There are 5 pages

For node runners
Update now available!
This update includes the following:

  • Multiple cleanups & deletions of legacy code from the old devnet
  • Ability to delete a state object within a smart contract
  • Added a general binding for smart contract env & call API
  • Support for SHA256 and ripemd160 hashing in smart contract with further - expansion in the future
  • Version Manager: auto reset & reindex database if needed. This won't restream blocks & should take around 10-20 minutes maximum.
  • Fixed several issues with processing & verifying VSC blocks. All previous blocks are now invalid (all of them were test blocks)
  • The VSC SDK has reflected all the above changes & we now have a docs page for the SDK available at Please note this SDK is - HEAVILY work in progress & may change without notice. We will attempt to follow semantic versioning, but cannot guarantee stability until in the future. We will release a blog post when general smart contract development becomes stable for the average developer & further guides.
  • There will also be a smart contract template & testing framework made available for easy plug n play development.
  • VSC tips will start being sent soon. We've loaded up a dedicated account with $300 worth of Hive to help encourage node operators to participate.

As a side note. We will be hosting our 2nd Twitter space on Tuesday 10AM PST to discuss VSC testnet launch, AMA & next steps for the project. I hope to see you all there

Update: 38.12% of the total $NOOK supply has been minted

I am 10X long on Solana since $19. The next deep dip will be an opportunity to add to this position. As I add, I allow growth & then deploy further during corrections. #Solana #Trading

Changing priorities

I reduced some of my time in the hive and included some physical activity. I mean... I'm only on day three, but I think it's important to balance things out!


That is a vey nice idea 💯

Thank you my noble friend!

I noticed that you have few posts on hive... I would like to invite you to join the FreeCompliments community, the most welcoming community on Hive. There is certainly a place for you! We also have a manual curation program and a rewards program for using threads and posting positive comments!

Find us through the links on your current frontend:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


Okay thanks

100% encourage this! Good work, and most importantly: keep it up!

Muito bom isso man, fazer exercícios físicos é uma boa, todos nós precisamos.

🧵 1/ Bitcoin surges above $53,000, hitting highest level since late 2021 after recent lull. Price peaks at $53,482 before settling at $53,409. #crypto

🧵 2/ Demand for Bitcoin ETFs surges as major Wall Street firms offer exposure to crypto. BTC's price has doubled since last year, with a 30-day climb of 27%.

🧵 3/ Bitcoin's rise precedes next halving expected around April 20, which cuts miner rewards and slows supply growth. Other top cryptocurrencies also see gains, with Ethereum trading over $3,100.

🧵 1/ MicroStrategy continues to be bullish on Bitcoin as they acquire 3,000 BTC at $51.8K each, totaling $155 million in their latest purchase. #crypto

🧵 2/ With this buy, MicroStrategy now holds a total of 193,000 BTC, worth nearly $10 billion at current prices, showing a return of close to 63%.

🧵 3/ The acquisition comes amid recent security concerns for MicroStrategy, following a hack on their Twitter account that led to over $400K in losses.

With the rise of #WEB3 many social media platforms have been forced to lower their partnership program's reducing requirements for eligibility. But now #LinkedIN the premium professional platform is diving into monetization 1/3

Rolling out a suite of creator tools the changes have given my business a new lease on life and I have already appeared on two professional podcasts. 2/3



To some people onboarding and teaching people how to navigate Hive can seem challenging sometimes.

#outreach #threadstorm #onboarding #newbie #ladiesofhive



It’s one thing to invite people to Hive and it’s another to guide them.



Read more to discover my onboarding experience for these past few days.

Make cool shit people want to use
Keep that shit working instead of downtime and breaking it constantly
Work on improving token price

Simple as that 😂

Hello fren it is recommended to created the outreach threadstorm for your freshly written post.
stay creative & positive


By freshly you meant what?

The post isn't up to 24hrs

Registration doesn't work when I press the thread button.
It took me 3 tries to get registered,
and it didn't register right away.


The UI is being upgraded so we will be experiencing rough times for a few days more

They say you get three chances in life.

Let me cast a magic spell for you.

"Be prepared"

For the unprepared, opportunity is just the wind that blows by.


🧵 1. Bandai Namco teases new game in The Idolmaster series for mobile devices, adding a sixth brand featuring 3D graphics and an all-new cast of characters. Official reveal set for March 5, 2024. #gaming

🧵 2. Teaser trailer hints at new brand in The Idolmaster franchise, with a schoolgirl protagonist. Existing brands like Cinderella Girls and Million Live set the stage for this mobile game. Excitement builds for the March 5 reveal!

