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Once you become a premium user, there is just no going back. Luckily, have got 10HBDS waiting for tomorrow night

🥳 me too, I guess we bought it at the same time last month. Remember the mistake we made? No adding in memo to leopool

Yeah friend, ain't no repeating that

Good 🦁💪

#aprilinleo Comunity decisión

1🧵/Where I live there is an organisation where a delegate is elected to represent the people of the community. And through this they can deal with the municipal government to solve existing problems.

2🧵/That sounds good. The downside is that the delegate does not always have the resources to solve the current problems, and is not always listened to by those who should listen. However, my respects for that job, which must be complicated

Ready to soar with #HiveBlockchain ($HIVE) and $LEO! 🚀 From fostering creativity to unlocking new opportunities in the decentralized world, these projects are making waves. Get in on the action and join the decentralized revolution today! 💡 #crypto #DeFi

Fantom memecoins are going crazy while the broader market dumps. Muttski... busy RIPPING! This was predicted more than 3 months ago in numerous publications... and this is just the beginning! #FTM

Acabo de pagar otro mes de Leo premium ya este es mi cuarto mes usándolo! #spanish

Looking for a walkthrough on how to access the new #LeoDEX on Maya Protocol? Then this #crypto article is for you 1/3

I'll definitely be taking a look at this!

Thank you, hope it helps

We're using THORchain for the creation of this wallet as for the new LeoDEX? IT's sleek, fast and everything you'd expect from a Decentralised Exchange fantastic work by the team. 2/3

I have been on HIVE for four years now :) #inleo is the only group/tribe/community that is looking to push boundary to make sure the apps on Hive are connected to other chains. First it was ETH and now with #mayaprotocol

I think I am with the right group of people :)


lions gunna lion ✌️

I am patiently waiting for my cub to convert to $LEO. I hope I am ready to LP $LEO and $CACAO on time

LFG fren

we are on the edge of our seats waiting for the last update from Maya team

agreed. This is were the cool people are

I am glad that I stumbled with this group.

The pride. The right choice to be with.

Of course.

plz stop using the inleo tag. we all know we're here. it's pointless. no one will ever click on it. save yourself the extra keystrokes... plz

Such a valuable advice.

yes ples don't use it. (guys he don't know about the secret treasure we receive wen you use InLeo tag)

keep your dumb-tag treasure! lol

Finally unstaked HP to other projects and increased my delegation to leo.voter


A good strategy.

WHt is the minimum amount of delegation to leo.voter?

I'm not sure if there's any. You can start with 10 HP and go up from there.

Okay. Thank you.

How much APR can you earn for delegation?

oh okay, thanks! That's a lot APR :)

btw, should I delegate HP or LEO? or either the two is fine?

That's for HP delegation to leo.voter.

In horrible news....My premium subscription ran out.

Good news....I just re-upped :)

Happy $LEO Tuesday!!!

My subscription ran out too. Life on Inleo and without premium is somehow, uninteresting to me again hahaha

Glad to see you rejoining the Premium gang ;)

Enjoy the power to edit and having longer threads 😀

ALways a good thing!!

Happy Bullish Day......... yet again.


Sure...2024 and 2025 will be every day is a bullish day.

sweet! You have to stay premium.

I forget lol I wish it would re-up automagically lol

Well done. Nice move.

I have to renew mine too.

It's the best value out there :)

Polls are back. The lions seem to be happy again. 😅

It is a huge part of the platform.

This has to be a part of the digital platform model that the community implements, we need utilize this in a large way.

It is how we can generate a lot of interactions.

Yeah. Polls are a type of tool that brings many benefits.

My latest post to take you through setting up an account in LEODEX.

Thank you!

Thank you so much, I was searching for such a detailed step-by-step tutorial.

Thanks for this.

Thank you for doing that!

Its only 18 reviews but I was not expecting Sting (2024) to even get to 60%, when I saw the trailer it just looks worst than Imaginary (2024), will be interesting to see if Audience just destroys critics this time
#moviesonleo #sting2024 #preview #horror #phobia

Today’s LeoDex launch is a soft launch

We’re still waiting on Maya team to push Arbitrum Trading live

But we wanted feedback to improve LeoDex as much as possible. This feedback is vital in this stage

Keep it coming

I would like to be able to do asymmetric LP deposits eventually.

Yeah..... indeed a soft launch. But $LEO's projectile motion is getting harder and harder and might turn parabolic.

I didn't hear. Did your guys get xDefi wallet done today?

Lets hope Maya team can deliver today so you can keep building!


today is my 7 Years #Hive birthday

Let's have some #partytime with a #beer and celebrate this #newsonleo

You're definitely a Hive vet! Congrats on making it this far in one piece 😁 #freecompliments

Many thanks and a !BEER for you.

Hey @freecompliments, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

wow let's have some wine, let's celebrate 🥂 you.

