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My thoughts about roommates. I’m not a fan of sharing room, I did have a room mate before and it turned out bad. I was the clean and indoor roommate, he was the nonchalant and bringing home friends kinda roommate. Since then, I don’t like the idea of sharing a room #hivelearners #roommate

I couldn't agree more! When I was single and much younger I had a few experiences with that. None were very pleasant. I was in the military so I had no choice in the matter. By the time I was out I decided that I wasn't doing the roommate thing again. I like my personal space and privacy way too much.
Like I said, I am married now and that is a whole different thing.

That’s nice now. But I can understand your previous experience. I also stayed in the boys hostel one time and my food kept going missing

I’m not a fan of sharing room

I am not either....

I can only manage it for a very very short period.

haha 😂, Walhalla
Bad roommate you got

Bugathon now active on Discord. Get to the discord server and earn 10 HBD for reporting useful feedback about bugs on the sign up process.

phewww! On it!

lets find them bugs

Can you please provide the Discord link?

I'm in one that I don't know if it's correct... There's practically nothing there.

You probably have not done the verification process. go to verify, then read this and then get roles

I got it, I was missing some details. Unfortunately I don't speak much English.

Thank you very much for your help.

I've just submitted my first ticket. Hope I did everything right.

the internet here in Nigeria really stopped me from partaking in this task. I don’t know if its still on

Replace one word in a film or song title tittle with "sausage"....

Four Weddings and a Sausage


Honey I Shrunk the Sausage

lol thats a good one

Back to the Sausage part 2

Love Sausage

A view to a Sausage, Live and let Sausage, Goldsausage, The man with the golden Sausage,

Saving Private Sausage

Close Encounters of the Sausage Kind

The Sausage Strikes Back

I think Ladbaby did a few songs

ye I think they did!

Should i extend my InLeo Premium Subscription? 4 Days Left! #newsonleo #crypto #premium #askonleo

If I were you, I must extend the premium subscription.

Yes, you should.

If you are regular content creator and want premium features in Leothreads.

Its really cool to extend it. The benefits are worth that extra pay

I just did and this is the first time I'm buying it myself.

If you think the subscription benefits you, then yeah why not.

If I become rich today, the first person I would surprise with a gift is my dad #hivenaija
My dad is so amazing i sometimes wonder how he got the strength to handle kids like us. There are many times we’ve disappointed him as his kids but he still
Love us and continue to play his father role in our life. He love me and my siblings and my mom without asking for anything in return. That man deserve the best #gift in the world

You are already rich to have someone like him!


Yeah, I really want to do much for him and I want him to be proud of me too

Very nice tribute to your dad.

You're a good son.

Thank you 🙏 🫶🏽

you guys are looking great together

Thanks so much faiz

Also, congratulations. You will be one year on hive soon

we all will become rich this cycle my friend . 🤞

I believe so too. 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Let’s do it and make it happen

I definitely have the seem feeling as you friend.

Not many people consider others before themselves. I’m not there yet but I know when I make it, I’ll make all my wish come to pass

Yeah, I really hope they stay alive until we get there. But the little we can do to make them smile, lets do

Gimme some more!

Am I the only one hoping we can another day or two of red candles in crypto? I'd like to buy the dip a little bit lower. 💰

I'm with you my feline friend

Give me them red candles, I want bigger bags

not just you.
Need a lower entry point to stack some more

U will get the opportunity if BTC visits 60k zone.

🧵 1. The Bitcoin Half is sneaking up on us. Which is likely to happen by the 20th of next month. #outreach #threadstorm #bitcoin #halving #impact

🧵 2. During Bitcoin halving usually the mining rewards are halved and the production of Bitcoins is reduced which in turn helps to increase the price and also we see the alt season in the market.

I am proud of the way the LogicSWAP DEX is coming out!

Clean, slick, and works great!

Working on the finishing touches for the big reveal post this week!

can't wait. Looking good.

Thanks! I am super pumped about it. Once I get the FAQ page done, I am going to start working on the post.

Then I will start the NFT marketplace, lol.

Fell down a DEFI tool rabbit hole, lol!

Looks awesome! !BBH! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (11/50)

Thank you! Really excited how it is coming out. Trying to figure out all the options. Apparently I can do trading events and have leaderboards and such, just trying to figure all that out. And then there will also be NFTs in the future! 🚀

Awesome! Can do all sorts of stuff really with tools and things almost anything you may dream up! !BBH! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (19/50)

successfully sold 4 alienworlds nfts for about $800 worth of wax. now to buy CACAO or LEO..