🧵 3.6th brand teased in The Idolmaster series, bringing a fresh experience to fans. Stay tuned for the live stream reveal on March 5th to learn more about this new mobile game for Android and iOS devices.

🧵 1. Nintendo Japan switches website URL to for an improved user experience. Old address will still redirect to the new site. #gaming

🧵 2. The change aligns the Japanese site ( more with US site ( than UK site ( Some links on site will remain in old format, reasons undisclosed.

🧵 3. Other regions may follow suit, but no announcements yet. Next console rumors circulate post-February 2024 Direct focused on 2024 Switch games. No official word from Nintendo on upcoming console launch.

HiveBR Thread Day #13

Terça-feira e fevereiro quase acabando. Quais suas metas para Março? Começamos mais um Thread Day e ontem vocês comentaram bastante, será que hoje vamos engajar de novo?

Acho que a primeira meta de todo mundo é a volta regular dos serviços do arcange, e depois que alguem que entenda do negócio conserte o front da inleo que ta tenso demaaais! !LOL

Ta bem ruim mesmo o front da Inleo. Mas estão trabalhando pra normalizar.

Hoje lançaram uma grande atualização no labs que deve ajudar e disseram que até sexta deve finalizar a migração da infraestrutura. Diz o Khal que vai ficar melhor do que nunca. Vamos ver...

To precisando de uma boa notícia mesmo!
Expectativas foram criadas!!!!

What do mummies do on vacation?
They unwind.

Credit: reddit
@hive-br, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

meta ou sonho? kkkkkkkkkkk

Sim, haha, incrivel a diferença que faz a ausência dele

Ontem percebi que seguia muita gente desnecessária no Instagra. Ainda sigo, mas na limpa de ontem diminui em 127 pessoas meu Seguindo. Meta é diminuir mais esse ano.

Parece que agora depois de algumas atualizações a InLeo estabilizou, pelo menos aqui agora ta indo, de manhã não tava

Aquela sensação de não ter mais reuniões até o fim do dia e poder finalmente trabalhar direto

Não deu nenhuma treta? kkkk

Hoje não, hahahaha
foi um dia excelente, consegui fazer coisa pra kct

todo dia eu agradeço por ter reunião quase nunca no meu trampo

O ano tá voando... Já já será março.

Vou ver direitinho como são as regras do Thread Day, pois ainda não sei. Legal ver mais iniciativas dentro da comunidade.

Que venham mais interações!

As regras são: fazer threads, só isso

Obrigado! Não existe nenhuma tag específica que deve ser usada?

Não. Essa é uma iniciativa pra fazer as pessoas engajarem mais nas threads e usarem mais o frontend(comentei isso já mas acho que a thread não indexou, ignora se sair duplicado kk)

Tranquilo, ultimamente aqui está meio instável mesmo.

Obrigado pelas informações.

Todo dia de manhã alguém vai abrir essa thread no perfil da hive br, então é só ficar de olho e falar qualquer coisa kk

Quanto a instabilidade, hoje parece que deu uma boa melhorada, se for assim pra todos, acho que hoje as threads aqui bombam

Interagir todo dia nas Threads.

Certo, obrigado Edu!

Bom dia. Inleo parece mais estável e rápido aqui hoje. Ou eu peguei uma boa hora kk

acho que é a segunda opção

Aqui realmente melhorou bastante, mas alguns bugs estão se apresentando

Algumas funcionalidades parece que ta indo legal. To conseguindo responder a Thread tranquilo, mas se tento algo mais elaborado já complica.

Tenho alguns planos pra tentar colocar em prática em março, vamos ver se consigo.

bom dia, abelhinhas kkkkk

minha meta pra março é chegar viva em abril

Quando algo der errado, use essa imagem para se desculpar

Credo kkkk tão te amaldiçoando é?

nem precisa ngm me amaldiçoar kkkkkkkkcrying

Que barbaridade

Minha meta para Março é voltar a ser ativo na Hive. Os ultimos meses foram muito complicados e acabei deixando de lado

Um bull run de leve jogando preço da Hive pra uns 0,50 já dá aquela motivada, kkk

A big hello to the HIVE community. Today I opened 60 packs of Rsing Star Game and I got 3 epics.
#risingstar #hive #music

Those are some sold cards!

🧵 1/ Stablecoin market cap reaches $138B, up 1.95% this month. CCData report shows growth trends, with volumes hitting $1.04T in Jan on CEXs. #crypto

🧵 2/ Tether (USDT) leads with $97.3B market cap, rising by 1.23% in the last month. CBDC interest grows globally, including pilot projects in various countries.

