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RE: Bitcoin as a savings account.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I know how it feels to start your life having nothing and I won't let them go through the same shit I did...

I'm currently working at different jobs to give my daughter a future and to meet the needs of my family and at the moment I can not invest but I share your choice and if I had some money to invest I would put it all in crypto in particular in BTC.
Reading your post that I really enjoyed I can only say that your nephews are lucky to have an uncle like you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks you! As long as you stick around you'll witness your Hive account grow exponentially. You can use your HBD from time to time and buy other coins. That's the great thing about Hive. You can have your pie and eat it too ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta