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I still think targeted ads for X would do our chain a great deal. I linked $SOL Solanas X ad below. We are so much better than them yet we are not spending a dime on marketing or do it at the wrong places.

nah, these ads makes crypto projects look scammy asf

Much Better without it.

That is your opinion, my opinion is that we actually provide what Solana claims to do. And that we finally should market on all ends. That ad has 1.1 million views....

So many blockchains and web3 projects know how to market. Hive does nothing that is effective from what I see.


Market going Red 🤪

except some memecoins... but of course not the ones I hold... those are going to 0...

There will be blood. 🩸

i am just running out of bullets. But gonna be adding some tokens at these prices.

Can we tell them turn around and come back up? lol !BBH

@solymi! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (9/50)


Happy $HIVE Power Up Day

I earned my Power Bee today, did you?

Liquid Eye made this, no #ai!

#hpud #powerup #animation


loved seeing this in my feed. ❤️

just found it by accident and as a photographer with mushroom experience it made me smile a lot 🍄‍🟫 😁🍄👍🏽

and now I’m having a portabella mushroom sandwich - I walked by the shop and it called to me. Wonder if this somehow influenced it


M👁’s Delicious M👁️ments

I had a nice and cool vanilla curd with fresh berries, honey and cinnamon on this hot day here in Berlin

#strawberry #blueberry #berries
#food #foodies #photography #mdm

there’s should be a “yum” topping token for food like this. I think !pizza is close enough

i like the idea of a topping token 👍🏽

This looks delicious.

It was! The iced coffee i made with it also 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

Enjoy the #BeerSaturday week 356

is calling everyone to join.

We have now 50 $LEO

in the price pool plus 14 $HIVE 16 BEER and 500 Evency

Join us 👇's a lucrative campaign in Hive ecosystem......I might need to explore BEER to make ti special and unique for this campaign.

if you use !BEER the bot will deliver a bit to you

Thank you.

Hey @milaan, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Yeah 💪🏼🥳👍🏼 I crossed 10K replies!

Good job, @moretea

Keep crushing it!

thx 💪🏽😎👍🏽

Let's continue improving that goal!

Often I get comments from people telling me to stop being so political on the timeline, or to keep politics out of crypto, etc.

These people just prefer to live with their head up their ass.

Unlike most of the new-age cryptocurrency users who are only here to try and get rich quick, it was the political nature of cryptocurrency that got me interested to begin with.

There is nobody who can take the other sides opinions anymore, discussion is dead, but we should all be talking more. And while we can be of different opinions we are united in freedom on chain.

and here I thought threads was young enough to just post what you like…

this was more a post about X

oh, that make more sense…

You go! Part of the problem we have developed is that we don't talk politics enough, and people have forgotten how to talk politics but remain civil.

Don't stop exercising your right to express what you think.

#polls #proudmary Who Was the First to Record Proud Mary?

Sure John Fogerty from the only famous CCR. A decade after Elvis death.

Wild swings today
Gotta love it

Not much of a TV guy, but I’ve been watching a load of cooking shows lately

What’s your favorite so far. I like watching the some griddle and grill YouTubers.

Never been a big fan of the other Andrew Zimmern shows, but Wild Game Kitchen is damn good. Hairy Bikers also pretty solid. I’ve been just watching the free channels that come with Prime Video.

I personally don't watch television anymore.

Market is looking to gain a footing.

Wednesday is usually a trend-reversal day.

Let’s see if it holds

Lately I prefer not to think and just go with the flow.

#hivepower #hpud #hispanichpud
This is my 5th HPUD this year, my goal is to keep my account growing.
I like to do it through PUDs because I get power-bee badges and it also give me the opportunity to be chosen by sponsors who make important HP delegations. Don't miss your chance! Do it! #hivelearners #leofinance

Fantastic Continues to Grow 👏

Thanks my dear 🥰🤗

Excellent dear Mayra, happy evening 😘🌹🌷

Gracias mi querida amiga🥰💐💐🤗

Que bien amiga me alegro mucho que dua a dua frescas y te reafirmen en Hive 😘

Muchas gracias mi querida amiga🌻💐🥰🤗


Muchas gracias amigo🌻🤗

poco a poco se logran grandes cosas...muy bien

Muchas gracias querida💐🌻🥰🤗


Okay, now is the time to buy $HIVE using $LEO

I thought about doing this, but I'm trying to grow on both sides.