Nice one! I'm too afraid to even check the valuation of those these days. Sold them long ago and got maybe ~$200.

i actually got about double what i paid for them in terms of WAX about 4 years ago. adding to both stacks for LP!

Niiice!! 💪 Even though I'm slowly and steadily been growing my Leo Power, I'm still feeling fomoish. Same goes with CACAO

this is the way

Impressive that Alienworld NFTs are still costly and has buyers. I wish #splinterlands did the same but the assets just devalued.

@l337m45732! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @logen9f. (5/5)

i was pleasantly surprised

I have 2 decent ones but i still use them. I'm hooked on that TLM

felt good to get some value back after so long

When I joined hive honestly I was a bit confused because I wasn't understanding what was happening then.
But immediately I started with #inleo community it was a different thing All together.

On inleo you don't need to write 1000 words before you earn, you can make money from just create short threads.
You earn both hive and Leo token.
That's an interesting thing.

agreed. InLeo is the best.

yes I believe so too

That's exactly how it is for new hivers, almost every thing will look strange but with time you can fly.

Best experience ever. Inleo is the best and the most generous fronted in hive

Bugathon is live!

Join InLEO discord to find some bugs and have a chance to get rewarded!

-> hustling channel to share the bugs.


haven’t been responding to comments on long form posts for a long time. Gonna enjoy doing so from the Ecency phone app! The old way.

Ecency saves lives. 🤣

Just discovered that I've produced my first block on the VSC network! 🎉

Nice! Congrats!

Awesome! !BBH

@mightpossibly! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (15/50)

Great job!

Good job!

Every effort is rewarded and you deserve this and everything.

That's great. keep appending mmany new blocks.....blocks after blocks....

I wish $LEO is a meme coin and go 100X from here overnight!

That is foolish.

$foolish needs to be that meme coin!

Sounds $foolish but that makes it fitting and possibly considering the motley fool's success it could be made to be foolish to miss out on. !BBH

go make $foolish a reality! Once it go viral, LEO benefits too!

@cryptothesis! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (8/50)

Would be so wonderful.

I will be rich then😅.

Should I sell all my HBD and rebbuy at 1 ?

If you can. I have a feeling the price on the internal market is much different.

Better look. Thanks.

I think the same.

I think for sure you should do it


@ismartboy! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/50)

I did this some time and it worked

Awesome 👌


@fashtioluwa! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (24/50)

So you sold them? because now i can see HBD price 0.98

Congrats you are in profit

no, internal market was only 1.03 st the time.

@luckyali! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (11/50)

Go ahead with works for you.

In which exchange???

Ethereum and Solana during the last 7 days:

Perhaps they'll touch tomorrow... 😅

#solana #ethereum

Almost looks like they are catching up (with each other) !LOLZ !BBH

@brando28! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (6/50)

Indeed! 😅

Why does Davy Jones never bend his knees?
Cause they're always Kraken

Credit: reddit
@brando28, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Little Me and Mom at Yellowstone NP Watching Old Faithful Erupt - 1966

Click pic for better view

#photography #silverbloggers #oldmansphotos #vintagephotos #35mmslides

cool picture! I need to take my kids.


I thought I read somewhere that it might not be as "faithful" as it used to be but I might be wrong. 😉

Old somewhat faithful now!

LOL! Yes.

What is the current preferred way to create playlists? A top level thread with embeded links as a reply to it?


Or you can pull the threads off the artist pages and post them.

Here is an example:

Got it. I have juicy one I want to create. I dont think there is an aritst page for Blackberry Smoke yet so I will add some songs

That is a new one.

Nothing Beats The Big Outdoors - Fresh Air Most Freedom One Could Get....

So refreshing it is to be enjoying the freshness in nature.

Would enjoy a daily dose of fresh mountain air right now!

Great to bless your lungs. Deep breaths as a tonic for longevity.

Instant clearing of the mind, wide open spaces....

Without any doubt at all

That is also a tonic for your thought process, congnition.

amazing nature photo

Thanks, have a great new week.

How many polls have you created today?

just made my first poll today!

Very good. Have to start somewhere lol

Zero. I was busy with my daily tasks. Night time I will be active in threads and I may create several polls.

I think only one...will creat a few before I sign off..


pending payouts that doesn't contain any HBD or Hive value, but contain LEO value, doesn't show the breakdown when hovered over the amount.

Just realized voting on polls requires the Active key but upvoting posts and comments only requires Posting key. Anyone knows why?

Probably a glitch. Send a feedback message. I would think posting should be enough.