🧵 3/ Market dominance of stablecoins drops to 7.09% in Feb, as institutional funds flow into other cryptos. Concerns about privacy in CBDC models persist.

🧵 1. New Bitcoin spot ETFs record $2.4 billion daily trading volume, beating launch day. BlackRock's ETF leads with $1.3 billion trading. #crypto

🧵 2. Bloomberg reports that the nine new spot Bitcoin ETFs set a daily record trading volume, reaching $2.4 billion on Monday. BlackRock's ETF dominates.

🧵 3. Senior ETF Analyst Eric Balchunas confirms the new Bitcoin spot ETFs have broken all-time volume record, hitting $2.4 billion in trading activity.

🧵 4. Carson Group, a $30-billion RIA platform, approves four spot Bitcoin ETFs by major players like BlackRock and Fidelity. Total ETF trading volume nears $52 billion.

After 17 hours, I was finally able to view my threads.

today's been worse than ever, but now it seems better.

Complicated, right? We will survive all this. LOL

Fazer minhas marmitinhas, arrumar a mala e partir pro trampo!


It worked, what I did was... I created the thread and updated the page and then sent it and it worked with this gif. For anyone who needs help on this.

PS: I didn't do it through Labs, because since yesterday I couldn't create a thread anywhere.


Test 1

Can the thread with image be viewed?

yes .. it working fine...

#gmfrens what y'all think we off the the moon or we going to have another correction before we blast off

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

testing 1 2 3 ... where are my threads going? #feedback

OK... so plain text threads are working... but threads with images aren't getting posted? #feedback

Hello, I see you. Please, where are you accessing it from? Is it through Labs?

Every thread I create is not showing up.

I'm using via web browser... but only my text-only threads are being posted... those with images aren't reaching the chain.

Try this friend, it worked for me. Create your thread with image and update the page and then submit.

Me waiting for the UI to stabilize


I am currently playing in the Champion I tier in Splinterlands and after playing for quite a while today and draining almost all of my battle energy I somehow made my way into the topmost tier only today.

#outreach #threadstorm


However, today I will be talking about one of the most furious Cards from the Riftwatchers mini edition that is currently ruling the arena and just like its name, many times it feels almost impossible to kill it down.


If you are interested, Please read my full blog post below!

Link -

#inleo #gosh


Dang! That's actully impressive as those rewards seriously start to pile up at those levels

see if this will post for me

$BTC #Bitcoin may be running towards a new ATH. And it exceeded $57K, next is $58K!

Does anyone know how to check how many HSBI tokens you have? As I don't think they are a hive engine token?

Yes, I know. Go to Peakd -> Wallet -> Others. 👍

Perfect thank you! For sure need to start building those up more lol
I'd drop ya a vote for the help but threads is wildin on me with errors. I'll drop a few later when things get more on par. Thanks for the help

No problem! I was once searching for that like crazy... it's sure well-hidden there :D

You can also check on which also shows your enrollment history and you can see who has sponsored you.

@bitcoinflood @nonameslefttouse

Nice! Thanks for this. 👌

Aaaaagh... the errors are driving me nuts!

You might try this: hivesbi dot com

Does leo not allow hyperlinks?

It's a bug, of sorts. The preferred format is to put links in replies not in the top message... but evidently it applies when you're responding to someone else's thread, as well... which makes NO sense.

I have 40 of those and I don't know why, where they came from, or what they're for.

People sponsor you for ongoing support and you get upvotes from Hive SBI. Frequency and size of upvotes is based on how many you have.

Anger and Frustration is desire that doesn’t see a path towards realization.


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:06 Vientiane
  • 2:09 Bolaven Plateau
  • 3:04 Luang Namtha and Nam Ha National Protected Area
  • 4:44 Muang Ngoi
  • 5:39 Nam Kan National Park
  • 6:55 The 4,000 Islands
  • 8:15 Thakhek Loop
  • 9:25 Vang Vieng
  • 10:16 Nong Khiaw
  • 11:15 Luang Prabang
  • 12:28 Laos Travel Tips

I measure my success in mornings I need to commute. The fewer the better…down to 2 morning commutes a month

One big benefit to playing #splinterlands at the moment with a decent sized stake of SPS is that you actully get rewards worth wild even in bronze. New Battle Changes In 3 days!

Interested in playing Splinterlands yourself? Join via my link here: Thank you!