You can always go from one side to another :)

$LEO looks solid.

It is holding off well.

It's a great chance to make some bold moves.

I am literally staring at my keyboard. give me prompts for threads :)


The phone/tablet inLeo UI does not show Hive and HBD wallet. Is it a glitch or I do not know a workaround? I do not see my $HBD holdings.

no need to bother, relax, you got no holdings anymore, i hacked you … 😎

Ha ha okay, fine. Now, I do not need to keep checking the wallet anymore.

These are not the funds your looking for … 👋🏽

Gud look'n out. Respond to bugs with much bigger BUGs, so dat da bug is not seen as problem anymoar along with fun and entertainment fer da win win. !BBH

@moretea! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (8/50)

Yeah, I wanted to mention that once but forgot. I don't think it's just you.

Okay. Khal replied. I knew there was a workaround to this.

We are still working on the wallet UI, when other updates happen we'll also make it available on mobile (you can also edit the URL to hack around this and see it anyways)

I knew there was a workaround. Also, I noted that I could see the wallets when I use my iPad on a landscape mode :)

I hope the three timeline is active and thriving as always :) #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

The first thread I sent and noticed my #premium ended. Will have to go scourge for those $HBD dollars :P #motivation

Go #premium soon. Have a productive day.

productive and I do not live together, lately :P I am productive with so many others things in life right now but not threads :)

You are very productive on threads, either. Good to see you threading.

Go back to premium ASAP.

yes ser


Is #discord the only place to ask what happened to my $bHBD conversion?

Diving into the “FY” page to browse the threads that are curated for me #features

Is it possible to use #ipad and get rid of laptops. I am trying but I am using a keyboard. An experiment to decide if I really want a new MacBook. #tech

Who else is happy to see $HIVE outperform $BTC despite having a day of red?

I want to see a future where we can decouple from BTC!

#crypto #newsonleo

Yeah those who daily sell Hive might consider this prices are like shooting their own foot 😅

Off playing a frog battle card game. Frog card market being tested. Ready fer moar frens soon. #pepe #pepegame


The tags do not bring up the threads. Here is one for documentary. It doesnt load...tried in both Opera and Brave on desktop.

Scratch my other comment, I was able to reproduce. Something localized to this particular tag

Can you try it on labs and if it's broken there submit for feedback?

Inleo may have an outdated version

Don't forget, hivers: It's HIVE POWER UP DAY!

I liked the video option let me try in thread

Have to use the embed in premium. Requires the longer thread capability.

Wait, talc powder which we use on babies causes cancer?

Evidently. That came out a few years ago.

Female ovarian cancer is the risk

I can't wait until there is a cure for Cancer/diabetes! I want to be free from daily insulin injections soon. Although the news shared is not encouraging, I have faith that soon we will have scientists discovering cures for various diseases

Way to admit guilt in the case!

Hmm feels like they are going to miss out if they have to wait for so many years.

They do have a $4 billion investment in Anthropic so they are not totally on the sidelines.

amazon should walk with the technology

Powell have the same script since the last year.

Literally on every #fomc he's saying The same thing over again.


Hardly matters these days....

I'm curious to know what progress has been made with this as it's been a while now (+ videos not showing in longer Threads). It's also key for many Premium users.

Invariably, the regret resulting from inactivity is always more excruciating than the one resulting from action. Now is the time to take that risk and commit to doing that thing that gives you the creeps.


premium and leo dex earnings get added to one of the leo LPs forever!!

That is powerful.

That is so powerful. I wish Hive people see the opportunity and use #leodex more.

Indeed. Pheal da POWer! !BBH

@dkid14! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (12/50)

Don't compare your month 2 on HIVE to someone else's Year 5!!

I always used to think of my family as being in the middle class. Now I just think the middle class is actually poor. #freecompliments #aliveandthriving

Similar situation in Brazil.

am just surprised to see things go this direction

A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought—they must be earned.

  • Naval Ravikant

#freecompliments #quotesonleo

The next electricity bill will be interesting as we have exported a lot more from our solar than we took from the grid (to charge the car on cheap rate).

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