Good idea, I wil do that

#silverbloggers My favorite romantic series is Kirslik, a Turka series where the girl s love is share into two Man.

no he tenido la oportunidad de ver este filme, pero voy a ponerlo en mi lista. Gracias por la recomendación

I have only once seen a production in that language. I was surprised by its quality. Well, maybe we should give your recommendation a chance. Regards

I haven't seen it, it must be nice

Very nive, and here in Cuba it was very popular!

A good recommendation

Ya votaste por tu autor favorito de la semana? 💖

Puedes ver las opciones aquí: ⬇️

En los comentarios tienes los enlaces 😉


¿Qué tan seguro estás de volverte millonario gracias a BTC en el futuro?

The new controversy surrounding tiktok is surely debatable. What will happen to the content creators? Many still do not understand the concept of owning your data. Funny world #tiktok #web2

WHat is the controversy? I never used tik tok

I think it is probably in reference to the move by the US to ban it.

AH, I didnt know they were doing that. Crazy stuff

Yeah. A bill passed the House this week and goes to the Senate.

They claim national security but more likely freedom of speech move.

poor americans wont be able to see people dancing to a camera

In short clips. Have to watch the long version.


ha ha looks like you got the best answer from task already

What theme are you using on InLeo? I've been using Orange and Dark mode for a while now but I'm thinking about changing things up

i have my green themes

White + Orange

What would happen to your crypto portfolio when you kick the bucket?

I seriously think of the best way to pass our crypto wealth on to surviving family members when one dies. What is the best practices to adopt now that we are still alive, any?


I have a journal that I keep just for that purpose.

It contains my keyes and account credentials and instructions about distribution of assets.

My family is only slightly informed about Hive and INLEO so they will need a step by step guide.

This is really a great move. I am thinking in that direction too. I believe that people in crypto die too and if no one knows what they are doing, then they could just leave wealth that surviving family members would know nothing about.

Absolutely, you are leaving money on the table, and your family will never know about it.

That would be a waste of funds and resources that would have been useful to others. So its kind of cool to have a way of letting them know what you own and how to access it after.


Sustainable use is the way forward....responsible consumption in line with your requirement, and leaving the rest to create generational wealth.

Like, how do you make sure the next person that survives your death knows how to use your active key and withdraw any crypto you own. How do we have a proper next-of-kin for our crypto wealth?

When ur kids become mature, train them on the know-how of crypto wallet with crypto literacy...then make use of multi-sig wallet, so that u can spend the assets as a family....and misuse by any one can be prevented.

Now you are making sense with this suggestion. Crypto people die, and when they leave large wealth without the family accessing it, its kind of total waste.

Yes, it is a decentralized responsibility of th crypto owner to ensure that it acts like an insurance fund after his death for his loved ones.

That is so true

I keep thinking about this but I have no family member who is familiar with crypto stuff. Probably I have to onboard someone or write a clean instruction as to how they can claim it when needed.

Best thing to do is probably not have all the wealth in just crypto itself but also move it to something in the real world that they understand.

Do you support the use of a decentralised currency in buying and selling inI our regular marketplaces?

Why not. But it has to be truly decentralized at many levels......

Sure, I cant wait to see the first crypto based physical markets where the currency is fully crypto. It would make a lot of sense.

We wait in anticipation then

#oliodibalena I've received support through encouraging comments,votes and delegations, thank you all! c.jpg


#oliodibalena I apreciate when a trail of curation goes by my post and when I recive my rewards thanks for the support

The support is very important

It's good to get that support

💜 los hivers siempre dispuestos y listos para apoyar. Un abrazo infinito 😘💜

thanks very much my dear for you constant support to my work 🤗

How nice it is to have this great Hive family

Hivers are a real family

To quench your thirst on a hot day, nothing beats lemonade
#amazingdrinks #foodie

How delicious is this lemonade

That's great, everyone at Hive is very supportive, I'm happy for you.

thanks very much my friend

it is very nice to recive

We are a great friendly family ❤️

Yes, my dear, a very lovely family

#silverbloggers My favorite series of all time is Sex and the City, romantic comedy about love situations d.jpg

I haven't seen it, I've heard very good things about that series

I recommend it you, when you look at the first cap you won't stop watching it.

it is a great series

Yes, indeed

definitivamente es una gran encanta

Excellent romantic comedy TV-serie

I have never seen it, but it has been one of the most popular series. I should get it to enjoy it.

I recommend it to you, you will like it, for sure 😃

Am I the only one who started to book profit from the current time? My strategy is quite simple. My only strategy is not to make a loss in the crypto market. If I don't make a loss t then, profit comes naturally.

#crypto #trade #market

#wolves finally back in action tonight after not playing since Tuesday. Of course, now it's 3 games in 4 nights including a back to back vs Utah on the road and Denver at home on Mon/Tues. The #nuggets have taken over 1st place so these are 3 big games. We'll see if the current 3 days of rest can help them through the next tough stretch. #nba #sports

I bought youtube TV again for this month so I can watch some NCAA basketball. Iwill have to watch them tonight. Go wolves.

We shouldn't think we can stay in samasara and be saving mother sentients being if we have not attained anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti yet. We should go to Amitabha Pureland so that we can learn from Buddha Amitabha.

Just before dying, let go of everything, and have confidence in going to the Pureland. This confidence and aspiration can suppress our karma.

Impure land, i.e. samsara, is caused by self-interest, ego.

Pureland, is the opposite.

We first need to contemplate that all sentient beings have been our mothers in different lives.

Then we need to make aspiration to save all sentient beings.

There is a differences in stage. Starting from contemplation, then aspiration, BUT still unable to be useful in helping others due to our imperfections

How long until we see humanoid bots in the home?

#polls #technology

I'm remembering the movie Bicentennial Man movie. I guess we might see it in 2050 or

8 years is more apt. I am literally conversing with claude AI like he/she can be trained as a friend. So getting this into android bot would not take more than 10 years. but affordability is issue.

I agree.

The AI is moving ahead. We will see the industrial use cases first since cost is still an issue.

We will see how fast it declines.

Maybe sooner than later with other "bot" devices used in homes already.

I think the costs for full blown Humanoid robots means they will be in the industrial realm first since there are cost savings.

Yes of course. More profitable place for an initial wave of them to be placed into operation.

In a near future.

In up to 10 years, I can't wait to have a robot for sexual purposes, lol.

Technology and sex do seem to go together.

This is my layer 2 stack that I would be investing more into. I feel BRO, LEO and EDS are worth keeping. I can ignore few others. I have to use tribaldex and beeswap now to handle most of them.

If you are posting regularly, it is good to hold more BRO as it gives votes on your posts if you meet the quality requirement.

Yes I have started holding BRO and EDS. I hope to add more for this year.

Nice. Good luck. 🙂

Why do some motorists run the red light?

I still dont get it. Is life too cheap?


maybe they need to use the loo


Its a terrible sight especially how the thoughtless action could put innocent lives at risk

yeah, no, you're absolutely right.

Silly me, I was making a silly joke

Out of adventurism, craziness.

the only CEX trading HBD is Upbit? With a BTC:HBD pair.

U can take advantage of arbitrage trading should u have decent amount of liquid HBD

She is not only my doughter, is also a hiver @heidy08 she is very effort and dedicated #familyfriends

it's true my friend and you are her guide


And very talented hiver, you should be proud!

How good and beautiful to be mother and daughter

#silverbloggers #movies I prefer to watch movie than series. My best movie is this movie titled "From"

interesting intere

Yea, very interesting

I only know of the tv series 'From', is there a movie as well?

#memeonleo ##comedyonleo #polls

Remembered I could use image links. Lol

hahaha you sir, are on fire today

never watched Jaws forward. That is more than kind of funny though.

D&D has begun

Time to nerd it out


good luck on your adventures!

Errei o lugar de colocar essa thread. LOL

Sua aba estava aberta rsrsrsrs

Nice! Me frog feels like to be in D&D in the human world as a cartoon frog on the Blockchain with a token. !LOLZ !BBH

@tokenizedsociety! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (9/50)

I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

Credit: reddit
@tokenizedsociety, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken


#familyfriends 🐝 hardworking, supportive, knitter, passionate about amigurumis and Havana @lileisabel a.jpg

Ohhh friend, you honor me with this thread ☺️, thank you my good friend

You deserve it my friend 🥰🤗

Congratulations on that love for what you do

She is a wonderful person, always willing to help new hivers.

I very much agree with everything you say about her.

Thanks, she is a very special person

I am very grateful to many dedicated hivers who have helped me in my first steps in Hive. A hug to all of you

To quench your thirst on a hot day, nothing beats lemonade #amazingdrinks #foodie


I love it without sugar, feeling the acid of the lemon is one of the pleasures of life that I like to enjoy.
I like the criollo lemons for their delicious flavor#amazingdrinks #foodie

So I invite you to refresh yourself and enjoy this lemonade #amazingdrinks #foodie

That's a great drink for this terrible Hot.

that's right my dear, delicious and refreshing

How delicious a refreshing lemonade 😋

I love lemonade, it is very refreshing especially in the heat of my country.

esa limonada se ve deliciosa 😋


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