known icon for the movie brand.

Yeah especially in that role. Jack Sparrow is the main draw.

People tend to dig the grave of themselves and their achievements :)

I thought that the continuation of the brave four could not be worse, but they want to surprise us :)

We have a strong chance of crossing 20K page views today.

Great job so far people.

Is there a LeoGlossary or other page (or set of pages) that acts as a good introduction to Hive and/or InLeo? We need somewhere to send newbies. This stuff needs to be easy to find.

Thanks. I will make use of these. They ought to get lots of views.

Reminds me to go back through them and add/clean them up.

They should be helpful as a primer at least.

Woot! There's alot of day left yet.

Hong Kong officials demand answers for Lionel Messi no-show

The Hong Kong government’s repeated requests for Lionel Messi to play in a sell-out soccer match went unanswered Sunday, a city official said, as cheers turned to jeers for the Argentine soccer legend.

#newsonleo #sports #hongkong

🧵 1. Bitcoin's recent price dip and rebound suggest a potential uptrend, according to CryptoQuant's analysis of long-term holders' movement patterns. #crypto

🧵 2. High density of Binary CDD data indicates frequent movements by long-term Bitcoin holders, following the cyclical nature of price movements.

🧵 3. Strong demand for Bitcoin and increased accumulation by whales signal the possibility of a full-fledged upward price cycle.

Hope that means an uptrend for $HIVE too.


In recent days I meet very few people and one of them advised me to take care of my health and another person said me to prepare well for the exam as next exam is the hard one.

I'll echo the two advises to you, they're good advises!!

Indeed. Both are the best ones considering the current ongoing time.

Red Bull Racing launches independent investigation into team principal Christian Horner

Formula One team Red Bull Racing has launched an independent investigation into team principal Christian Horner, with multiple media outlets reporting that Horner allegedly engaged in inappropriate behavior with an unidentified member of Red Bull Racing.

#newsonleo #racing #sports

Was he siphoning off and selling high-octane car fuel that he was disposing of during auto racing? :)

  1. You can mine some HOT on your NEAR Telegram wallet. (find link in the next thread)
  1. link:

Last Saturday i didn't have much time to threads! But yeah I renewed my premium after getting the first month's fee, thanks a lot guys for showing me how is good to be here.

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