What is your best investment at the moment?

in LeoFinance5 months ago

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Welcome to another Liotes Mission. Today our question to you is as follows:

What is your best investment at the moment?
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My best investment at the moment is IRBR3 a reinsurer in my country

Reinsurance can provide nice returns and often they have a very offensive dividend policy. Thanks for sharing.

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I truly don't know. I provided an initial stake to my father and he handles the investments for me. 😁

If there is a specialist in the family, it's good to let them be in charge :-)

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I don't know that I can give a good answer to this question. It depends on if you base the investment on value based on a certain standard (as in value based in the US$) or value as increase in your holdings. I don't worry about value based on a standard right now because I am not pulling anything out of my investments and those values fluctuate. And since I reinvest all of my earnings, I base the value of the investment on how fast my holdings are increasing. I like to invest in "investment" tokens on Hive that passively generate more tokens (either more of the same token and/or other tokens) such as DHEDGE, BRO, INDEX, etc. and miner tokens like LENM, ALIVEM, CTPSB, and the like as well as delegating to several accounts that provide nice returns on these delegations. With these passive investments, I don't have to spend a lot of time creating content or curating and have time for other interests. I also invest in a few of the Hive NFT based games and continue to grow those holdings by reinvesting my earnings, as well.

Tokens that provide a return are a real good way to generate passive income. Without needing to create content, you manage to accumulate tokens organically.

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My best investment rightnow is the BigTime Game. It is currently 10x on my initial investment. The 10X doesn't include the leaderboard 1 and 2 payouts from playing the game and ranking in the top 300 each round.

Speculation vs investment are fuzzy depending on timeline and trust. I still think anything related to crypto has a bit of speculation involved.

@achim03 The white paper on Arcade colony is out and it will require you to have a minimum of 100 GLUSD in the LP to get the fork. https://peakd.com/arcadecolony/@arcadecolony/arcade-colony-white-paper

That's for the heads up regarding GLUSD, I just added some more to the LP to put the total above 100. It would be a pitty to miss the fork :-)

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Mines would be index funds. The stock market has proven to be quite resilient and it tends to go up over time.

Index funds are a very nice way for investing. There is good diversifcation at low cost.

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My MicroStrategy stock is doing quite well, thinking to buy some more.

They have a lot of BTC, don't they?

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Outside of Hive/crypto, I invest in a world wide etf, IWDA

In terms of Hive, I focus mainly on Hive Power at the moment.

I think that ETF's are among the best investment vehicles. They provide diversification at a very low cost.

Completely agree!
Learned it the hard way though, when I started investing, I went for stock picking but ended up with etf's. I'll rather slowly climb without having too put in much effort compared to analyze companies and still having the risk of missing certain information..

Exactly and when you buy and sell stock it's often not really free of charges. I've been using nft's for many years now and I just leave them in the depot without interacting and wait for the dividends :-)

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Outside hive, it's $RNDR... Ai and GPU based coin that's been doing good since quite a long time now.

I have heard about it but I need to do some research :-). Thanks for sharing!

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For me, Liotes, Income token, pure Hive Power and some Brazilian stocks, I don't really like taking risks 😂.

I always prefer income over risk ;-)

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Outside of crypto, I have some one-year bonds in my bank at 4% APR, in crypto, no doubt my HBD savings at 20% APR.

HBD offers definitely a very nice return!

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My best investment, on the financial side, is in an indexed fund. After several years of losses, he is recovering well.

But to be honest, when I have thought about my best investment now it is the one I am doing in myself. I dedicate myself to doing what I like and that is invaluable to me. 😊

Investing in ourselves is by far the best thing to do. What you know, nobody can take it away from you :-)

I can’t agree more! ❤️🤗

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Thank you!! 🙏🤗

My purchase of Apple shares are doing really well. :)

These are some nice shares to own :-)

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It would almost definitely be the S&P500 ETFs. My stock picking is a hit and miss and the monthly DCA into ETFs have been the most reliable.

I gave up on stock picking 15 years ago and since then I only invest into ETF's. It's diversified and less expensive in terms of courtage and depot fees.

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I have some "safe" dividend stocks in a retirement account from years ago. Other than that, most of my money disappears into my wife's hands 😅

Haha, a wife can be quite a bad investment 🤣

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I invest in gold for those outside the hive ecosystem.
While those in the hive ecosystem are my splinterlands and hive power.

Gold is always a great vehicule to keep our purchasing power!

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Here on #Hive, I would say the #AWESOME token has been my single best investment... and I also really like the income tokens I've accumulated-- EDS, BRO, LGN, DHEDGE, etc.-- and the delegation and LP pool rewards I've set up.