Very true and right now it is best time to build sps stake because later we will not get sps tokens much

Voting in an election is like gambling in a casino. It doesn't matter how many play, because the house always wins in the end anyway. Choose actions that actually have a chance at achieving real success instead of voting.

I haven't been able to load the site.

Yeah. It's going to be wonky these days

One of my favorites

Hey guys, what coin are you holding during this Bull 🐂 run

Satoshi Nakamoto is now the 26th wealthiest person in the world.

#bitcoin #crypto #newsonleo

If BTC soars, he'd rank up even higher.


I did some tests yesterday and realized that in Labs it was not possible to create a thread... I don't know if they've already fixed this, but I'm seeing you now.

bad winter in Newfoundland 9 years ago.

Question: If you could sell off 10% of your hive blockchain holdings, would you? If so, what would you do with it if you feel a bull run coming on? #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Well, I barely have enough to where 10% would buy a hamburger... but even if I had 100x that, I'm not looking to sell for as long as I am an active participant here!

Technically, we all can sell it. I see no point, though. On contrary, I'm aiming on reaching 100k HP this year.


OMG he is Damn Rich. That is a very Nice Idea by him, but I am also Michael by Name 🤩

He knows something we do not know. If his eyes are the crystal ball of the bull market. Guess the moon is nearer than we think.Bitcoin to $1m

when? At this point all it will take is one more billionaire going Full Saylor to break us above ATH

🧵 1. Analysts cite factors like supply dynamics, upgrades, and fee proposals as driving ether past $3,000, ruling out spot ETFs as the sole catalyst. #crypto

🧵 2. Attention now shifts to the potential for a spot ether ETF in the US, with big firms like Fidelity and BlackRock applying amid positive market sentiments.

🧵 3. Bloomberg analyst predicts a 70% chance of spot ETF approval by May 23, with potential for a $4,000 target if approved, echoing similar sentiments from Standard Chartered.

🧵 4. Despite uncertainties, analysts highlight additional catalysts such as deflationary supply, staking percentages, and increased demand driving ether's rally.

🧵 1. U.S. court halts Energy Dept.'s crypto mining survey following legal challenge from Texas entities, criticizing process as "sloppy." Survey paused by temporary restraining order. #crypto

🧵 2. Survey aimed to assess electricity usage by crypto mining firms due to increased crypto activity. Energy Information Administration cited concerns over impact on U.S. power industry.

🧵 3. Texas groups sued, claiming survey forced disclosure of private info without proper authority under Paperwork Reduction Act. Judge finds emergency justification lacking.

🧵 4. Energy Dept. won't penalize firms for survey non-compliance till March 22. Texas Blockchain Council President says ruling validates lack of compliance with regulations.

🧵 1. Bitcoin hits near $55,000 for first time since Nov '22, up 6% in one day. Spot volumes slipping but futures market shows high interest levels. #crypto

🧵 2. Short open interest by hedge funds at all-time high of $3.83 billion, while long open interest by asset managers also at record $3.58 billion, signaling ongoing institutional bets on Bitcoin.

🧵 3. Technical analysts note Bitcoin's surge since Oct '23. On-chain data suggests a possible correction ahead, with predictions of price dropping to around $48,000.

🧵 4. Bitcoin currently at $54,622, up 5.6% with GMCI index up 3.8%. Market anticipates more movement as Bitcoin's price continues to fluctuate.

🧵 1/ Hungary's parliament ratifies Sweden's NATO bid, ending months of wrangling. Orbán says Sweden's membership strengthens Hungary's security. #world

🧵 2/ Vote marks culmination of efforts to convince Hungary's government to lift block. All NATO members' unanimous support is required for new entries.

🧵 3/ Orbán criticized outside pressure on Hungary but moved forward. Bipartisan U.S. senators' resolution against Hungary's democratic backsliding failed.

🧵 4/ Orbán and Sweden's PM reach reconciliation, with a defense industry agreement including Hungary's purchase of four JAS 39 Gripen jets.

Feels like +36°C here, while +3°C at home

It's unusually hot these days.

it’s so hot over here that we keep taking our bath over and over again.

I can not share any #threads with #inleo frontend and I need to work around with ecency.
Is there any issue with #inleo?

Pretty sure your threads on ecency will not show up on InLeo you have to use the InLeo front end. You also have to use it if you want to earn leo. Right now they are working on a new node. It's a rough estimate that the next 48 hours are going to be rough for the frontend as they work out bugs with the new node.

Its because update in progress to make Leo better

There are 5 pages