Change the theme to light theme after clicking the top right... else you can't see shit when creating your keystore! it like that?

I have not got into that details.....I will check it again.

what? dark mode works fine, so does light mode.

You can join Maya Protocol's Discord and find LeoDex here!

I learned it thanks to @l337m45732

#inleo #maya #leodex

join the tribe

I am curious about now. Let's go.

I have to say that I'm a little bit lost so far. 👀

even the wiseagent is lost! what about us mere mortals?! 🤣

LOL! 🤣

I had better knowledge about the old version of LeoDex. This new one is different (as I expected) and I will need more time to learn how to use it.

Help is on the way. I am making a post to take you through now. :)

I appreciate that.

#splinterlands change to EOS rewards after maintenance. link to blog in comments

@taskmaster4450le - was just announced five minutes ago lol:

"The Orioles will reportedly call up @MLBPipeline's No. 1 overall prospect Jackson Holliday, per multiple reports including's @Feinsand"

#sports #newsonleo

do I want to step into the deeper water of leodex? And for what?

it’s a new on / off ramp for Hive and Leo. That is important but no need to spend a ton of time.


LeoDex will bring many facilities, but as far as I remember, the usability was very easy.

I am not sure for what. I want $1 $LEO :)

happy Eid!

Enjoy the feast.

I need people to leave me alone at work.

I’m trying to listen to the AMA.

#ama is done :P

replay I should say.

#ama replay it is :) I managed to listen the show live today and that's the reason i am being nosy

nice. It’s getting me excited.

will you join the maya protocol pool on $LEO?

Leo > A Job

Leo itself is a job...or a business.

I think it is potentially the latter.

It all depends upon someone's mindset.

Agree! It's more on business. I think some people do Leo as full time :)

Content creation is can be a profitable endeavor. However, it is only a small few who can make the income off it as shown by YT and such. That said, we also have the equity position tied to Leo (and web 3.0 in general). Here is where we see a drastic change where income is only part of the equation.

We will never see Elon, Zuck, or Google give equity to content creators on their platforms. That will be their undoing.

The only downside is the earnings depend on the upvote and the views doesn't matter afaik. So no matter how your content became viral in and outside the platform, you won't earn unless upvoted it.

The main difference (and one thing) that I love on InLeo and Hive itself is the monetization. It's less hassle and easier compared to Web2 platforms. Just write, creaate content, and get some $$$ from it.

i have a feeling we might see some mayans making their way over here soon

we are live on Maya Discord

This is why we need to keep loading the platform up.

Can't have all these people coming over from Maya and the platform be dead.

yeah we really need to kick these shit tags out of the trending spot...

Yep. People still tag stuff that makes no sense.

With the recent release of Hive Keychain Volume 2, I was able to swap 1 HBD to $LEO and I got 6.6 tokens immediately. This is a new update from Hive keychain as the swap feature is very easy and fast. You don't have to go through converting HBD to Hive, then to swap.hive before finally swapping to Leo.

Great resource for us quickly and simply.

It makes the process easier, there's just 0.75% fee if I am not mistaken. But it pays for the convenience, perhaps? Does conversion rates same to the market value?

I think it's good at that rate. I guess it's same with tribaldex if I am not wrong.

Just did a @HiveKeyChain #swap from $HBD to $LEO because I wanted to be like the cool 🕶️ 🦁 LIONS #crypto

I just calculated, there is a difference of $0.003 slippage. But that's okay I think.

No biggie. I could live with that @milaan's quite marginal.....

How was the experience.....was there any slippage...??

No one hive worries about fees or slippage.
even if slippage exists. I don't think the average Hive user cares, we just want to swap.


Easier rather than doing it in Peakd where you have to wait 3 days.

this just made the lion's life easier 🦁



You know when you look at other veterans' accounts and they all keep hitting the “K” like it’s nothing and you keep wondering when you’d also hit yours and now you finally did and it feels surreal.
#threadstorm #outreach



Hitting 2k HP feels like a dream come true and a testament that anything is achievable as long as you set your mind to do it.



Read more to discover my journey on hitting 2k HP

My first business was run on timidity and compromise, resulting in debts from credit sales which folded the business as early as it begun.

#outreach #threadstorm


I learned my lesson, people love the product but prefer to have it for free or at a minimal cost. I understood I had to stand my ground and remove sentiment from businesses. Credit sales ruin businesses


This guy has not had a healthy season as a Red Sox yet:

Trevor Story will have shoulder surgery Friday. The timeline for return is roughly six months.

#sports #newsonleo

Bad signing. He was another Coors guy.

Remember how quickly Tulo went downhill.

So true @taskmaster4450le man Tulowitzki was a wonderful player until he wasn’t. A team who signs a Rockie to big contract is Nuts.

Not many have worked out well.

Larry Walker and Matt Holliday were two exceptions.

Walker and Holliday could play anywhere those were two horses and Holliday’s kid may turn out better than him 😮 @taskmaster4450le

That is true. They were studs.