The #Liotes tokens have been great too, don't get me wrong! 😀

!LOL !PIZZA !hiqvote

The Awesome is a very nice construct that tends to increase in value over time.

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

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My best investment outside of HIVE and cryptocurrencies is in agriculture on land I own.


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I always like the concept of investing into the ground that feeds us :-)

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I take all crypto stuffs including HIVE as speculations, due to volatility

so my real investment are apartments and small houses. even right now the capital gain stop growing, some even drops... and its not liquid due to post pandemic economy, the rent is still good.

Renting out real estate is probably one of the best investment options if enough capital is around.

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My best investment so far:

  • A P2P Lender application that has a bank that I've used as a backup
    Reason: Profit all along with tax payment is managed by them too. I just need to do a tax yearly report only. They also have insurance for the people who don't manage to pay back the lending.
  • Hive Power
    Reason: With the bullish and bearish over more than 2 years, It's still helping me with a sum amount of HP that I've tried to increase bit by bit.
  • Liotes Miner
    Reason: One of the tokens I hold that's so stable (stay at 5 SWAP.HIVE) after a long time with a good amount of return and good APR until now. Other tokens are more likely to increase and decrease with time.

Keep up the good work Liotes!


I'm happy to see that you consider LENM as one of the better investments :-)

So far, no token can compete with the result of LENM until now. Some of them can compete because of FOMO or new tokens and then they are walking below LENM in progress. I hope it'll stay like that and even better 👍.

We do our best ton continue with the same slow and steady approach :-)

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

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@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ cursephantom. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

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For me, within the crypto space, I think my best investment was ETH. I bought during 2019-2020 with an average cost of about 400 USD per ETH, but I sold it when it was 1700 USD. That's about 4x within a few years.

That's a very juicy profit there :-)

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As the saying goes, "the best investment on earth is land."

I agree with that :-)

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We have some investments in Dividend Stocks and real estate. Their returns aren't life-changing yet but good enough.

Dividend stocks are my favourite ones. I like Dividend ETF's :-)

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Thank you :)

Well, outside of the hive I don't have many investments (stocks, real estate funds and things like that), but I can say that I have the following points:

  • Sometimes I dedicate my time to a crypto game called Rollercoin.

  • I leave some Hive and sometimes I exchange it for other coins and leave it on Binance's flexible stake.

  • I have a piggy bank in my digital bank (pic pay) (imagine those little ceramic pigs) where I started leaving my local money (real in this case BRL) so it yields 102% of the CDI on weekdays, it's not much, but it's already money that I can spend here.

Now within the hive, I'm starting to focus on putting more HBD into savings, there's really no way around the 20% APR and other tokens like LEN, LEO, BRO and LGN.

I've seen a lot of adds of this Rollercoin game. Seems that it offers a nice return :-)

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Apart from my involvement in Hive, I hold investments in several prominent blue-chip stocks within the US market. They are more of a long term kind of investments which I would periodically put in some money when they I am less tight on cashflow! 😅

It's a good strategy to build our portfolio over time and let it grow...

Yeah gotta be patient and discipline to let it grow! 💪

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Well i have been having good returns in some LPs. I have been investing a long time in LPs from the proton network the LP metal:xmd(their stable coin) was getting >50% of apr now it is around 25% which is still good… now im trying another more risky one there xpr:storex but with better apr. lets see how it goes. In hive cent token lps are very attractive and they are getting some return for me as well :)

LPS can provide a very nice long term return. I use them on several blockchains.

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Outside of crypto, I have invested only in stocks like S&P 500, TESLA, and AMD. I'm impressed by what Tesla did with the Cybertruck.

It's definitely an interesting product that Tesla brought on the market...

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My best investment is outside Hive is an forex investment linked fixed deposit account.

I'm not so familiar with forex investments. As long as it's profitable, I guess it's good ;-)

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They all suck right now. lol. I mean, obviously BTC is the best although I don't have nearly enough. Other than that, if you were going to take everything away from me and leave only one.....I'd probably have to say $LEO would be the one I'd keep. I think there's just too much going in the right direction for that not to succeed.

They all suck right now. lol

I know what you mean lol

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The best investment outside of Hive for me is gold.

Always good to have gold to keep the value of our wealth...

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Post voted 100% for the hiro.guita project. Keep up the good work.

New manual curation account for Leofinance and Cent

Thanks for the curation!

@thatcryptodave, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

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thatcryptodave tipped liotes
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 5 months ago  Reveal Comment