I am not familiar with his kid. What level is he at?

#1 MLB Prospect. Already making 8 million dollars. He’s in triple A but will be up soon. Shortstop for the Orioles who have a plethora of studs @taskmaster4450le

An addiction that pays....What is that for you??


Threads addiction and crypto trading.

Good Addiction

Crypto and Music for sure .!

Hmmm...nice addiction.

now that LeoDex is live, time for some tutorials

That is a very smart idea.

guess it's a good excuse to make some 3spk videos

You going to show some feet?

Time to spread the word to Dbuzz, Torum and Twitter 😀

Thanks for the guides @cryptothesis @melbourneswest


Awesome! Let's go 😉

I just noticed is up. Is there a tutorial how to use this? What is keystore?

#askonleo #inleo

keystore is a wallet. i'll have tutorials up soon.

Thanks. I was trying to use the Metamask option since I have it already.

metamask is the worst option for this stuff, honestly. i recommend getting familiar with XDEFI as it will be our next wallet addition. you can even import your metamask wallet

A tutorial would be very nice.

🧵 1. Toncoin (TON) surpasses Cardano as it hits an all-time high price of $7.06, becoming the 10th most valuable cryptocurrency globally, with a market cap over $23 billion. #crypto

🧵 2. Originally associated with Telegram, The Open Network has seen a resurgence, leading to its recent surge in value and market ranking, fueled by new developments and partnerships.

🧵 3. TON's rise includes the launch of a TON wallet for Telegram users, revenue-sharing incentives, and partnerships like with HumanCode, showcasing the network's push for adoption and growth.

🧵 4. Exciting developments on the TON chain such as the upcoming launch of Notcoin's NOT token and a $115 million rewards program signal a dynamic period for The Open Network and its community.

100% of the affiliate fees earned from #leodex will buy $LEO and $cacao

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#aprilinleo Day 10! Let's lighten the mood! Let out the foodie in you and show us your favorite recipe or restaurant. What is your relationship with food?

Always remember checking the rules of the community you chose to post on before doing so.

I felt famish to drop my yesterday's prompt. The topic was an exciting one, at the same time it is an issue that occurred in my community here is the link:

Take a deep look in a foodie's lifestyle... Welcome to my world.

The importance of food cannot be overemphasized, your favourite might not be the same as mine.

My entry for today;

Finally got to write a prompt for one of the days ; ;. I missed February and march. Below is my post for this initiative. Thank you!

Hello everyone. Here is my entry to today's prompt

experienced two but still prefer my Nigerian dishes, hehe

How coding feels sometimes

And its always fun to inherit a project and you realize that all code is just spaghetti code and doesnt make any sense 😅🤟

Tons of spaghetti and no comments.
This is one of the big things AI will help with.
Its code is cleaner and has comments.

haha hahaha , they have left him

Lol literally Spaghetti code. 😅

@simplegame! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @logen9f. (1/20)

I am not from tech background....I want to make you my GURU.....if I am am to learn the basics from where should I start Sir?


Okay Sir.

Honestly. Google and YouTube. Start there

sure sir, thanks a lot.

The LeoDex is alive and kickin #newsonleo #crypto #inleo

been a wild ride to get here

Long live to LeoDex.

Waiting on ARB to be activated on Maya is kind of like the New Year's Countdown. Except we don't know the exact time.

Arbitrum $GMX has been staged on Maya

Arbitrum $USDT is staged on Maya

Arbitrum $GNS is staged

Arbitrum $UNI is staged

Arbitrum $PEPE is staged

Arbitrum $LINK has been staged

ARB has been staged.

Arbitrum $WSTETH has been staged on Maya

Arbitrum WBTC has been staged on Maya

Arbitrum DAI has been added to Maya.

ARB $USDC has been added to Maya

Now TGT.ARB has been added to Maya

GLD, another ARB token, has popped up on Maya.

They're seeding ARB.SUSHI now. I think I might just go to bed. I'm sleepy and this is taking forever.

Now Arbitrum ETH has overtaken the PEPE pool on Maya.

They have added a chunk of ARB.ETH to the pool. It has overtaken the liquidity of the KUJI pool.

Gotta keep the eyes peeled, lol!

Soon.... I am sure :-)

This is what those who refused to buy BTC when they could will look like when another all-time high hits.
#btc #bitcoin #crypto

Any thoughts about Mike Novogratz? Is he good or bad for Crypto?

#inleo #polls #crypto #askonleo

Crypto is a wepon for them. Thus, he is good in good days, bad in the dark 😉

Interesting. I have posted a few times about Galaxy Digital Holdings and still cannot figure out if he "sucks" and is taking advantage of his name and access to capital markets or if he is good. Time will tell!

I think Arbitrum is up on Maya. See Tweet.

Here is the update announcing ARB.ETH

sooo close to LEO

No! It's down.

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